The "mansion" at Clear Lake was a weekend place. West's home was on River Oaks Blvd, later the home of Bob & Liz Lanier.
Also a huge portion of what became NASA and Clear Lake was owned by Friendswood Development (Exxon). Unfortunately for the residents of Clear Lake, Exxon would never guarantee the water bonds, which meant the City of Houston HAD to annex that area since the water district was broke and had been for ten plus years. (see also Kingwood)
As far as William Marsh Rice's will and integrating of Rice, NASA was coming to Harris County as long as Mr Sam was drawing a breath. (Yes, the same Mr Sam who shoved the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 & 1960) As opposed to "surface reading", try looking at the contracts let for the building of those facilities, then tell me that William Marsh Rice, his will, or Baker Botts had anything to do with that.
I trust you will be fascinated enough by your findings, that they leave you smart enough to never openly discuss them.