Band and Cheer Stuff

I work for BNSF as a locomotive engineer here in San Antonio. You would be surprised to know a lot of my fellow engineers are UT alums. Even though our job only requires a high school diploma, many have college degrees.
Gonna name drop. You might enjoy this story.

I had a problem here (Miramar, CA) because the BNSF had acquired the local line hauler (forgot the name) and cars we being mishandled, returned full, you name it. Was getting no answers so I decided to try and go to the top. I got to the executive office and had a message passed to Katie Farmer, the CEO I think. Within 24 hours I was hearing from virtually every level of the BNSF and the issue was resolved very quickly.

Of course, the logistics folks in my company were pissed, and told my boss that what I had done was out of line. (Been there. Heard that.)

Moral of the story. Do it yourself and deal with the consequences later. Anyway, I was impressed...

Unfortunately, I do not think it is over. Hartzell has said the band does not have to play the song and no student has to participate that does not want to do so. I am guessing that before and after the Louisiana game, when most of the band refuses to play, the football team runs off and the cheer team refuses to lead the song, this all starts over again. It seems like we are back to square one and this will continue yet again.

The solution was: if you want to be in band or cheer you have to play/sing the song. If you want to be on the football team, you at least have to stand on the field. Nearly every school has the team stand in front of the student section/band for the school song, even UTSA. Only at UT does our non-racist song have a controversy and a 100+ page report.
He talks about the athletes not being forced to sing (they never were). I don't catch the part where he says the band doesn't have (actually get) to play the school song before and after the game.

That's what the Longhorn Band is for: to play The Eyes, Texas Fight, March Grandioso, Yellow Rose, Wabash Cannonball, and some drum beats. If you don't want to play those songs, then you have no business being in the band. Go find a different band and school, or find something else to do on Saturdays in the Fall.
Thanks Htown77. I read the report and the ensuing statements from Hartzell and Delconte and could not find the requirement to band members to play the EOT or athletes to stand for the EOT after the games. Too bad the feckless administrators were not forthcoming in their statements.
From what I read, the football players and band members are brave social warriors and should be respected for their total lack of intellectual curiosity and total wrong views of the EOT.
On the other hand, longtime alumni and donors are wicked evil people for speaking their minds and are not worthy. Got it.
In order for this to go away, the band MUST play The Eyes and the players MUST at least stand together with the horns raised. Otherwise WILL come back.
The new coach has said the players will sing The Eyes. I don't take him for a liar.

“I know this much,” said Sarkisian, the architect of the offense that on Monday led Alabama to its sixth national championship in 12 seasons. “‘The Eyes of Texas’ is our school song. We’re going to sing that song. We’re going to sing that proudly.”
He added in Tuesday’s remarks that there might be conversations with players, but said, “That’s our song, and we’re fired up to sing it.”
I have 4 degrees, are they hiring??? would they let me take my St. Bernards along???
They are always hiring for jobs that require a degree. Unfortunately, they aren't hiring any conductors since we still have over 2,000 furloughed. You have to hire out as a conductor to become an engineer. It's considered a "promotion" even though the conductor makes slightly more than an engineer.
Gonna name drop. You might enjoy this story.

I had a problem here (Miramar, CA) because the BNSF had acquired the local line hauler (forgot the name) and cars we being mishandled, returned full, you name it. Was getting no answers so I decided to try and go to the top. I got to the executive office and had a message passed to Katie Farmer, the CEO I think. Within 24 hours I was hearing from virtually every level of the BNSF and the issue was resolved very quickly.

Of course, the logistics folks in my company were pissed, and told my boss that what I had done was out of line. (Been there. Heard that.)

Moral of the story. Do it yourself and deal with the consequences later. Anyway, I was impressed...
She is the CEO, took over in January. Glad to hear that everything worked out. I would never work in California since I basically make the same amount of money as though who work out there but my money goes a lot further here in Texas.
Gonna name drop. You might enjoy this story.

I had a problem here (Miramar, CA) because the BNSF had acquired the local line hauler (forgot the name) and cars we being mishandled, returned full, you name it. Was getting no answers so I decided to try and go to the top. I got to the executive office and had a message passed to Katie Farmer, the CEO I think. Within 24 hours I was hearing from virtually every level of the BNSF and the issue was resolved very quickly.

Of course, the logistics folks in my company were pissed, and told my boss that what I had done was out of line. (Been there. Heard that.)

Moral of the story. Do it yourself and deal with the consequences later. Anyway, I was impressed...
Dukesteer- i know Katie and she is good people! Very awesome that she is the first female to lead a Major Railroad even if she is a TCU grad.
This is all so sad. My take is that the song needs to be played by the band or jumbotron. The players should at least stand for the song over by the student body/band (but don't have to sing or put up their horns). Then any fans that want to can sing along. Would that be a compromise that should get everyone through? I wish the band would play and the players would stand on the field and sing along (do they know the words?), but if they're not going to make anybody do anything.... once again, is this what the BMD's fired Herman over? Wonder what Sark will sound like on opening day.... "I know I said the Eyes was non-negotiable but, you know, we just can't infringe on the civil liberties of anyone, even though they're wrong/misguided/idiotic".
This is all so sad. My take is that the song needs to be played by the band or jumbotron. The players should at least stand for the song over by the student body/band (but don't have to sing or put up their horns). Then any fans that want to can sing along. Would that be a compromise that should get everyone through? I wish the band would play and the players would stand on the field and sing along (do they know the words?), but if they're not going to make anybody do anything.... once again, is this what the BMD's fired Herman over? Wonder what Sark will sound like on opening day.... "I know I said the Eyes was non-negotiable but, you know, we just can't infringe on the civil liberties of anyone, even though they're wrong/misguided/idiotic".

The song is not racist. The committee has agreed with this. The entire university was founded and built by confederates who were probably racist and were absolutely segregationists. Either cancel the whole university or sit down.

If the players can't even stand there with the horns raised to honor the fans and the school they play for, whose entire history is baked in racism, then I don't know what to say. None of it makes any sense.
I don’t believe Sark is a liar.

He has already spoken unequivocally on this topic.
I'm not calling him a liar, just saying that this non-factual politically charged issue may make Sark make his first politically induced statement changing "the team's" instruction regarding the song. I am not against Sark at all. Just saying this thing is its own animal.
I'm not calling him a liar, just saying that this non-factual politically charged issue may make Sark make his first politically induced statement changing "the team's" instruction regarding the song. I am not against Sark at all. Just saying this thing is its own animal.

But if he were to crawfish on this, that would make him a liar. I don’t think he is.

But if he were to crawfish on this, that would make him a liar. I don’t think he is.
Like, if Sark worked for a company in the PR department, and let it slip that he thought "all lives matter", and um, then there was a closed door meeting, and Sark came out and said "my final act as public relations director is to say that, in no way does my statement reflect the heart/feelings/soul of company x and thank you for the generous severance check".
Not one player on this team is at Texas because that was the only offer received. Every one of them had multiple offers. Honor & participate in your schools traditions or go to a school whose traditions you can support or a school with NO traditions - say KU.

Wait! What happens when the little darlings find out that KU bragged for years about one of its Fraternities having the world's largest Confederate Flag? (No, it was not KA)