2022 House and Senate election

GOP lead is now down to 900 votes in the NV senate race. Clark county may be done by now though.

A little over 27,000 were counted and all from Clark County. It went 63% (D) to 33% (R) in that drop.

Supposedly there are a lot of rural areas to go.
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Hell, I remember going to bed on election night in '16 assuming Hillary won. I woke up the next morning, checked my phone, turned to Mrs. Deez, and said, "you're not gonna believe this, but Biff from Back to the Future just won the election." We knew the result the next morning from Germany - 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and 9 hours ahead of the West Coast.

I think you may be mistaken deez. When Trump was declared the winner for Florida and Ohio before 10pm our time it was clear he was going to win. Things were close until then iirc but I honestly don't recall Hilary ever looking like she was going to win. I could be wrong
I think you may be mistaken deez. When Trump was declared the winner for Florida and Ohio before 10pm our time it was clear he was going to win. Things were close until then iirc but I honestly don't recall Hilary ever looking like she was going to win. I could be wrong
There was a period where MI, PA, WI, AZ wasn’t called.
True but I don't recall Hilary being close to sewing those up. I could be wrong. All I remember was me being in shock from 8:30 on and watching msnbc meltdown as time went on from about 9:30
There was some disbelief that Trump was actually going to win the blue wall and simultaneously the dread of Clinton losing to Trump.
A little over 27,000 were counted and all from Clark County. It went 63% (D) to 33% (R) in that drop.

Supposedly there are a lot of rural areas to go.
Now down to 800 votes, but I think what is left are the true random late votes and/or provisional votes and what not. The coverage on this is horrible. I am inferring based on bits of information. Note Nevada’s plan was always to finish the count by Friday night. I presume the contested ballots could take longer, but again those are almost random by definition and should be 50/50.
Now down to 800 votes, but I think what is left are the true random late votes and/or provisional votes and what not. The coverage on this is horrible. I am inferring based on bits of information. Note Nevada’s plan was always to finish the count by Friday night. I presume the contested ballots could take longer, but again those are almost random by definition and should be 50/50.
Based on what I read, possibly only “uncured” mail-in ballots remain. The election board has until Monday to cure the ballots, so the race likely won’t be called until Monday evening.
For those who believe elections are fair here in America do things like what we're seeing here make you doubt that? I mean, can you give a logical reason to what we're seeing?
GOP lead in the senate race in NV now down to 800 votes after ballot dump from Reno. In terms of percentage of votes counted, the rural counties are now lower than Las Vegas and Reno.

Based on my understanding, the only votes left to be counted are the ballots that come in the mail tomorrow (last day allowed if stamped by Election Day) and uncured ballots (which have an end date of Monday).
So what are conservatives going to do about it? 2020 happened. Republicans did nothing about except for DeSantis. Republicans can win elections but purposefully lose while in office. So what is the point?
Democracies dead. Now what conservatives? Ready to get serious or still concerned with being respectable?

Or maybe not being respectable was part of the problem. Keep in mind that there was a red wave. It just didn't happen everywhere. Where we did well (overperformed), it was largely with respectable candidates. Where we did poorly (underperformed) was largely with self-promoters (or hand puppets of self-promoters) and clowns and weirdos with major liabilities.

And before everybody jumps on the "RINO" freakout diversion, respectable doesn't necessarily have to mean not conservative or forfeiture on cultural issues. Desantis and Kemp won big. Zeldin lost but did extremely well (and having him at the top of the ticket likely flipped 4 congressional seats in New York to the GOP). Same was true of Abbott but to a lesser extent.

How are they different from the people who underperformed? Well, they ran on real agendas that fostered confidence that they'd deliver responsible governance on issues people cared about. They also didn't have unforced major political liabilities (like being a blatant carpetbagger, being a January 6 protester, being a wild flip-flopper, saying idiotic things, or being a sawed-off Wilt Chamberlain with a bunch of illegitimate children and might pay for abortions and beat his women). They were respectable adults who at least appeared to prioritize issues the public cared about.

Instead of just cynically deteriorating into weirdness and alienation, maybe we should look at where we did well and emulate that more broadly. That means a lot more Ron Desantis, Lee Zeldin, Glen Younkin, and Brian Kemp and a lot less Doug Mastriano, Lauren Boebert, Blake Masters, and Don Boulduc.
A lot of good and upcoming guys who are not weirdos or MAGA lost in the House races. Many of McCarthy's candidates in the House bombed. Yes, there were weak candidates here and there but we have those in every election cycle.

The Murdock and MSM media are trying to say Trump or "weak candidates" (many of whom were sabotaged by Cocaine Mitch) were the cause of the problems. However, the GOP congressman are pointing their fingers toward McConnell and McCarthy. I believe the latter to be correct.

Also, exit polling shows that abortion drove the democrats this time around. Dislike for Trump didn't even look to be much of a factor in the polling.

Can we all agree that Ronna McDaniel has to go as well?
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"Normal" is that the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii don't come in until late at night or early the next morning because of the time difference. By the next morning, we typically know at least an initial count for all states.

Hell, I remember going to bed on election night in '16 assuming Hillary won. I woke up the next morning, checked my phone, turned to Mrs. Deez, and said, "you're not gonna believe this, but Biff from Back to the Future just won the election." We knew the result the next morning from Germany - 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and 9 hours ahead of the West Coast.
“Biff” - well played sir, well played.
You were right, man. 100 percent. There's no reasonable explanation for this.

Here's the kicker. The machines in AZ worked fine in the primaries and the test runs the night before. Then on election day a bunch of machines just went down at the same time. The statistical probability of this happening is laughable.

We now have an election judge in AZ come in and say what we all know that this was intentional.
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No person in their __right mind would say that elections in Ga,Pa,Az,and Nevada are fair. As long as mail in ballots are continued (except for military) we will never have fair elections in this country again. We are a third world country when it comes to elections.

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