2022 House and Senate election

I agree. The way the brain dead zombie attacked Oz last night shows that whatever’s left of his mind still wants to be in office and in power. As above, he could have low keyed the debate but didn’t, due to his thirst for power.

As brain dead as Fetterman is, I wonder if his handlers had to put a shock collar around his waist to keep him from sticking a finger into his diaper and licking it off, while mumbling “Doo do ice cream good.”
I think the over-the-top media bias is starting to be a disadvantage, because the media largely cheers for the nuttiest elements of the Democratic base and their craziest policies. They aren't impressed with sensible people or adopting mainstream liberal positions. They're impressed with people like AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, etc.

They don't like safe, legal, and rare or a generally pro-choice position on abortion with some common sense restrictions like late-term, parental notification, etc. They only like radical reproductive "justice" (no restrictions at all and taxpayer-funded abortion). They aren't satisfied with gay marriage. They want drag queens swinging their dicks in little kids' faces and big dudes competing in women's sports and showering in their locker rooms. They aren't satisfied with holding bad police officers accountable. They want to defund the police.

So they celebrate that crap throughout media and push it on Democratic voters, so the party feels the need to cozy up to it or at least take it seriously. At a minimum, they make it extremely hard for any Democrat to draw the line or distance himself from it. That leaves them totally out of touch with basically anyone who isn't a godless, urban progressive. They don't know how normal humans think or how to communicate with them. For even remotely competent Republican politicians, they're very easy to attack.

The intersectional idiocy hurts them too. If they get a racial minority or female candidate, they can't look at them objectively. They have to pretend they're great. That's how garbage candidates like Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris become prominent Democrats.
The thing to remember about the Democrat party is they focus on policy, not power.

When they do have power, they use it to drive policy, knowing that

1, their polices will result in more power later, like the takeover of heath insurance and medical care via Obamacare, or bribery via student loan payment, or all the spending bills this congress that will pay for political infrastructure later

2, With total control of the media, big tech, the Federal agencies, schools, law, entertainment, etc., they’re never really out of power, they just have fewer elected officials than the token and controlled opposition.

3. They’ll get back into power a few election cycles later, with no important policies passed by the GOP, save for perhaps the Holy Grail of the party - tax cuts for corporations. So there’s nothing bad to them that happens from having the Republicans keep the seat warm fir 4-6 years. They just pick up where they left the left turning ratchet.

GOP Inc, never understands this, as they crave power more than anything, and is so obsessed with keeping it that they never do anything with it, for fear of losing it, like a car they so cherish that they never take it for a drive.
This was the live look in at the Oz-Fetterman debate last night...
He’s right - Floyd put dem’s virtue signaling politics into overdrive:

They flew the freak flag higher with the defund the police crap, but it didn't start with Floyd. It started with Ferguson. Prior to that, Democrats were in the Clinton '90s mode and reasonably tough on crime. Ferguson changed that, and the election of Trump on a law and order agenda made them go apeshit. They had to be weak on crime as a matter of "resistance." That led to the lunatic woke prosecutors, and that made weakness on crime a matter of official policy. Terrible moves, and it all happened before Floyd became an issue. Had that never happened, crime would still be a major problem for them.

Racist. Today I listened to liberal radio all day on a long drive. Takeaways:

1) They compared Walker to Fetterman on his cognitive ability. Very racist in my opinion.
2) They mostly admitted that the election would be about the economy and inflation. But they gave the same excuses - it is not Joe. It is greedy corporations.
3) Inflation is not a problem. It is worse elsewhere so it is not Joe. No mention of Joe's war on fossil fuels.
4) Kept being exasperated with Republicans liars. I am sure there are instances - but talk about pot and kettle. Good grief.
5) They kept talking about Republicans trying to steal this election and intimidating voters all the while calling republicans election deniers.
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Racist. Today I listened to liberal radio all day on a long drive. Takeaways:

1) They compared Walker to Fetterman on his cognitive ability. Very racist in my opinion.
2) They mostly admitted that the election would be about the economy and inflation. But they gave the same excuses - it is not Joe. It is greedy corporations.
3) Inflation is not a problem. It is worse elsewhere so it is not Joe. No mention of Joe's war on fossil fuels.
4) Kept being exasperated with Republicans liars. I am sure there are instances - but talk about pot and kettle. Good grief.
5) They kept talking about Republicans trying to steal this election and intimidating voters all the while calling republicans election deniers.
Thanks for doing the homework so I don’t have to.
Trafalgar has GOP +4 in NV senate. Rasmussen has Walker +5 in GA senate. AZ senate appears to be very close.
3) Inflation is not a problem. It is worse elsewhere so it is not Joe.

I hear this a lot. Because it's worse in other places, it's not Biden's fault. It's an understandable line of reasoning because it's not inaccurate. Many places do have it worse.

Two big problems though. First, the inflation problem isn't something that just passively happened. It came about because of extremely reckless fiscal and monetary policies adopted in the US and other countries, especially (but not exclusively) during COVID.

Second, what makes Biden really get blamed is that he's not advocating anything to reverse those bad policies. In fact, he has done nothing but stomp his foot in the accelerator - huge Covid "relief" bill after it was clear that the pandemic was ending, student loan write-off, big infrastructure bill, new regulations, inflating the cost of energy. It's the worst things he could do, and keep in mind that he failed to get the biggest inflationary piece of crap legislation - Build Back Better. Thank goodness he didn't get it.

What if he had gotten the vaccines distributed, declared victory, and then ended all the Covid free money and told everybody to go back to work and told the schools to reopen? Can anyone doubt that things would be much better now than they are and that his party would be in better shape going into November?
Inflation is worse in the EU and other places than the US because there is more global demand for US$. The printing of trillions of new $ is the one and only cause of the general price inflation you see. If it was due to industry leader decisions, then those industries' prices would go up but prices in other industries would also go down due to the law of supply and demand.

The US has more forgiveness in printing $ than the EU Euros because the $ is still the world's reserve currency. That is changing however. If this continues the US$ will be much more susceptible to price inflation as the Fed prints new money.
I hear this a lot. Because it's worse in other places, it's not Biden's fault. It's an understandable line of reasoning because it's not inaccurate. Many places do have it worse.

Two big problems though. First, the inflation problem isn't something that just passively happened. It came about because of extremely reckless fiscal and monetary policies adopted in the US and other countries, especially (but not exclusively) during COVID.

Second, what makes Biden really get blamed is that he's not advocating anything to reverse those bad policies. In fact, he has done nothing but stomp his foot in the accelerator - huge Covid "relief" bill after it was clear that the pandemic was ending, student loan write-off, big infrastructure bill, new regulations, inflating the cost of energy. It's the worst things he could do, and keep in mind that he failed to get the biggest inflationary piece of crap legislation - Build Back Better. Thank goodness he didn't get it.

What if he had gotten the vaccines distributed, declared victory, and then ended all the Covid free money and told everybody to go back to work and told the schools to reopen? Can anyone doubt that things would be much better now than they are and that his party would be in better shape going into November?

All true, but remember, with the exception of the Wuhan "relief" bill, and the energy pork bill, all the other bills spending money like a crack fiend with a credit card in their kid's name, were passed via GOP leadership support.

2022 budget, debt extension, "infrastructure" bill, the burn pit / pork barrel bill, the CHIPS corporate welfare bill, and the short term CR that then allows a lame duck congress to pass a huge Omnibus bill for 2023, with no accountability.

And that doesn't even begin to add up the horrid spending that passed in 20 so that we wouldn't all die from the Wuhan.

The GOP loves stealing money from the future almost as much as the Democrat party does, and enables it far more than they stop it.
Trafalgar has GOP +4 in NV senate. Rasmussen has Walker +5 in GA senate. AZ senate appears to be very close.
NV is over, Gov and Senate. GA is just about for Senate. PA is looking like an Oz win after the Zombie's horrid performance in the debate. WI will be GOP hold senate and pickup for Gov.

The battle grounds are now AZ senate, NH senate, and various GOV's races like OR, MI, and NY, all of which have strong Republican candidates and chances.
I've been around for too many years to call anything 'about over.'

This Lake-Hobbs nonsense in AZ is the sort of thing that, unfortunately, can be spun as Lake being off-the-reservation batsh*t crazy. Her staff needs to keep her focused on policy. And if ONE high-profile office gets labeled as cray-cray, there is a rub-off effect that can enter the room in other races.

I know there is a lot of regret in PA by some who already cast ballots. While I don't know that we have any here in Texas capable of leaving to the land of looney comments, it IS one of the reasons I remain traditional and don't vote until election day in mid-terms...

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