2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Both parties and Biden could unify the country with bi-partisan legislation to set universal procedures for election integrity. The Dems claimed it in 2016 and spent four years fighting it. Now the republicans are doing the same thing. If Biden wants unity, here is his opportunity. But given his inflammatory racist rhetoric after Jan 6, he cares nothing about unity.

His unity speeches are so the Left can say they called for it. We know it is a losing proposition. The Left is uncompromising. Open borders does not recognize compromise. Reparations does not recognize compromise. Climate change does not recognize compromise. The extremists on the Left have concluded the only way to get what they want is two-fold: 1) Demonize the opposition 2) Wait until they die off and are replaced by the children they are scaring with tales of a world being overrun by the oceans.

That's a really good idea. If you combine things that prevent the egregious voter suppression with safeguards for election integrity people could see a bipartisan win. Let's be clear though... you can never prevent something like Trump's stop the steal" campaign because it was never about fairness.

This highlights the differences between the two parties. The only thing we may agree upon is eliminating any chance for a foreign power to hack our elections. "Transparency" to R's means "Voter Suppression" to Ds. The R's want to make it harder to vote because as @Garmel stated here, more voters equals less chance for R's to win elections. Conversely, D's want to make it easier to vote for the same reason. D's are willing to open up the voting system to a potential of a few fraudulent voters if it means voting is accessible to hundreds of thousands more voters. R's want to lock down voting to eliminate any possibility of fraud, even it it means hundreds of thousands few voters, which is a curious side benefit.

Your last sentence is the most important. "Stop the steal" didn't start on election night. Trump was claiming fraud in the summer, long before ballots were sent out. Did anyone hear Guiliani's vmail to the wrong Senator the night of the riots? "Slow it down"..."object to 10 or more states"..."we need more time" are all direct quotes from Trump's Renfield. They never had the evidence but were on some hunt convinced they'd eventually find some. The throw a bunch of **** at the wall approach to claiming fraud that included "thousands of affidavits" from gems like Melissa Carone simply made them a laughing stock.

One of the affidavits in GA was a Republican poll monitor in Savannah (she was from Portland) who wrote the she saw a green blinking light on the machine which she assumed was active hacking activity. Not surprisingly, Kristina Malimon, the author of the affidavit was also arrested Wednesday for her involvement in the riots.
Is this statement supposed to make sense? What point are you attempting to make, other than to insinuate this guy is a white supremacist?
His choice of tattoos are of white supremacist symbols so he is self declared. What choices he makes for p++++y or politics or tattoos are his.
How is it that you've never listened to a Donald Trump speech?
I know the demonizing of the opposition party has gone on since politics began, but to my recollection, it really changed when the media became willing and active participants (IMO during W's terms). Since then it's been a constant narrative of all things Dem are good and holy, all things Repub evil. The media is no longer a source for the unbiased reporting of facts, it's nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Dem party.

That's a really good idea. If you combine things that prevent the egregious voter suppression with safeguards for election integrity people could see a bipartisan win. Let's be clear though... you can never prevent something like Trump's stop the steal" campaign because it was never about fairness.
Although I would disagree that "egregious" voter suppression exists, I think any fair system should include those protections.
As angry as I am about the breach of Capitol security, justice needs to be tempered. Violence demands prison time. Dumbassery like the guy who propped up his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk..he needs to feel punished, but let's not prevent him from quick reintegration into normal life.
I know the demonizing of the opposition party has gone on since politics began, but to my recollection, it really changed when the media became willing and active participants (IMO during W's terms). Since then it's been a constant narrative of all things Dem are good and holy, all things Repub evil. The media is no longer a source for the unbiased reporting of facts, it's nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Dem party.
FOX news was the largest watched media channel post election and up to early January
Lol. Not where he's going. And with those tats, he's more likely to be somebody's *****.
We all joke about folks getting raped in prison. It's not one damn bit funny. People are scarred for life and all too often take it out on society when they come back to the free world.
We all joke about folks getting raped in prison. It's not one damn bit funny. People are scarred for life and all too often take it out on society when they come back to the free world.

I agree. It is terrible, and though I'm generally unsympathetic to prisoners, I do think they have a right not to be raped by others. That doesn't mean it's always the state's fault when it happens, but I do think the state has a duty to provide a reasonable degree of protection. They can't just be indifferent to it.
Ah. I see how this works. You make insensitive jokes about something(in this case prison rape ) and then declare it should not happen and that makes it ok.
Got it
I agree. It is terrible, and though I'm generally unsympathetic to prisoners, I do think they have a right not to be raped by others. That doesn't mean it's always the state's fault when it happens, but I do think the state has a duty to provide a reasonable degree of protection. They can't just be indifferent to it.

I had to write the brief for one of these cases at the appellate level. Some dumb skinny young teenager was caught driving drunk on federal property. They temporarily held him at the MCC in San Diego but put him in a cell with a very large known sex offender. It was bad, as anyone with a brain might have expected. The legal issue had to do with immunity and the articulation of a standard. But the thing I will always recall about the case was the name of the offender -- Kevin Um Clark. I always imagined the maternity ward staff asking the dad for a name for his new baby and he goes, "Kevin ummmm Clark." They said, "OK, thanks." Was a running inside joke for awhile.

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