2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Hopefully that is untrue -- because if so, we will never be able to clean Dem corruption out of our elections, outside of armed conflict

Turley agrees on the need for cleaning up federal elections

First, and most important, this was an unprecedented election in the reliance of mail-in voting and the use of new voting systems and procedures. We need to review how that worked down to the smallest precincts and hamlets.

Second, possibly tens of millions of voters believe that this election was rigged and stolen. I am not one of them. However, the integrity of our elections depends on the faith of the electorate.

2020 election: Commission needed to look into problems, restore trust
Ah. I see how this works. You make insensitive jokes about something(in this case prison rape ) and then declare it should not happen and that makes it ok.
Got it

Horns6721, if only they saw how that applies to Trump and Trump voters.

They did it because they can't convince enough voters on the merits of AOC et al's political vision for our country. So the only way you can make someone vote against their own values is to make them think their leader is a monster.
You know, when you look at Trumps presidency and what his policies actually accomplished, I'll take him over either Bush every time. It's ridiculous to see how stupid people have become because of TDS brought on by social media and the MSM.
You know, when you look at Trumps presidency and what his policies actually accomplished, I'll take him over either Bush every time. It's ridiculous to see how stupid people have become because of TDS brought on by social media and the MSM.
Trump has done some very good things. He bears a lot of responsibility for his image among moderates.
Trump has done some very good things. He bears a lot of responsibility for his image among moderates.

Absolutely this. I'm glad we can agree. It's just so bizarro to see the state of perception right now. Most people's lives during Trump were no worse than over 8 years of Obama. In many cases they were better sans "the idea of Trump" swimming about in their brains, to steal the Geico Gecko's line.
They did it because they can't convince enough voters on the merits of AOC et al's political vision for our country. So the only way you can make someone vote against their own values is to make them think their leader is a monster.

This has been my public position for over 3 decades now
If they had winning ideas, they would not be trying to censor or ban anyone
It is the mentality of a loser - "just make them shut up!"
World history is full of examples like what they are doing now - all of it bad history
A quote from naval historian James Hornfisher about Gen Douglas MacArthur could well apply to Trump. Describing the general's wildly successful efforts to rebuild postwar Japan he wrote: "MacArthur turned to that task with a passion that could never have possessed a man of greater humility."
.... Most people's lives during Trump were no worse than over 8 years of Obama. ....

That is not exactly, factually correct, at least according to polling. Pre-virus-from-China, a clear majority said their lives were better under Trump than under Obama. Even the haters had to admit it. I have posted multiple cites to these polls over the last couple years.
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That is not exactly, factually correct, at least according to polling. Pre-virus-from-China, a clear majority said their lives were better under Trump than under Obama. Even the haters had to admit it. I have posted multiple cites to these polls over the last couple years.

So people secretly like fascism then!
How is it that you've never listened to a Donald Trump speech?

I'm sorry. I have. But in my view this program has been used by the Left for decades. If you have a blind-spot then that's fine. Here's some more for you:

Black GOP Congressmen who joined the Trump coup must resign

They are being called the usual Uncle Tom etc... my comments are in the long game form. It didn't start with Trump.

You know how I know? Because I pay attention. They SAVAGED George Bush and he is a civil, classy man at the podium.

They destroyed Kavanaugh right in front of his family.

You are falling into the trap (or you believe it with all your heart) that this stuff began and ended with Trump. That's a lie. It didn't. It's just how the Left frames things. They are sick ruthless people in my view.
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FOX news was the largest watched media channel post election and up to early January
Why do you think that was so? Possibly because it was the only MSM source presenting a relatively conservative view? What happened to Fox's content around the election? If a town has 100 burger joints (leftist MSM) and one Mexican restaurant (Fox pre-election), guess what, the Mexican place is probably going to get more business than any single burger joint. As you can see from recent ratings, right around the election, Fox changed their menu.
But in my view this program has been used by the Left for decades. If you have a blind-spot then that's fine.

I'm not saying that but look left AND right.

I admire your passion but if you can't occasionally hold yourself and your side accountable you are simply politically grandstanding.
Why do you think that was so? Possibly because it was the only MSM source presenting a relatively conservative view? What happened to Fox's content around the election? If a town has 100 burger joints (leftist MSM) and one Mexican restaurant (Fox pre-election), guess what, the Mexican place is probably going to get more business than any single burger joint. As you can see from recent ratings, right around the election, Fox changed their menu.

It showed that Conservatives want news curated and delivered to match a narrative rather than reality. the narrative Trump was pushing just became too far removed from reality which forced the news sided of FoxNews to self correct.
It showed that Conservatives want news curated and delivered to match a narrative rather than reality. the narrative Trump was pushing just became too far removed from reality which forced the news sided of FoxNews to self correct.
It showed that a large percentage of Americans sought (and still seek) a different narrative than the one so prevalently "curated and delivered" by almost all other MSM outlets.
It showed that Conservatives want news curated and delivered to match a narrative rather than reality. the narrative Trump was pushing just became too far removed from reality which forced the news sided of FoxNews to self correct.

Lololol. Curated news? Oh lord. Yeah just a Fox News conservative thing.... right.

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