OUBubba was clearly trying to find some common ground with the WSJ.
All media has bias. There are levels of bias though. The blogosphere is pure 100% news to suit a narrative. That goes for the Right (Gateway Pundit, RedState, Brietbart, Daily Caller, Townhall etc) and the Left (DailyBeast, Motherjones, Slate, etc.). There are pure propaganda sites like Zerohedge, Infowars and Epochtimes. Local/Regional newspapers have bias but seem to be the least biased for our time, due in part because their business model forces them to sell to a limited audience of liberals and conservatives. I too respect the WSJ. It's still the best financial paper. It's editorial staff is a bit radical but it's opinion, not news.
The problem with media as I see it has been the blending of editorial and news. Newspapers still do the best job at keeping these sections, and staff, separate.