Texas would also help establish itself as a premier grad transfer location.
I admit that I, along with a number of fellow HornFans posters rode TH a bit early on with his overt efforts on smashing existing lockers and spending a ton on new, flashy personal, uh, cubicles for each Horn. Of course, it was early in his tenure here, still also trying to prove himself on the field.
I will perhaps eat a crow omelette, or CLT (crow, lettuce, and tomato) sandwich, admitting perhaps that it may have paid off (certainly didn't hurt).
But with regard to other indirect efforts in recruiting (as per the previous poster quote above), I toss this out to Coach "Mensa" Herman (meant with all good cheer). Why not meet with the convenor of the College of Business Administration (McCombs) to develop an MBA program, specifically "Professional Sports Management" targeted exclusively towards college athletes who have, say lettered at their undergraduate university and who have then come to Austin as a graduate transfer (of course could include UT lettermen, uh, letterpersons).
These athletes, almost by definition, still have enough ability in them to contribute on the field, or court, or natatoriam, or whatever arena, but probably won't be going on to the professional level, otherwise they'd probably be there after their undergraduate completion.
The degree plan could include the obvious hardcore business courses like finance and accounting, but could rope in professors from the Law School (contracts, agency, liability), Psychology department (team dynamics, motivation, public perception), Biology (advanced lectures on recent trends in high level athletic training), and the LBJ School of Public Affairs (interaction with governmental entities), among others.
UT Austin could become THE place to transfer to as a graduate to do another year playing, while completing THE recognized masters degree plan in the various aspects of professional sports management. Suggested career targets: General Manager, Public Relations Manager, Executive Vice President, Athletic Director (college), Vice President-Marketing (for sports equipment vendors such as Nike, UnderArmor, Gatorade, etc.).
Maybe they already do this? Anyone?