What if it was not the Russians?

Below even global warming

To be honest if the story is true(don't know for sure yet since it's the Washington Post) it could be a pretty big deal. We'll see.
To be honest if the story is true(don't know for sure yet since it's the Washington Post) it could be a pretty big deal. We'll see.

If the story is true, it's a big deal. However, until these alleged "sources" are willing to go on the record (and therefore be subject to scrutiny), it's a non-story in my book. Personally, I'm open to believe Trump and his people are lying about Russia and that there was coordination and perhaps illegal activity. However, to overcome my presumption of innocence, I have to see or hear real evidence. An alleged anonymous source leaking something to the Washington Post doesn't carry any weight. There's too much reason for possible sources as well as the Post itself to lie.
This is a slow leak campaign from certain people to punish Trump. If they had info to impeach Trump, it would have gotten out by now. My guess in a month, the Russian thing is dead. In fact, it's mostly dead now.
They have plenty to impeach him. The issue is that he's popular with the base and the GOP is not willing to risk it for a few reasons. 1 it will hurt them with a portion of their base. 2. As it stands now, he's a distraction. He's the guy running in front of the company carrying a flag. They're coming behind with their muskets (tax cuts, rolling back 8 years of Obama, etc.)

The minute that the Orange One threatens their 2018 mid terms and their ability to maintain a majority, they'll turn on him.
What a strange opinion. Not near the truth, however.
Nixon was fine until it was going to hurt those protecting him in congress. And, while he didn't have as dominant of a GOP congress then he, essentially, did with the southern democrats.
I was thinking Nixon was brought down because he was involved in a breaking and entering and wiretapping scheme. You know, almost the exact same thing the Obama administration did to Trump during the campaign and after the election before Trump took office.
This story keeps getting more and more beyond the pale. There's no chance the Dem's IT scandal isn't tied to a sinister foreign scheme.

Evidence is stacking up a mile high. It's a monumentally important story with severe ramifications of foreign actors hijacking Congress, and the MSM won't cover it at all.

FBI seized smashed hard drives from Wasserman Schultz IT aide’s home

The Pakistani family members clearly committed a crime by downloading classified info from Congressional members onto hard drives at home.

Then they smashed the hard drives and left them behind (sound familiar?) as they abandoned their residence quickly. Now they are suing to get it back.

Luckily the new tenants, U.S. military couple, turned it all over to the FBI.

DWS is fighting tooth and nail to protect the family and withhold evidence while still continues to keep them on staff.

They were already paid over $4 mil for IT services the past few years...absurdly beyond the market rate for such work...or any Congressional work for that matter.

No American on either side should brush this off. It's almost a certainty the Dem's hired foreign spies to run their network (and classified info) and then were blackmailed for huge sums and forced to keep them employed.

The family members can't account for the majority of their millions in revenue and often spent large amounts of time back in Pakistan. The brother did all the work, while the rest were all paid big salaries and went back and forth out of the country.
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This story keeps getting more and more beyond the pale. There's no chance the Dem's IT scandal isn't tied to a sinister foreign scheme.

Evidence is stacking up a mile high. It's a monumentally important story with severe ramifications of foreign actors hijacking Congress, and the MSM won't cover it at all.

FBI seized smashed hard drives from Wasserman Schultz IT aide’s home

The Pakistani family members clearly committed a crime by downloading classified info from Congressional members onto hard drives at home.

Then they smashed the hard drives and left them behind (sound familiar?) as they abandoned their residence quickly. Now they are suing to get it back.

Luckily the new tenants, U.S. military couple, turned it all over to the FBI.

DWS is fighting tooth and nail to protect the family and withhold evidence while still continues to keep them on staff.

They were already paid over $4 mil for IT services the past few years...absurdly beyond the market rate for such work...or any Congressional work for that matter.
This isn't a new revelation. You can read (view) the Awan story on the Where is Eric Braverman thread. All of this information was outed three or four months ago yet received zero press coverage. I realize probably nobody here took the time to follow that thread and most of you would have simply laughed it off as conspiracy theory. George Webb has continued covering this story and several others intertwined with it. Muellar, Comey, McCabe, The Clinton Foundation, some prominent Senators, the CIA, and foreign agents all are connected directly or indirectly with the Awans.
I've been following this story for a while but tend to stay away from the conspiracy happy sources as to not pollute solid truths.

They have a tendency to take a real crack in the window and shatter the glass linking everyone and their Grandma to dramatize for views.

This scandal is real, so I'd prefer to be responsible gathering verifiable, indisputable facts as I find them and only lump people in when speculation is surpassed.

Not saying more facts weren't released from other sources like your Braverman thread, just don't trust it enough to make conclusions on a scandal this important.

America needs to pay attention to this. If several people don't go to jail for this, it will signal it's time for everyone to join you on the conspiracy crusades.

The only way jail can be avoided with this much evidence of illegal acts is if there are many layers of corruption to this scandal and they're being shielded by the deep state.
Brad, real investigative journalists have practically been eliminated from what you have traditionally considered reliable or mainstream sources. The few good investigative reporters still employed there are placed on short leashes and told when to back off a story or often if they are allowed to cover something it gets edited.

Stories such as the Awan espionage infiltration, the illegal arms and drugs trades, and so forth have been suppressed by the same sources that have been moving against Trump. I'm not referring to the Democrats or the media. They are certainly on board, but it's the deep state actors entrenched in the intelligence and security apparatus that provide cover for the criminality and in fact benefit the most from it.

Bottom line, if you are waiting for either a "trusted news source" or a Congressional Committee to get to the bottom of something it ain't going to happen. They will only confirm a story once they have no other choice.
Bottom line, if you are waiting for either a "trusted news source" or a Congressional Committee to get to the bottom of something it ain't going to happen.

All I'm saying is I can wade through opinions and slant to cherry pick out the absolute facts and form my own conclusions.

Rarely will I trust an author's opinion regardless of source. Real, verifiable facts and directly sourced quotes are all I give credence to.

But yes I agree there will be a limited sample size due to the lacking desire to cover it in MSM.

Fortunately I don't get news from those place and frequent many right based sights who touch on it now and then when new information arrives.
I agree their conclusions are more probable than not.

Everything about this shoddy investigation has been amateur hour. If someone hacked into our defense systems or power grid, the following investigation would look nothing like this. That tells us everything about their intent to shape a narrative.

Allowing the DNC servers to only be inspected by Crowdstrike gives the intel community plausible deniability if their bogus conclusions are exposed as a fraud.

In today's hacking world only an incompetent hacker would leave fingerprints showing origin and not leave behind others to confuse and point to other origins.

The CIA Vault 7 exposure was a 'how-to' manual on doing this very thing and has been accessible to hackers for a while.

No doubt they already have software programs to run code through that will translate in multiple deceiving signatures.

I do believe Russia tried to interfere with our elections, just like China and Iran surely tried as well. Same way we run these sabotage attempts towards our adversaries.

But blaming all this hacking on Russia because of code signatures, keeping much of the proof hidden, and allowing Crowdstrike conclusions has all the signs of a set-up.

Not to mention the elephant in the room. The Pakistani IT thieves had classified access to these very networks for years and were being paid millions.
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Both Rush and Hannity hit the Dem IT scandal hard yesterday after the most recent Daily Caller article. Texas Rep called for an investigation over a month ago...

I think I see the new WH direction...scorched Earth.

Looks like DT is fed up with being the only one investigated when Dems are covered in real scandals involving the accusations he's facing.

He finally understands the value of having simultaneous opposition investigations underway to offset the 'let's find a crime' special counsel charade.

He's waging an assault on both the Mueller investigation and past and present opposition. Publicly calling for HRC investigations on pay-for-play, Ukranian election collusion, etc. Demanding the felonious leaks to be investigated.

He attacked FBI's McCabe today for his wife's donation from HRC clan while he was leader at branch in charge of her investigation.

Not hard to understand the aggravation with so many opposing scandals involving confirmed crimes and no one is spending a second on them.

While I don't like the way he's blasting Sessions publicly, it appears he's trying to force him to quit d*cking around with war on weed and civil asset forfeitures and start focusing on real swamp scandals that are being shielded and ignored.

Guess this is what it looks like when DT is pissed off and had enough.
Trump needs to replace Sessions with someone smart, tough, and honest that has not been compromised in some way. Does such a person exist in D.C.?

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