What if it was not the Russians?

Alex Jones is far from a credible news source to most DT supporters. He employs some credible people (Paul Joseph Watson for one) and hosts occasional worthy guests.

But Jones' own takes and wild expansions are typically useless, drama queen material. I personally can't listen to his interviews.

Either he takes a good answer and dramatizes until it minimizes the value, or he cuts guests off and finishes sentences so much they struggle to complete answers.

The MSM used Jones as a major face of the right to shape opinions of those outside the know and paint the right as kooks. It's their ago old trick. Same thing they did with Milo.

From what I read in comments on right leaning sites, most people didn't care much for Jones or Kelly when they did their little interview charade.

I also find it hard to take Jones seriously as I remember his same shtick from 20+ years ago. I used to go drinking on 6th street, pick up fast food on way home, then turn on Austin public access TV at 3AM to laugh at Jones and the other nutjobs on there. :smile1:
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I know, fake news. All of these indignant denials yet, it turns out, there was an email all along that had the subject line "Russia - Clinton - private and confidential". Does one not love the delicious irony of all of this being on an email with that subject line? The point is that it invalidates any and all denials of collusion as no one that denied that there were contacts can be trusted as to whether or not there was collusion.
No Collusion...fake news. In all of 2016, I wonder how many members of HRC's team spoke with Russians who could be painted as 'tied to the Kremlin'.

Hell even Obama's people let this shady Russian lawyer in the country after being rejected. What was Obama doing helping out a supposedly nefarious Russian lawyer tied to the Kremlin?

If she's so taboo to speak with now, then Obama must've been colluding with the Kremlin by granting her special access to override her rejection.

We could apply this same bs Russia collusion narrative to HRC's campaign and Obama's 2012 team and find all kinds of Russian contacts. Doesn't prove any collusion happened.

This is what happens when you start with a conclusion and then manipulate the data to fit it. Sound familiar? You guys have been doing the same cart before the horse bs with climate change for years to scam our citizens. :smh:
No Collusion...fake news. In all of 2016, I wonder how many members of HRC's team spoke with Russians who could be painted as 'tied to the Kremlin'.

Hell even Obama's people let this shady Russian lawyer in the country after being rejected. What was Obama doing helping out a supposedly nefarious Russian lawyer tied to the Kremlin?

If she's so taboo to speak with now, then Obama must've been colluding with the Kremlin by granting her special access to override her rejection.

We could apply this same bs Russia collusion narrative to HRC's campaign and Obama's 2012 team and find all kinds of Russian contacts. Doesn't prove any collusion happened.

This is what happens when you start with a conclusion and then manipulate the data to fit it. Sound familiar? You guys have been doing the same cart before the horse bs with climate change for years to scam our citizens. :smh:
Except there were months and months of public deriding of the link and strong denials of any such contact being labeled as "dangerous" or "absurd". Then, Flynn has to resign because he lied about it. Then the AG has to recuse himself because of it. Then this email flops out onto the table and it's not so dangerous or absurd anymore. Now we just call it lugenpresse. I'm keeping an eye out for the Riechstag fire...
Keep the faith and stay on message. It gives Reps the easiest campaign slogan possible...Russia did it! :rolleyes1:

It will remind voters how the left rejected and discarded their POTUS vote.

Even though the party is trying to ditch Russia hysteria and rebrand for election, please stay the course of MSM and prolong the charade.

And when none of DT's cabinet or WH staff are convicted of a crime there will be more left tears to pile onto the ones following 2018's election returns. :trophy::usa::hammertime:
Keep the faith and stay on message. It gives Reps the easiest campaign slogan possible...Russia did it! :rolleyes1:

It will remind voters how the left rejected and discarded their POTUS vote.

Even though the party is trying to ditch Russia hysteria and rebrand for election, please stay the course of MSM and prolong the charade.

And when none of DT's cabinet or WH staff are convicted of a crime there will be more left tears to pile onto the ones following 2018's election returns. :trophy::usa::hammertime:
Whereas the Democrats are totally corrupted, the Republicans are divided and in many cases compromised to the extent they are dysfunctional. Even if the Republicans were to pull off super majorities in 2018, it won't turn around the downward Washington spiral destroying America. The Republicans have yet to put together any kind of plan that would reduce health care costs, no proposal to make the department of defense fiscally accountable, and have yet to state clearly definable long term foreign policy goals. They continue not to address the growing influence of special interests on legislation. It's no longer enough to state the Republicans are the lesser evil.
Whereas the Democrats are totally corrupted, the Republicans are divided and in many cases compromised to the extent they are dysfunctional.

You'll get no argument from me on this. I view the Rep party as three parties masquerading as one.

I'm more of a nationalist who happens to agree with Reps on most issues, not all. But even on some issues where we agree, it's clear some Reps lack a conviction in their stance and are just playing a role for optics and votes.

I think Reps will keep the house in 2018 by a smaller margin. I don't see a super majority in the Senate, maybe 58 at best. But as you say even with 60, they'd continue to in-fight and screw up the undefeatable advantage.

Think Healthcare exposed their incompetence, wait until they get to tax reform. DT will have massive public support and economists backing his side. He'll come in with dramatic reduction of corp tax rates and offer a penalty free repatriation of funds.

Congress will then reject it, jack the rate up several points to seriously damage the benefits, and probably add charges to the repatriation of funds as well.

Dems are a cult like gang who blindly follow their leader no matter what. Reps are a mafia family where everyone wants to be the godfather and don't understand what compromise means. Both are equally dangerous and detrimental to the process.
And people still don't understand why DT goes on these Twitter tirades.

Looks like the latest batch already lit a monster fire under Congress. Several Reps are filing to open a massively broad investigation into the other side...including Lynch, Mueller, Comey, Fusion GPS, HRC immunity deals, unmasking, etc.

It's a long article but the scope of this proposed investigation is huge. Which I can only assume purposely so since Mueller's is creeping so large in scope.

They're basically saying you want to investigate everyone and their dog looking for a crime, two can play that game. About f'n time. :smile1:

Exclusive — Back on Offense: Conservatives Plan to Press for Official Congressional Investigation into James Comey, Loretta Lynch

Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) have drafted an amendment that would compel government cooperation with a congressional probe into Lynch’s and Comey’s activities.

Specifically, the amendment—a draft of which was obtained by Breitbart News—would compel the production of documents and evidence regarding Lynch’s order to Comey to “mislead the American people by starting he should refer to the investigation into the mishandling of classified data and use of an unauthorized email server by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a ‘matter,’ rather than a criminal ‘investigation.’”

The amendment specifically presses the Department of Justice to cooperate with the congressional investigation this would create, making it easier for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to probe these and the other matters laid out.

President Donald Trump has very publicly expressed displeasure with the lack of action on the investigative front into these matters. His latest tension with Attorney General Jeff Sessions has centered on Sessions’ recusal on the Russia investigation, which led to the eventual appointment of the special prosecutor Mueller. Now, these Trump allies in Congress are stepping up and creating a way for Sessions to help them get to the bottom of these matters. It remains unclear whether Speaker Paul Ryan will stand in the way of this investigation.

“For the past several years, Democrats have obstructed justice and blocked every Congressional investigation imaginable,” Jordan said in an email. “Now they want to investigate? Ok, let’s investigate! Both parties have criticized James Comey over the past year for his performance as FBI director. Even Sen. Feinstein says there should be an investigation into Loretta Lynch and James Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation. Let’s have a special counsel for that and see how serious Congressional Democrats are about getting to the truth.”

“It’s time for Republicans in Congress to start playing offense,” Gaetz told Breitbart News in an emailed statement.

The amendment would compel document and evidence production to Congress regarding leaks by Comey to his friend Columbia University law professor Daniel Richman about conversations Comey had with President Trump and how said leaked information was then leaked to the media with the intent of the creation of the special counsel’s office led by Robert Mueller—a longtime Comey friend and another former FBI director.

It would demand, too, any evidence regarding the “propriety and consequence of immunity deals” given to potential “co-conspirators” of 2016 failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton. The amendment specifically names Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, and John Bentel—each former Clinton staffers.

It also focuses on Comey’s decision to “usurp the authority” of Lynch by making his “unusual announcement” that criminal charges would not be brought against Hillary Clinton over her “unlawful use of a private email server and mishandling of classified information” and dig into Comey’s “knowledge and impressions of ex-parts conservative” Lynch had with former President Bill Clinton—Hillary’s husband—on the tarmac at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix in June 2016.

It would also look into Comey’s “knowledge” about Fusion GPS, “including its creation of a ‘dossier’ of information about Mr. Trump; that dossier’s commission and dissemination in the months before and after the 2016 Presidential Election; the intelligence sources of Fusion GPS or any person or company working for Fusion GPS or its affiliates.”

It would dig into specifically any leaks “originated by” Comey that were provided to “author Michael Schmidt dating back to 1993” and into Comey’s knowledge of the Uranium One deal and that deal’s connections to Clinton Foundation donations—as well as Comey’s “refuseal to investigate then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton” for “selling access to the U.S. State Department through Clinton Foundation donations,” for “Huma Abedin’s dual employment at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation simultaneously,” and for her “utilization of the State Department to further paid speaking opportunities for her husband.”

The probe would also dig into “any collusion” between Comey and Mueller, specifically regarding the information leaked by Comey to his Columbia University law professor friend about his conversations with President Trump and any communication between the two “in advance of the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing” Comey testified at after his termination by President Trump.

It would also dig into whether Comey had any knowledge of efforts by various government agencies to spy on Donald Trump during the campaign by monitoring communications and to figure out Comey’s involvement in or knowledge of “the ‘unmasking of individuals on Donald Trump’s campaign team, transition team, or both” while also assessing the “role that former National Security Adviser Ms. Susan Rice playing in the unmasking of these individuals.” It would look into the actual purpose of said unmasking and also the “dissemination of unredacted information to various intelligence agencies” before Trump’s presidency.

It would be unthinkable if any Republican on the House Judiciary Committee voted against this resolution. Biggs told Breitbart News that he expects his fellow Republicans to stand strong behind this push for an investigation.

“I do think we as a party owe it to the constituents—the people who elect us—to really be focused, the word you used is focused, we need to be focused on the agenda and you can’t be focused on our agenda is we’re focused all the time on responding,” Biggs said. “So, we also have to defend our turf and in a way we’re defending that turf with justice and the rule of law. That’s what we’re defending. So, that’s what Republicans stand for—that’s what we stand for—and that’s why it’s important I think. That’s why we need to keep focused on this.”

“The American people are tired of focusing on Russia and ignoring some of the inconsistencies of the previous administration,” Meadows said. “They don’t understand why Republicans are not coming to the defense of this president.”
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I'm always cynical about these things. Republican Congressmen must be receiving tens of thousands of demands to open up an investigation. The Congressmen have to respond knowing if they don't, Republican voters will stay home having lost complete faith in government. So they will call for an investigation to get constituents off their back, but if there is an investigation will it be a real effort to get to the truth or just another show to settle down the public demands?
So they will call for an investigation to get constituents off their back, but if there is an investigation will it be a real effort to get to the truth or just another show to settle down the public demands?

Neither investigation will produce any significant scalps. The investigation will serve its purpose 100 fold by removing DT from being the only bullseye on the target range.

Dems and MSM are in 100% attack mode. The public is flooded with fabrications and unsourced allegations 24/7. All that took a pause when Rice was being grilled and Comey was under fire. They only stop attacking when their own are threatened.

A parallel investigation of their side will even the playing field. Both sides will then have to play offense and defense, lessening attacks, and neither will dominate the narrative.

Every potential bombshell this Dem focused investigation 'leaks' out, the left will be in a frenzy to disprove and reject. Which keeps them occupied and off the attack.

Regardless of outcome, it's a huge development and equalizer to dampen the Dem's 'nothing to lose', 100% attacking mentality. Now Reps can leak and place fabricated stories under anonymity and see how much they enjoy it. Time for civility is over.
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And people still don't understand why DT goes on these Twitter tirades.

Looks like the latest batch already lit a monster fire under Congress. Several Reps are filing to open a massively broad investigation into the other side...including Lynch, Mueller, Comey, Fusion GPS, HRC immunity deals, unmasking, etc.

It's a long article but the scope of this proposed investigation is huge. Which I can only assume purposely so since Mueller's is creeping so large in scope.

They're basically saying you want to investigate everyone and their dog looking for a crime, two can play that game. About f'n time. :smile1:

Exclusive — Back on Offense: Conservatives Plan to Press for Official Congressional Investigation into James Comey, Loretta Lynch

Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) have drafted an amendment that would compel government cooperation with a congressional probe into Lynch’s and Comey’s activities.

Specifically, the amendment—a draft of which was obtained by Breitbart News—would compel the production of documents and evidence regarding Lynch’s order to Comey to “mislead the American people by starting he should refer to the investigation into the mishandling of classified data and use of an unauthorized email server by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a ‘matter,’ rather than a criminal ‘investigation.’”

The amendment specifically presses the Department of Justice to cooperate with the congressional investigation this would create, making it easier for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to probe these and the other matters laid out.

President Donald Trump has very publicly expressed displeasure with the lack of action on the investigative front into these matters. His latest tension with Attorney General Jeff Sessions has centered on Sessions’ recusal on the Russia investigation, which led to the eventual appointment of the special prosecutor Mueller. Now, these Trump allies in Congress are stepping up and creating a way for Sessions to help them get to the bottom of these matters. It remains unclear whether Speaker Paul Ryan will stand in the way of this investigation.

“For the past several years, Democrats have obstructed justice and blocked every Congressional investigation imaginable,” Jordan said in an email. “Now they want to investigate? Ok, let’s investigate! Both parties have criticized James Comey over the past year for his performance as FBI director. Even Sen. Feinstein says there should be an investigation into Loretta Lynch and James Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation. Let’s have a special counsel for that and see how serious Congressional Democrats are about getting to the truth.”

“It’s time for Republicans in Congress to start playing offense,” Gaetz told Breitbart News in an emailed statement.

The amendment would compel document and evidence production to Congress regarding leaks by Comey to his friend Columbia University law professor Daniel Richman about conversations Comey had with President Trump and how said leaked information was then leaked to the media with the intent of the creation of the special counsel’s office led by Robert Mueller—a longtime Comey friend and another former FBI director.

It would demand, too, any evidence regarding the “propriety and consequence of immunity deals” given to potential “co-conspirators” of 2016 failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton. The amendment specifically names Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, and John Bentel—each former Clinton staffers.

It also focuses on Comey’s decision to “usurp the authority” of Lynch by making his “unusual announcement” that criminal charges would not be brought against Hillary Clinton over her “unlawful use of a private email server and mishandling of classified information” and dig into Comey’s “knowledge and impressions of ex-parts conservative” Lynch had with former President Bill Clinton—Hillary’s husband—on the tarmac at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix in June 2016.

It would also look into Comey’s “knowledge” about Fusion GPS, “including its creation of a ‘dossier’ of information about Mr. Trump; that dossier’s commission and dissemination in the months before and after the 2016 Presidential Election; the intelligence sources of Fusion GPS or any person or company working for Fusion GPS or its affiliates.”

It would dig into specifically any leaks “originated by” Comey that were provided to “author Michael Schmidt dating back to 1993” and into Comey’s knowledge of the Uranium One deal and that deal’s connections to Clinton Foundation donations—as well as Comey’s “refuseal to investigate then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton” for “selling access to the U.S. State Department through Clinton Foundation donations,” for “Huma Abedin’s dual employment at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation simultaneously,” and for her “utilization of the State Department to further paid speaking opportunities for her husband.”

The probe would also dig into “any collusion” between Comey and Mueller, specifically regarding the information leaked by Comey to his Columbia University law professor friend about his conversations with President Trump and any communication between the two “in advance of the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing” Comey testified at after his termination by President Trump.

It would also dig into whether Comey had any knowledge of efforts by various government agencies to spy on Donald Trump during the campaign by monitoring communications and to figure out Comey’s involvement in or knowledge of “the ‘unmasking of individuals on Donald Trump’s campaign team, transition team, or both” while also assessing the “role that former National Security Adviser Ms. Susan Rice playing in the unmasking of these individuals.” It would look into the actual purpose of said unmasking and also the “dissemination of unredacted information to various intelligence agencies” before Trump’s presidency.

It would be unthinkable if any Republican on the House Judiciary Committee voted against this resolution. Biggs told Breitbart News that he expects his fellow Republicans to stand strong behind this push for an investigation.

“I do think we as a party owe it to the constituents—the people who elect us—to really be focused, the word you used is focused, we need to be focused on the agenda and you can’t be focused on our agenda is we’re focused all the time on responding,” Biggs said. “So, we also have to defend our turf and in a way we’re defending that turf with justice and the rule of law. That’s what we’re defending. So, that’s what Republicans stand for—that’s what we stand for—and that’s why it’s important I think. That’s why we need to keep focused on this.”

“The American people are tired of focusing on Russia and ignoring some of the inconsistencies of the previous administration,” Meadows said. “They don’t understand why Republicans are not coming to the defense of this president.”

Clearly it's lost on you that some of this is a clear distraction ploy from the current investigation. It will be pretty easy to determine if Comey leaked classified information. He's openly stated he had 7 memos, 4 of which that were classified after the fact. Investigate/subpeona the NYU friend to determine if he received any of the 4 memos.

Of course, NONE of that has any thing to do with the Russia investigation. It's all superfluous attempts to distract the short attention span crowd.
Neither investigation will produce any significant scalps. The investigation will serve its purpose 100 fold by removing DT from being the only bullseye on the target range.

Party before country from the side that claims to be "patriots". LMFAO!!!

I have to ask you Brad, how does it feel to be so aligned with Putin's Web Brigade? Does it feel just a little bit odd?
Party before country from the side that claims to be "patriots". LMFAO!!!

I have to ask you Brad, how does it feel to be so aligned with Putin's Web Brigade? Does it feel just a little bit odd?
I mean, I've been watching The Amerikans....so, I get seeing the Russians as the protagonist. Especially that Keri Russell. Maybe that's it?
I mean, I've been watching The Amerikans....so, I get seeing the Russians as the protagonist. Especially that Keri Russell. Maybe that's it?

It's probably all the red you find so comforting

Party before country from the side that claims to be "patriots". LMFAO!!!

I have to ask you Brad, how does it feel to be so aligned with Putin's Web Brigade? Does it feel just a little bit odd?

You know, you're awfully brave talking hateful smack to people who have you blocked. You used to be a pretty cool guy before the election but like most of your liberal ilk you've let your Trump Derangement Syndrome poison your mind and soul.
Wasserman Schultz called her just arrested IT staffer 'a part time employee'

Yet he was making 160k per year, which is 4 times the avg wage of a House IT person
You know, you're awfully brave talking hateful smack to people who have you blocked. You used to be a pretty cool guy before the election but like most of your liberal ilk you've let your Trump Derangement Syndrome poison your mind and soul.

Is he still doing that?
What a coward
But I do sort of like the stereotype-confirming behavior
Wasserman Schultz called her just arrested IT staffer 'a part time employee'

Yet he was making 160k per year, which is 4 times the avg wage of a House IT person


This may turn out to be a big deal
There is supposed to be quite a bit more coming
You know, you're awfully brave talking hateful smack to people who have you blocked. You used to be a pretty cool guy before the election but like most of your liberal ilk you've let your Trump Derangement Syndrome poison your mind and soul.

How am I to know who has blocked me? Hateful smack? Hardly. I was simply stating an observation. Brad openly admitted that the purpose of the alternate investigations was to distract from the Russian meddling investigation and more importantly take heat off of Trump. He celebrated it in fact. He also claimed to be a nationalist and spoken about his own patriotism.

Patriotism to me is to country and not to an individual, regardless of who is in the White House. Do I have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Yes, because I'm represented by an ignoramus. He IS my POTUS thus I have every right to point out his massive amount of character flaws, hypocritical actions and lack of class befitting the office he holds. Aside from that, he's simply not very bright which is a significant risk to my families safety, financial and physical.
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Is he still doing that?
What a coward
But I do sort of like the stereotype-confirming behavior

Pointing out bias and BS when it's warranted? Always. Sterotype-confirming behavior...I can only hope. I've never called anyone a name though over differences in opinion which is the difference between us.
Is he still doing that?
What a coward
But I do sort of like the stereotype-confirming behavior

Yep. He's still doing it. I guess it makes him feel big being able to go off on others that can't see him. Now he's using the excuse that it's not his responsibility to know who's blocked him or not.
Patriotism to me is to country and not to an individual, regardless of who is in the White House. Do I have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Yes, because I'm represented by an ignoramus. He IS my POTUS thus I have every right to point out his massive amount of character flaws, hypocritical actions and lack of class befitting the office he holds. Aside from that, he's simply not very bright which is a significant risk to my families safety, financial and physical.

If you believe you're in that much danger perhaps you need to move to another nation. I heard the same garbage during the Reagan years. You liberals let yourselves get brainwashed by a dishonest media and don't have a clue to what reality really is.
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Wasserman Schultz called her just arrested IT staffer 'a part time employee'
Yet he was making 160k per year, which is 4 times the avg wage of a House IT person

Before he rushed to the airport to try and escape US jurisdiction, Wasserman-Schultz' IT guy transferred $300k To Pakistan from his office in the House

This DNC email mentions the guy by name, from May 2016

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