lurv buh-jork
Seeing as I am heading to Chicago for business and it being the birthplace of House Music...
I've been a House Head since '86 so this is going to be epic. I did a couple dj gigs there (raves) but I flew in, went to the venue and hit the Airport right after I was finished in order to make the West Coast in time for sunrise and go at it again. The next time I was so tired from 4 straight nights on the road that I went to hotel,venue then hotel to sleep before heading back home to D.C.
So this trip to Chicago has me bringing an extra suitcase to fill with music (mostly vinyl, hopefully) from pawn stores, record shops and who knows where else I can dig. I hope the TSA does not have a limit on bad *** music checked in. I am okay with paying the weight cost. Classic track right here, y'all. It tells a story.