What are you listening to?

I had always heard that two heads were better than one. I didn't know they would be on the same body and in that location. No wonder you can't find a princess.

Things have definitely gotten weird here. Fortunately, I know how to do weird. So I will fight weird with weird. I fight back with an entire movie about a man with two heads.

You must stay strong,The WalkingHorn, in the face of a "Walking Weird Apocalypse."
Worsterman, you must stay strong when confronted by a fek snek, that is just part of a kek.

I have not forgotten that one of your many alias's, is your porn star name "ManSnake." One of your biggest movies was called "Snake In A Cake." This nom de plume of snek-kek, can only be an extension of that film and your porn star moniker.
Back to the OP and thread. Here is a soundtrack I was listening to on the way home from work. The first two movies were good IMHO.

See if you like it:

Ted Nugent before he was Ted Nugent...

FWIW it was early 1968, I was in 8th Grade when this was a huge hit. How do you like the 60's Go-Go Girls with mini skirts?

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OK let's roll back the music clock a little to the mid - 70's. A classic album from Eric Clapton: 461 Ocean Blvd. - cut is "Let it Grow". Reminds me of simpler times, better days back in college and her, the one I let get away that I should not have...

Since LC is focusing on the 80's, here is one virtually everyone loves:

and another, you might say 'what have I done to deserve this'?:

or how about this 80's bubble gum hit - still vintage 80's.

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