but the minute she actually took action with a court, Meyer did fire his employee.
Really? Didn't she file on him in 2009 and he was arrested?
it's not siding with a camp, it's making people stand up for themselves, especially someone that seems capable of using a phone and their words. Urban Meyer didn't beat her, her idiot husband did. Call the cops, press charges, don't hang up, quit being an idiot as well.
Again, you obviously have never been involved in or really researched the subject of spousal abuse.
It’s not as simple or as black and white as you would like to make it sound.
You might as well ask an alcoholic, “Why don’t you just quit drinking?”.
If it was that simple there wouldn’t be AA meetings happening several times a day across the entire planet.
The victims are being abused by someone they love or loved and thought they were loved by.
They made vows with this person and had children with them.
They are sure this is a temporary situation and their spouse will change.
Friends and family may urge them to give the guy another chance.
They may report it and then emotions calm, the spouse apologizes, and the victim recants.
Psychologically, they can become oddly comfortable in their abuse.
At least they know what to expect. Fear of the unknown and, yes, economic worries can keep them in the relationship.
The thought of suddenly being a single parent can be overwhelming.
And how many stories do we hear on the news of women filing charges, getting restraining orders and ending up dead?
It’s a man’s world and has been forever.
Easy for you to say she should just “use her words” or just get out.
I think walking a mile in her shoes would serve you well.