Urban Meyer put on paid leave

But Meyers has covered his *** and fulfilled contractual requirements.

True. My problem with the current reporting requirments is if we start making records of all rumors/gossip about all people, that’s not a path I am interested in taking. I like the @Phil Elliott caveat that needs to be added to title ix at least. If something off campus, unrelated to team/work activities involving adults has already been reported to the police, there should be no duty to investigate/report rumors until actual charges are filed or at least a police investigation is underway.
Meyers said he knew nothing of the incident before the texts were made available.
You really think his wife said nothing to him?

That is not a coverup. This stuff had been reported to the police by the victim. All Meyer had was a denial and something his wife told him that the alleged victim said and he had no way of knowing if it was true. He probably went too far at the press conference, but spreading second hand gossip to the media was not the right move either. The better answer would have been “I do not know whether or not there was abuse. This is currently being investigated by authorities.” However, saying “my wife told me that she said” to the media after the person denied it really would not be the right thing to do... especially given that this woman had refused to press charges in the past.

No, despite what our current media thinks, spreading allegations you cannot confirm the truth of, especially second hand, to the public is not proper.... and more especially given there is an actual police investigation looking into to determine if this is a sham or if this Zach Smith is a sorry SOB deserving of jail time.
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If Meyers is fired with cause he gets zero dollars. If Ohio State wants to part ways with Meyer just to please the media and fans he get $38 million. The math is easy on this one.
I will say this; I'm very impressed that Hornfans.com is acting so rational and considered towards Meyer given his pixie dust comment and general irritating or worse presence on the Texas recruiting trail!
That is not a coverup. This stuff had been reported to the police by the victim. All Meyer had was a denial and something his wife told him that the alleged victim said and he had no way of knowing if it was true. He probably went too far at the press conference, but spreading second hand gossip to the media was not the right move either. The better answer would have been “I do not know whether or not there was abuse. This is currently being investigated by authorities.” However, saying “my wife told me that she said” to the media after the person denied it really would not be the right thing to do... especially given that this woman had refused to press charges in the past.

No, despite what our current media thinks, spreading allegations you cannot confirm the truth of, especially second hand, to the public is not proper.... and more especially given there is an actual police investigation looking into to determine if this is a sham or if this Zach Smith is a sorry SOB deserving of jail time.

Is reporting what you know in a private conversation to the proper administrator (the AD or probably somebody he knows well on a professional basis) behind closed doors spreading rumors or just a private conversation such as, "Hey, I know I have that thing in my contract; does this rise to that level?
I think once it is reported to police, the university should be off the hook.
I think as a general statement, this is too broad. Lots of things that are not “crimes” could be reportable, and lots of things that are crimes but that the police/prosecutors don’t have a good enough evidentiary basis to prove beyond a reasonable doubt could be reportable.
Abuse is terrible and no man should ever hit a woman no matter the circumstance. With that being said. I am sad that I did not bet the under for the tOSU season now. Also this could not happen to a bigger piece of sh**t school. Their fans are even worse than blow/u fans. May their 2018 season RIP:hookem:
It's the lying after the fact that gets guys like this. If he would have said he knew and it was his understanding the police were handling it, he would have looked mercenary but OK.
Let's be clear. He lied to a bunch of ******* reporters, not to the cops, or to his bosses, or to anybody who matters.

******* reporters?
You know them personally?
Just men and women waking up and doing their job same as the rest of us.
And a lie is a lie.
Regardless of who you tell it to.
Especially in a public forum.

And if he knew and didn't report it as his contract requires, then he lied to his bosses by ommission.
Let's be clear. He lied to a bunch of ******* reporters, not to the cops, or to his bosses, or to anybody who matters.
I am certain people have been fired for much less. Lying to the public in a public forum is nothing that the administration can justify much less defend. "tOSU doesn't care if our couch is a proven liar". Probably helps with recruiting though.
I think the police are irrelevant in this issue. Duty to report is Coach reporting to his AD and Title IX contact at the school.

It's not complicated.

Not being convicted doesn't mean there shouldn't be a process at the school related to Title IX activities.

In addition, you have people associated with the athletic program that pressured her not to press charges on multiple occasions. The school is involved, but the coaches didn't report to appropriate leadership.
Did anyone hear Coach Herman's presser yesterday? They asked him about it. One of the things he said was that Texas does a great job of training their coaching staff on Title IX processes and they all know what to do. He wouldn't comment on the tosu situation, but seemed to imply that his staff knows the requirements well and works comply with the procedures. That's all that needs to happen.
And a lie is a lie.
Regardless of who you tell it to.
Especially in a public forum........
I beg to differ. The circumstances of the lie and the consequences of the lie, and whether or not the liar is aware of circumstance and consequence are important considerations.

As far as lying in a public forum, I think you must realize that public forums are full of lies. Maybe I'm missing your sarcasm.
I am certain people have been fired for much less. Lying to the public in a public forum is nothing that the administration can justify much less defend. "tOSU doesn't care if our couch is a proven liar". Probably helps with recruiting though.
A lying couch? I lie on my couch on Saturday afternoons in the summer. What's the problem?
But seriously, lying to the public is an American tradition. It's not a crime. Ask tricky Dick.
I'm still waiting on the full facts to come out before judgment on this drama, but not sure if the Jim Tressel matter has been discussed here....if so, I apologize. To wit....

Tressel was fired for covering up free tattoo's for his players (and maybe other benefits). And OSU had to vacate all wins in 2010. Now, I don't know the whole Tressel story, but if this Meyer story is true, I just can't see how he stays.
After all, every year, we elect local, state and national politicians from both parties that lie to us.

So long as they tell us lies we like, we let it slide.

Tressel was fired for covering up free tattoo's for his players (and maybe other benefits). And OSU had to vacate all wins in 2010. Now, I don't know the whole Tressel story, but if this Meyer story is true, I just can't see how he stays.

Except Tressel completed and signed an NCAA form where he stated he had no knowledge of any violations or possible violations within the program, which he did. So he put it in writing which is a no-no.

It's gonna be a bit harder to prove that UM lied. Every account I have seen of the events is totally reliant on 2nd and 3rd hand information.
It is a little bit interesting that this is the guy who broke this story
ESPN did not touch it until they had no choice
By coincidence, ESPN does have a big contract with that conference


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