Trump's Team

Candidate Trump v Business Trump

This is no different than comparing "Apprentice" Trump and "Trump Organization" Trump. In both cases one is pandering to draw the most public attention with drama and flash. While the other will run the country like he ran his business organization.

He spent years on that #1 show learning what attracted the most public interest. To assume he didn't strongly apply that to his candidacy PR campaign is naive.

It's not that he lied on his stances as much as they were dramatized beyond the methods he will use to implement them as an effective business man.
Interesting side story connecting Senator McConnell, his wife Elaine Chou, her families company, and COCAINE.

This happened two years ago. I was unaware and apparently the "fake press" otherwise known as mainstream media gave scant or no coverage.

I know the President didn't want to have a beer with McConnell, but I bet Obama is more than happy to share a little nose candy with ol Mitchy given El Presidente's previous dalliances with blow. No "line" item veto needed!
People who are hyper literal have a hard time understanding Trump. Generally those people aren't business leaders but work for one instead (or work independently like lawyers, accountants or professors).
People who are hyper literal have a hard time understanding Trump. Generally those people aren't business leaders but work for one instead (or work independently like lawyers, accountants or professors).


Trump supporters are a bunch of business leaders! Reporters should have been checking business cards at his rallies.

Trump supporters are a bunch of business leaders! Reporters should have been checking business cards at his rallies.

I love seeing all the euphemisms and rhetorical contortions his supporters are going through to keep from saying, "he lied" or "he flip-flopped." It can't be that. It has to be that we're "hyper-literal."
Mattis already told Trump that waterboarding was worthless and he'd get more out of a captive in an hour with a 6-pack of beer and pack of cigarettes than elongated torture. That gave him a chit on the positive side of the ledger for me.
I don't remember where I saw this, but I had the same thought as you. I don't know much about Mattis, but what I know I like.
I love seeing all the euphemisms and rhetorical contortions his supporters are going through to keep from saying, "he lied" or "he flip-flopped." It can't be that. It has to be that we're "hyper-literal."

This should be updated to say "Trumpicans will try to justify supporting Trump".

I've already cited 3.
I read the supposed flip flops on USA Today. Like most media, they take one small thing and declare it a flip flop. Like Obamacare - he said he liked pre-existing condition parts and CNN, MSNBC and USA Today declared him a liar.

I would hope - especially in the case of Trump - that he accepts some counsel on all issues and positions. As for building a 100 percent wall, who cares if what he does build stems the flow of illegals? Or the deportation force is actually empowering ICE to do their job?

I agree with the previous post- you seem a little too pissed that he won to accept if he actually accomplishes what he said he would do.

Trump supporters are a bunch of business leaders! Reporters should have been checking business cards at his rallies.
I never said that. I was inferring that Trump makes his livelihood by speaking to other business leaders, and as a result, speaks the way that he does. Now, put that person in front of the general population. Some people are going to understand him and others don't. I wasn't implying that all who understand him are business leaders, but I WAS implying that business leaders are not hyper literal like yourself.
I never said that. I was inferring that Trump makes his livelihood by speaking to other business leaders, and as a result, speaks the way that he does. Now, put that person in front of the general population. Some people are going to understand him and others don't. I wasn't implying that all who understand him are business leaders, but I WAS implying that business leaders are not hyper literal like yourself.

In other words....don't listen to what he says. A visual representation of that argument.
Proving my point that you are missing out on half the world who are not literal. Well done.

I think I understand're referring to #3 or #4 below. We actually agree! Trump isn't literal.


[lit-er-uh l]
See more synonyms on
in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaningof the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical:
the literal meaning of a word.
following the words of the original very closely and exactly:
a literal translation of Goethe.
true to fact; not exaggerated; actual or factual:
a literal description of conditions.

being actually such, without exaggeration or inaccuracy:
the literal extermination of a city.
(of persons) tending to construe words in the strict sense or in anunimaginative way; matter-of-fact; prosaic.
of or relating to the letters of the alphabet.
of the nature of letters.
Sorta like the deportation force that's now not going to happen? Or like the wall that's now going to be a fence, or a "virtual fence?" Or like how Hillary was going to be prosecuted and now she's not?
These three? No doubt, he flipped on prosecuting Hillary after counseled by his team on bringing the country together. He had nothing to gain. I think he should, but she is done regardless. The FBI still might bring charges at some point as more emails are released from the State Department even today.

Seriously, your other two are straight from liberal media. You are better than that. And joining the liberal flip flop blame team doesn't help.
I love seeing all the euphemisms and rhetorical contortions his supporters are going through to keep from saying, "he lied" or "he flip-flopped." It can't be that. It has to be that we're "hyper-literal."

Misstating a future event is not lying
By definition
It's impossible
To believe otherwise is to contort rhetoric
I read the supposed flip flops on USA Today. Like most media, they take one small thing and declare it a flip flop. Like Obamacare - he said he liked pre-existing condition parts and CNN, MSNBC and USA Today declared him a liar.

I would hope - especially in the case of Trump - that he accepts some counsel on all issues and positions. As for building a 100 percent wall, who cares if what he does build stems the flow of illegals? Or the deportation force is actually empowering ICE to do their job?

I agree with the previous post- you seem a little too pissed that he won to accept if he actually accomplishes what he said he would do.

When you're very rigid in the primary and win the nomination by claiming your opponents not to be rigid enough, you shouldn't be surprised if people use your subsequent inconsistent statements against you. All I'm doing is applying Trump's own words and the words of his surrogates.

And I'm not pissed that he won. I'm conflicted as I said I'd be if he won. I don't like the sleazy Carrier deal and the Bannon hire, but I like his response to the SA police shooting and most of his cabinet nominees.

From the link:
Rohrabacher refused an offer to be the next Deputy Secretary of State due to the possbility of serving under a “neocon” head of the State Department such as Trump-hating failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney,unstable warmonger John Bolton, or gun-grabbing classified info leaker David Petraeus.

But the Intercept has a different take: ( Most of the people advising Trump and being selected to fill slots are the same bankers and neocons that have been running the show and calling the shots the past 20 years.

The people reportedly being considered for Secretary of State are all over the spectrum. Rhorabacher would make me happy. The current US warmongering foreign policy trend has only made the world less stable, spread terrorism, and run up hundreds of billions more debt.

Carson's qualifications for HUD secretary is "I lived in subsidized housing while growing up." :brickwall:

I'd have no problem with Carson as Sec of HHS. He's well qualified for that role. I'm not sure his training as a Neurosurgeon prepares him for oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are now moving to D.C. Due to pesky nepotism laws Trump's son-in-law hasn't been given an official role in the administration yet but expect Kushner to be a close adviser regardless of his official title.
Carson's qualifications for HUD secretary is "I lived in subsidized housing while growing up." :brickwall:

I'd have no problem with Carson as Sec of HHS. He's well qualified for that role. I'm not sure his training as a Neurosurgeon prepares him for oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Husker, I think Carson would have been best as Secretary of Education, which is much more of a glorified spokesman role than an executive. Frankly, Trump probably could have gotten a person more aligned with the HUD role.

But a head through a brick wall emoticon? Really? If you're putting your head through a brick wall over the nomination to HUD of a really smart guy who has used his success as a neurosurgeon to help kids and families in the inner city, how are you supposed to have a decent conversation with folks around here?

Like I said earlier, Trump will do something that is actually and meaningfully head-scatching stupid. Save your emoticons for then so that you don't dilute them for this.
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Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are now moving to D.C. Due to pesky nepotism laws Trump's son-in-law hasn't been given an official role in the administration yet but expect Kushner to be a close adviser regardless of his official title.
Didn't Hillary say that Bill would be her National Economic Advisor and that he would run the economy?

And if he's his advisor, what's the big problem? He's not an officer or running a department. Trust is a big qualification of being advisor. That's why we listen to spouses and children.

And also...Kushner is Jewish. That means there can't be any truth to this up for an advisor stuff because the media told me Trump is an anti-semite. Whew Husker, you dodged that one!
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It seems Laura Ingraham really does want the Press Sect job
I have no idea why
Such a thankless job and mostly out of the loop ....

But maybe she will change the job?
For example, just do away with the WH Press Corp entirely and daily briefings
They (almost) all hate Trump anyway

If she gets this job, I'll start watching press conferences. That would be pure entertainment. I've always liked her in general although she can be pretty shrill at times and she had serious Trump blinders on for most of the campaign, and that got seriously annoying after a while.

In what sense was the 1930s exciting?

Well according to Peter Jackson, that's when King Kong climbed the Empire State building. That was kinda fun...
Carson's qualifications for HUD secretary is "I lived in subsidized housing while growing up." :brickwall:

I'd have no problem with Carson as Sec of HHS. He's well qualified for that role. I'm not sure his training as a Neurosurgeon prepares him for oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

So, Ben Carson apparently hasn't lived in government or subsidized housing either but merely been around those who have. Armstrong Williams either needs to stop being a surrogate for Dr. Carson or simply needs to shut up because he may be the most "misquoted" person in politics.

Dr. Carson's mother should be lauded for her effort in trying to stay out of public housing.


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