Trump's Team

Hopefully Dr. Carson will stop Julian Castro's plan to force developers to put in low cost, government subsidized housing in every new subdivision, no matter how glitzy the neighborhood, or face racial discrimination law suits. Julian wanted to spread the 'hood around so that everybody had a little taste.

Carson doesn't have to worry about balancing HUD's books. They've been out of whack for 20 years. Gov. auditors have pretty much given up on them. Probably the most corrupt, poorly run bureaucracy in the government
Hopefully Dr. Carson will stop Julian Castro's plan to force developers to put in low cost, government subsidized housing in every new subdivision, no matter how glitzy the neighborhood, or face racial discrimination law suits. Julian wanted to spread the 'hood around so that everybody had a little taste.

Carson doesn't have to worry about balancing HUD's books. They've been out of whack for 20 years. Gov. auditors have pretty much given up on them. Probably the most corrupt, poorly run bureaucracy in the government
And for this reason, I think Carson is a good choice even though I think he is better suited for HHS. The last thing HUD needs is someone intimate with HUD. It needs a fresh eyes approach followed by an enema to flush out the corruption and inefficiency.
Works for me - I think Kobach is an indication Trump does intend to follow through with his border/immigration talk

"Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and retired Marine Gen. John Kelly are likely to be tapped for secretary and deputy secretary of homeland security....."

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Trump selects Oklahoma Attorney General to head the EPA. This is the same guy who is co-plaintiff with energy companies in suing a government agency (awkward!) and sent a letter to the EPA in 2014 that in hindsight was a letter written to him from Devon Energy. He copied and pasted the entire body of the message onto his own letterhead, signed it and sent if off to the EPA. Do you think he's interested in protecting our water and air, the mission of the EPA? Oh, he's also a climate science denier.
Trump selects Oklahoma Attorney General to head the EPA. This is the same guy who is co-plaintiff with energy companies in suing a government agency (awkward!) and sent a letter to the EPA in 2014 that in hindsight was a letter written to him from Devon Energy. He copied and pasted the entire body of the message onto his own letterhead, signed it and sent if off to the EPA. Do you think he's interested in protecting our water and air, the mission of the EPA? Oh, he's also a climate science denier.
He likely has the support of a majority of Americans.
The majority of Americans have never heard of Scott Pruitt so I'm no sure how you can say they support him.
Since most Americans won't pay more than $20 per month for green energy according to a recent study, I can reasonably conclude that they are likely in alignment with his priorities you outlined above.
The majority of Americans have never heard of Scott Pruitt so I'm no sure how you can say they support him.

If there is any part of the US Govt that actually resembles fascism, it has to be the EPA. Even other people who work for the federal Govt shake their heads about the EPA.

This was me back on Nov 8th
I would be fine with Ted Cruz SCOTUS nom
If Trump wants to advance him, he has to do it with this first choice, he cannot wait.
The other Senators dont like Cruz much, so Trump will have to do it while he has a lot of politcal capital to spend
Important to get this first pick right. Cruz would toe the Scalia line. And he would make oral arguments much more interesting

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Do you think he's interested in protecting our water and air, the mission of the EPA? Oh, he's also a climate science denier.

One need not be a tree-hugger to satisfy the purported goals of the EPA. That agency has over-regulated throughout its existence.

"Climate science denier" is a term applied to anyone with a functioning brain cell who recognizes that the Earth has gone through cooling and warming cycles through the might recall that thing in the books called the ICE AGE. It was apparently a thing.

Further, it is disingenuous to say that weather metrics from a century ago are necessarily on par with what might have been recorded had they had the instruments of today. Being a few degrees warmer or colder is simply not cause for real concern. It does serve as a cause for faux outrage from those that want to play the role of aggrieved Millennial.
There was a documentary of Valentine managing a Japanese baseball team. He's considered to be a god over there.
Ha. Smart pick if it happens. Valentine is a really sharp guy and the Japanese do love him. Much better than Caroline Kennedy. As far as political appointee ambassadors, this one would be a home run...

pun intended.
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Drain the swamp and refill it with Energy company representatives or stooges (in Pruitt's case). Just like putting Linda McMahon in charge of the Small Business Administration. A little thank you for donating $7M to Trump's campaign. I guess she needed something new since the first $100M she spent to get into government (2 failed Senate bids) didn't pan out. Wasn't there an ambassador role available, the traditional Thank You?
...... Just like putting Linda McMahon in charge of the Small Business Administration. A little thank you for donating $7M to Trump's campaign. ....

My impression of her is that she is an enthusiastic supporter of small business.
My hope is that, besides stimulating SBA loaning, she will do everything she can to lighten the impossible bureaucratic burden on starting a new business. I dont know if you have ever done this or looked into doing it, but the Federal Govt itself is the single biggest barrier to entry for any new business in this country. We now have Soviet-level rules and regulations. This is not the way it should be, IMO.
Puzder catching quite a bit of opposition

This is stupid. Of course, I don't believe in a "livable wage" concept for what amounts to high school level jobs. A worker in that job should be working to get into a more skilled better paying job. Not all work is created equally.

I say that as a proud former employee of Burger King (3-month stint in HS).

Pudzer also is getting his from the sexism side due to Carl Jr.'s ad campaign with sexy models in bikinis eating burgers. Hi response was something like "nothing is more American a woman in a bikini" certainly is a warning to the PC crowd.
If there is any part of the US Govt that actually resembles fascism, it has to be the EPA. Even other people who work for the federal Govt shake their heads about the EPA.

"We are going to end the EPA intrusion into your lives!" - Donald Trump
Pudzer also is getting his from the sexism side due to Carl Jr.'s ad campaign with sexy models in bikinis eating burgers. Hi response was something like "nothing is more American a woman in a bikini" certainly is a warning to the PC crowd.

While I don't care for the ad campaign, anything that is a warning to the PC crowd is a good thing...the sooner they are put in their place, the better. I am so sick of the bending over backwards to try and appease the perpetually offended.

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