Trump's Team

This pic is being circulated to fool Chuckles Schumer into not filibustering another wise Latina for SCOTUS

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Kellyanne Conway has come out hard against Romney --

“It’s just breathtaking in scope and intensity,” Conway said of the opposition to Romney among Trump supporters.

“Receiving deluge of social media & private comms re: Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state,” Conway wrote on Twitter .....
“I felt compelled to come forward on behalf of the people who were weighing in,” Conway said of that tweet.

“I’m all for party unity, but I’m not sure that we have to pay for that with the secretary of state position,” Conway said. “We don’t even know if Mitt Romney voted for Donald Trump.”

"People feel betrayed to think that Gov. Romney, who went out of his way to question the character and the intellect and the integrity of Donald Trump, now our president-elect, would be given the most significant Cabinet post of all, secretary of state," Conway told host Chuck Todd.

"They feel a bit betrayed that you can get a Romney back in there after everything he did."
I did not know that. You are actually saying Rosie was defending Barron? Were they tweets she was defending Against?
Do you have a link to them?
I did not know that. You are actually saying Rosie was defending Barron? ...

Nonsense. It was an mean and nasty move.
Knowing what you do about her, would you say "mean and nasty" were out of character for Rosie? Or, consistent with her character?

Here is an example of how these people work --
"I am here to defend NJ from specious claims that he eats his own buggers.
And if NJ really is a bugger-eating aggy, then I ask that you remember all buggers contain some protein."
I did not know that. You are actually saying Rosie was defending Barron? Were they tweets she was defending Against?
Do you have a link to them?

Listen to the video (link) that was in O'Donnell's original tweet. The video is from November 11, and most of it is devoted to speculation about whether Barron Trump is autistic. There is a section (starting around 5:20) that discusses how Barron is being bullied on social media. The text of O'Donnell's tweet then suggests that Barron's situation may present an opportunity to address anti-autism bullying. This is an issue that O'Donnell has been proactive about for years.

For what it's worth, the "Barron is autistic" speculation has been lurking for some time. I first heard about it in a private conversation with several autism teachers and parents early in the school year. The oldest thing I was able to find on line is this chat-board thread from July.

In her clarifying statement, O'Donnell said that she herself has a high-functioning autistic (HFA) child and is very familiar with the traits associated with autism in general, and HFA in particular. She recognizes many of those traits in Barron. If Barron is autistic, she thinks it would present an opportunity for Donald Trump to be proactive on the issue. She goes on to praise Melania Trump for making this a major issue for her role as first lady, and urges people to follow Melania on Twitter. She then suggests that this issue could present a rare area of common ground between herself and Donald Trump.

I think O'Donnell was wrong to invade the Trump family's privacy. It is none of her business whether Barron is autistic, unless Donald and Melania choose to make it the nation's business. That said, it is unfair to say that O'Donnell "attacked" Barron. She did no such thing.
Here is an example of how these people work --
"I am here to defend NJ from specious claims that he eats his own buggers.
And if NJ really is a bugger-eating aggy, then I ask that you remember all buggers contain some protein."

I can accept the suggestion that I eat my own boogers. But I resent the suggestion that I am an aggy. That's low.
"It's not easy winning. I know that myself! His vision is something that connected with the American people." - Romney, after dinner w/Trump. Romney praised Sen. Sessions, Gov Haley and the entire transition process. He says he has been impressed with what he's heard post-election. Romney says he has "hope" after what he has seen. He didn't take any questions, but this sounded like the closest thing to apology we'll get

Border hawks riled after Trump meeting with Texas’ McCaul for Homeland post

"Donald Trump’s interview Tuesday with Rep. Michael T. McCaul for secretary of homeland security set off alarms for illegal immigration opponents who view the congressman as weak on border security and latently pro-amnesty.

Mr. McCaul, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has repeatedly riled conservatives with what they describe as ineffective posturing against President Obama’s lax enforcement of immigration laws.

His chief offense was co-authoring the 2015 Secure Our Borders First Act, which conservatives and activists reviled as a fig leaf to Democrats that included tough language but ignored the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. and kept too much decision-making in the hands of the Obama administration.

“We certainly hope that Donald Trump would not reward a deceptive pro-amnesty lawmaker like Michael McCaul with a Cabinet position,” said William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC. “That would be very disappointing to all of us that believed his campaign promises to secure our borders and deport millions of illegal immigrants under current U.S. laws.”......"
I'm really not sure what Trump's angle is with the Romney consideration. Is he such an egomaniac that he needs to have his biggest Republican critic kiss his ring? Very weird choice given their history.
I'm really not sure what Trump's angle is with the Romney consideration. Is he such an egomaniac that he needs to have his biggest Republican critic kiss his ring? Very weird choice given their history.

Even more surprising is that Romney is willing to kiss the ring. There is no such thing as a principled politician any more.
I'm really not sure what Trump's angle is with the Romney consideration. Is he such an egomaniac that he needs to have his biggest Republican critic kiss his ring? Very weird choice given their history.
Maybe Trump really believes in, you know, hiring smart successful people? Romney is an executive with a lot of government, finance, not-for-profit, and international experience who got stuff done and was very succesful.

Compare that to Hillary and Kerry - Kerry won the Silver Star in the 4 years he was in the Navy, so I will give him credit for that, but otherwise as senior executives they had done nothing of note. Ben Rhodes was Obama's freaking 20 something speechwriter who became the Deputy National Security Advisor.

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