
In these times, it's an asset to be gay if you are going to say something bad about Democrats, including the MSM. Camille and Milo (cannot spell his last name) can say stuff that would get a straight person labeled a bigot.
If you are like me and Camille Paglia is your favorite lesbian then you will enjoy this takedown of the NYT takedown of Trump's dating life.

"..... The drums had been beating for weeks about a major New York Times expose in the works that would demolish Trump once and for all by revealing his sordid lifetime of misogyny. When it finally appeared as a splashy front-page story this past Sunday (originally titled “Crossing the Line: Trump’s Private Conduct with Women”), I was off in the woods pursuing my Native American research. On Monday, after seeing countless exultant references to this virtuoso takedown, I finally read the article—and laughed out loud throughout. Can there be any finer demonstration of the insularity and mediocrity of today’s Manhattan prestige media? Wow, millionaire workaholic Donald Trump chased young, beautiful, willing women and liked to boast about it. Jail him now! Meanwhile, the New York Times remains mute about Bill Clinton’s long record of crude groping and grosser assaults—not one example of which could be found to taint Trump.

Blame for this fiasco falls squarely upon the New York Times editors who delegated to two far too young journalists, Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey, the complex task of probing the glitzy, exhibitionistic world of late-twentieth-century beauty pageants, gambling casinos, strip clubs, and luxury resorts. Neither Barbaro, a 2002 graduate of Yale, nor Twohey, a 1998 graduate of Georgetown University, had any frame of reference for sexual analysis aside from the rote political correctness that has saturated elite American campuses for nearly 40 years. Their prim, priggish formulations in this awkwardly disconnected article demonstrate the embarrassing lack of sophistication that passes for theoretical expertise among their over-paid and under-educated professors.

When I saw the reporters’ defensive interview on Monday with CNN anchors Kate Bolduan and John Berman, I felt sorry for the earnest, owlish Barbaro, who seems like a nice fellow who has simply wandered out of his depth. But Twohey, with her snippy, bright and shiny careerism, took a page from the slippery Hillary playbook in the way she blatheringly evaded any direct answer to a pointed question about how Rowanne Brewer Lane’s pleasantly flirtatious first meeting with Trump at a crowded 1990 pool party at Mar-a-Lago ended up being called “a debasing face-to-face encounter” in the Times. The hidden agenda of advocacy journalism has rarely been caught so red-handed....."

I think she makes excellent points. The Times hit piece was poorly done and very superficial. In fact, it was so weak that I almost wonder if it was intentionally weak and if something much stronger and more direct is coming later. After all, if you're trying to do major damage to Trump, now is not an ideal time to do it. There's too much time for people to forget or deemphasize it.

As for my top lesbians, I tend to like people who think for themselves rather than spout talking points they heard on TV or read somewhere. They certainly don't have to agree with me, and they can even agree with the talking points, so long as they use their own rhetoric or give some indication that they reached their conclusions based on their own thoughts. Camille is up there. I also like Tammy Bruce. And to be honest, in light of her commentary on LGBT issues, mb227 is fast becoming one of my favorite lesbians.
Didn't know Tammy Bruce was a lesbian. if she's the one I'm thinking of, I'd heard her guest-host on Laura Ingraham. She seemed really smart, but her voice is incredibly grating. I always had an image of an elderly librarian lady with the chains on the end of her glasses... Then I saw her picture and thought "whoa......"
Didn't know Tammy Bruce was a lesbian. if she's the one I'm thinking of, I'd heard her guest-host on Laura Ingraham. She seemed really smart, but her voice is incredibly grating. I always had an image of an elderly librarian lady with the chains on the end of her glasses... Then I saw her picture and thought "whoa......"

Is that a good "whoa" or a bad "whoa?" She doesn't look like the stereotypical lesbian (whatever that is), but I do think she always looks like she's about to beat somebody's ***, which fits her persona well.
CNN again ....

Since the NRA endorsed Trump yesterday I think this is appropriate for this thread.
An NRA member commented, So the news is that people at the White House shot a home invader?
Is it possible that you already have a gun but call it something else?

If you call it something else, then it is something else, right? Who are we to question what someone chooses to call an object?

Perhaps this should be terrorists' new strategy. At a security checkpoint, tell the agent that the metal thing in your belt is a doll that helps you sleep. If they challenge you, accuse them of being biased against insomniacs.
Though Hillary seems to be the only candidate so atrocious that she's capable of losing to Donald Trump, I still have difficulty thinking he will actually win. My guess is that his recent spike in the polls is mostly due to the fact that the GOP is unifying behind him while the Democrats are still fighting themselves with Bernie Sanders still in the race.

However, I also heard a poll on Meet the Press that suggested that 19 percent of Bernie Sanders voters will vote for Trump. If that actually happens (which seems hard to imagine), Hillary is in serious trouble.
Gateway Pundit using the name "Crooked Hillary"? Where did they get their journalism degrees, Russia? Should they be applauded for wearing their bias so proudly?
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does gateway PUNDIT present as a Journalist site?
I thought it wad a poltical blog

Is there a difference? Should there be? Do you think the readers take this as news or commentary? Both? That's the problem.

Keep in mind, I lay the current state of our politics solely at the feet of "news my way" sites like the Daily Kos/GP. The Internet has been very beneficial for business and economic growth but it has been a poison to real journalism.
Of course there is a difference.

There should be but I'd argue that line has all but disappeared.

News or opinion? Notice that was posted 1hr ago and already has 57 comments. READ the comments. Do you think those media consumers ventured their for the news or opinion?

"Political blog" is simply a euphemism for biased news without any of the guilt of normal journalistic integrity standards.

Sorry to everyone for the rabbit hole. I'm pretty fed up with most media these days.
Some interesting breakdowns here of March to May polling swings (ABC polling). For example, Trump gained 17% from voters aged 18-29 while HRC has dropped 19% in the same demographic (note : Romney lost "the youth vote" to BHO by more than 20%).


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