
She's hot. She's smart. She's un-PC. What's your problem?

Not to mention the original point of the Vine was that she nailed it.
A year in advance (by the time its official, it will be a full year), before anyone else and in the face of ridicule (even if it was from Maher's astroturf laughbots).
Not to mention the original point of the Vine was that she nailed it.
A year in advance (by the time its official, it will be a full year), before anyone else and in the face of ridicule (even if it was from Maher's astroturf laughbots).

Of course, she was also campaigning for Trump, traveling with him and introducing Trump at many of his campaign stops. In fact, she may be a paid staff member of his campaign given with how involved she has been in his campaign.
Of course, she was also campaigning for Trump, traveling with him ....

Trump announced June 16, while that show was June 19, so not so much (if any) of that.

What actually happened was he had asked for an advance of her book on immigration. In that June 16 announcement speech, Trump adopted her ideas as his own and hammered the costs to the US of illegal immigration. And so she was cautiously on board with him (as the full version of that Maher appearance makes clear). If the other candidates had done the same, she would have pointed that out as well. But they never did. Or at least waited way too late and then only offered tepid, wobbly, mumbling under the breath partial agreement. The astute among us recognized that this two-stepping revealed who was really on someone's payroll and who was not. In other words, the reality was the complete opposite of what you suggest.

This is something Coulter has repeatedly talked about for the last 8 months -- and she uses it now to explain why Trump won and the rest of the field lost. Not giving her credit for being out in front on this issue is just being stubborn.
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Sounds like Trump has even moved the POTUS on trade

Sounds like Trump has even moved the POTUS on trade

Obama has been pushing TTIP and TPP from the get go. He is a corporate shill and knows where his paycheck resides once he leaves office. His leftism is a facade. At the same time that he expands the welfare state (yes he is liberal to the max here), he clandestinely supports Wall Street and selective portions of the corporate sector. Obama is no friend of the working man or of the middle class tax payer. Ditto Hillary Clinton once she steps in.
Yeah it's not a reality show. It's a never-ending stream of talk shows, cameos, mike-dropping performances at the press club, selfie opportunities and guest appearances by your spouse on every single show on television. (Yes I am hyperbolizing.)
She's hot.

I have a lawyer buddy who was on a panel with Coulter and spent some time with her. I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that he says she has more leg than bucket of chicken. The bad news is that she's got an Adam's apple. Take that for what it's worth, but before you start thinking she's hot, do keep that in mind. She might be hot in the Katelyn Jenner sense.

She's smart.

Not especially.

She's un-PC. What's your problem?

In the Trump era, many people are confusing being un-PC with being an *******. There's a big difference. Coulter is the latter. In fact, she represents everything wrong with modern conservatism. A movement that once was driven by intellectuals who were rhetorically disciplined (William F. Buckley, Thomas Sowell, etc.) is now driven by shrill smack-talkers of little substance (Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, etc.). That kind of person motivates the party faithful who don't need to be convinced, but they don't convince nominal liberals, moderates, or people who don't have any political ideology yet to embrace conservatism. It's sad, because conservatism's strongest weapon is the truth. It's right, and the surest way to convince someone to accept conservatism is to get them to approach conservative policy it on the merits and contrast it with liberal policy. The biggest tactic of the Left is to make sure that doesn't happen by throwing up diversions. People like Coulter make that easier by talking the way she does.

So that's my problem.
Mexicans love me!

One more thing about this story [which I admit I have no idea if true but .....] I read somewhere an account by someone who claims he called the Trump Tower Grill to see if they have Taco Bowls on the menu. He says they said they do not. I find this even more hilarious.
The question was "Which Republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election." Saying she nailed it is a bit premature, don't you think?

Ummmmm, no. By your own quote, the question is "best chance of winning the general", not "will win the general". Please tell me which Republican candidate, right now, has a better *chance* of winning the general election in November? Maybe she got lucky, but she still nailed it.
Ummmmm, no. By your own quote, the question is "best chance of winning the general", not "will win the general". Please tell me which Republican candidate, right now, has a better *chance* of winning the general election in November? Maybe she got lucky, but she still nailed it.

I am speechless. I am without speech.
For all of Trumps strengths, his meandering on such critical issues like how to handle the national debt and his own tax plan have beyond scary. For example, on Friday he says he'd renegotiate with our creditors stating they'd take less if less was better than nothing (patently inferring default) then on cue he blames the media for misinterpreting what he stated and changes his tune today. Can you imagine the POTUS threatening default on our debt? Keep in mind, the 2011 government shut down cost US taxpayers $19 billion due to increased rates associated with the risk of default.

On his tax plan which by any analysis gives the biggest gains to the top 1% when pushed by Todd and Stephanopolous on Sunday he says that's simply his "floor for negotiation" and he expects they'll actually pay more. In other words, please don't look at his plans because they aren't really where he intends to end up. So where does he intend to land?
On his tax plan which by any analysis gives the biggest gains to the top 1% when pushed by Todd and Stephanopolous on Sunday he says that's simply his "floor for negotiation" and he expects they'll actually pay more. In other words, please don't look at his plans because they aren't really where he intends to end up. So where does he intend to land?

Actually that all sounds like what I have expected the entire time...begin with something bordering on preposterous and then ease back, claiming that, just as in business, EVERYTHING is a negotiation. If you get what you actually asked for, then that is just a bonus...
She might be hot in the Katelyn Jenner sense.

Here's Ann Coulter's high school yearbook picture.


She is and has always been a woman. Those rumors about her sexuality are just the Left doing what they do best; denigrating and slandering all those that stand up to them.

And, as to whether or not she is smart, just watch her on The View or Bill Maher. She gives it back to 'em in spades (Gosh, I hope it's still OK to say "in spades"). She kills them and is funny while doing it.

In the Trump era, many people are confusing being un-PC with being an *******.

Couldn't disagree with you more. Here is British Historiam Paul Johnson's take on PC and Trump.

Paul Johnson on Trump
The great British historian Paul Johnson is not the first to point out that the most significant aspect of Trump is his direct challenge to political correctness, but few have put it as strongly as he does in his latest Forbes column, “When Excess Is a Virtue.” Excerpt:

The U.S. has been inundated with PC inquisitors, and PC poison is spreading worldwide in the Anglo zone.

For these reasons it’s good news that Donald Trump is doing so well in the American political primaries. He is vulgar, abusive, nasty, rude, boorish and outrageous. He is also saying what he thinks and, more important, teaching Americans how to think for themselves again.

No one could be a bigger contrast to the spineless , pusillanimous and underdeserving Barack Obama, who has never done a thing for himself and is entirely the creation of reverse discrimination. The fact that he was elected President–not once, but twice–shows how deep-set the rot is and how far along the road to national impotence the country has traveled. . .

None of the Republican candidates trailing Trump has the character to reverse this deplorable declension. The Democratic nomination seems likely to go to the relic of the Clinton era, herself a patiently assembled model of political correctness, who is carefully instructing America’s most powerful pressure groups in what they want to hear and whose strongest card is the simplistic notion that the U.S. has never had a woman President and ought to have one now, merit being a secondary consideration. . .

Trump is a man of excess–and today a man of excess is what’s needed.
Actually that all sounds like what I have expected the entire time...begin with something bordering on preposterous and then ease back, claiming that, just as in business, EVERYTHING is a negotiation. If you get what you actually asked for, then that is just a bonus...

Do you give the same leeway to every politician? Only grade them on the final legislation, not the proposals? How do you know where they really stand then? After all, per any analysis of his tax proposals, the wealthy take home the vast share of any tax cut. Then he said on Sunday that they'll "likely pay more in taxes". Which is it?
Do you give the same leeway to every politician? Only grade them on the final legislation, not the proposals? How do you know where they really stand then? After all, per any analysis of his tax proposals, the wealthy take home the vast share of any tax cut. Then he said on Sunday that they'll "likely pay more in taxes". Which is it?

I don't have a problem with a politician admitting that his proposal is going to be negotiated on Capitol Hill. I think that is better than the Tea Party approach of saying you'll never compromise and that you'll repeal Obamacare with Obama still in the White House and without veto-proof majorities in Congress. That approach is sure to fail and sure to disappoint.

As for the "likely pay more comment," I heard him on Meet the Press state that they would likely pay more than they would pay if his original plan became law without any changes. OK, fair enough. My problem with him is that the substance of what he proposes and suggests - deporting every illegal alien, talking about renegotiating the national debt or paying it off with Zimbabwe-style worthless currency, etc.
She is and has always been a woman. Those rumors about her sexuality are just the Left doing what they do best; denigrating and slandering all those that stand up to them.

First, the guy who told me this said nothing about her sexuality - just that she had an Adam's apple. Second, he has been a conservative activist for 25 years - not remotely part of the Left.

And, as to whether or not she is smart, just watch her on The View or Bill Maher. She gives it back to 'em in spades (Gosh, I hope it's still OK to say "in spades"). She kills them and is funny while doing it.

I've heard Coulter speak live and have seen her on TV countless times. I'm quite familiar with her rap. Being able to "give it back 'em" doesn't make one smart. She's belligerent and quick-witted, but she's not particularly good at actually refuting points made by the opposition. To be clear, I'm not saying she's dumb. She's not a Sara Palin or a Sheila Jackson-Lee, but there's nothing special about her intelligence.

Couldn't disagree with you more. Here is British Historiam Paul Johnson's take on PC and Trump.

He refers to Trump as "vulgar, abusive, nasty, rude, boorish and outrageous." You can be politically incorrect without being those things.
John Miller, err Donald Trump, had a rough week last week. The most bizarre aspect was Trump the tape of him passing himself off as a publicist named John Miller to boast about Donald Trump. Forward to 3:40 of the video below which claims he admitted to it and said it was a joke then just last Friday denied it was him again.

John Oliver had some good laughs at John Miller's expense:

Trump also responded to the new Muslim Mayor of London Sadiq Kahn who called Trump "ignorant" regarding his Muslim ban proposal with challenging Kahn to an "IQ test". Kahn's response? "ignorance is not the same thing as lack of intelligence."

Question: Should Trump have to share his tax returns? Most suspect he's not really worth $10B as he claims, would that matter?
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