
NBC poll .... hee

Was Kelly's quote a requirement of the interview? Next she'll talk about how big his hands are.

I watched it but I guess I missed her talking about the hair of the Donald. (I was flipping back and forth with baseball game so maybe I did).

My 2 cents -- I thought she made the interview/meeting about herself. At one point, she actually said, "It's not about me!" -- and, as we all know, when they say that then it's all about them -- like when the contract-holdout pro athlete says, "It's not about the money."

The comparison FOX Network was drawing was Kelly as a primetime interviewer was to Baba Wawa. Although I cannot say I was ever a fan of Walters, I appreciate her more now after seeing Kelly talk about Kelly so much. Walters, at least, did not go this far. Maybe Kelly thought she could speak to millennials via narcissism?

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he would have banged Princess Diana

Me too.

So what? I couldn't get your link to work, but I assume you're talking about the 2000 interview with Howard Stern? If so, that was way before running for President. He had normal heterosexual thoughts. You know everything we men to do is to get laid don't you?
Me too.

So what? I couldn't get your link to work, but I assume you're talking about the 2000 interview with Howard Stern? If so, that was way before running for President. He had normal heterosexual thoughts. You know everything we men to do is to get laid don't you?

I'd hope that we hold candidates for POTUS to a little higher standard than you or I. How do you think that will play to our UK allies?
I'd hope that we hold candidates for POTUS to a little higher standard than you or I. How do you think that will play to our UK allies?

Again, it was 16 years ago. He probably had no idea he'd ever run for President.

What does the UK think about serial abuser Bill Clinton's antics? Hillary plans to put Bill in charge of "revitalizing the economy" if she's elected.

I ding Trump more for being dumb enough to appear on Howard Stern's show than for admitting he wanted to nail Princess Di.
Trump's SCOTUS list includes 11 staunch conservatives. This is clearly designed to mollify the conservative base, and will probably put an end to the already-sputtering talk of a major challenge from the right.

The bigger question is how it will play out come November. This election could turn into a referendum on abortion, gay rights, etc. Should be interesting.
Trump's SCOTUS list includes 11 staunch conservatives. This is clearly designed to mollify the conservative base, and will probably put an end to the already-sputtering talk of a major challenge from the right.

The bigger question is how it will play out come November. This election could turn into a referendum on abortion, gay rights, etc. Should be interesting.

I had to laugh at the written statement on what Trump values within the constitution. Do you think he's read the constitution since junior high?
I'll admit it - I thought Princess Diana was pretty dang hot in the 80s.

You and Clean are missing the point.

There's nothing wrong with an orchestra conductor taking a piss. We all take a piss. There's nothing wrong with thinking Diana was hot. We all think Diana was hot. There is something wrong with an orchestra conductor whipping it out on stage and taking a piss in front of the audience. There is something wrong with publicly saying on the radio that Diana was hot and that you would have and could have nailed her. Mature adults don't do that. Context matters.
Trump's SCOTUS list includes 11 staunch conservatives. This is clearly designed to mollify the conservative base, and will probably put an end to the already-sputtering talk of a major challenge from the right.

The bigger question is how it will play out come November. This election could turn into a referendum on abortion, gay rights, etc. Should be interesting.

Don Willett is very active and has a significant following on Twitter - sorta like Trump. He's also laughably unqualified for the job he would seek - sorta like Trump. (To be fair, he's not a tasteless ******* like Trump.)

Willett has been on the Texas Supreme Court for a while (where he has dutifully whored for the insurance lobby), but he had almost no qualifications to be there either. Prior to that, he mostly had political jobs, none of which involved meaningful legal work done by him. By far his biggest "qualification" is that he's very close with Mike Toomey, who is one of the most powerful lobbyists in Texas. Willett is relevant because he's a useful tool of colossal special interests, not because of any legal credentials or experience.
Another national poll -- this one has Trump up

One of the benefits of this type of polling results is that it means HRC will not be able to duck debating Trump. If she was leading, she would be able to minimize the number of debates maybe even avoid them altogether. Not gonna happen now. Should be fun.

Also, as I mentioned 6 months or more ago, this is somewhat the way Reagan-Carter went, back in the day. Reagan initially trailed, by a lot. Plus the media was in the bag for Carter (regularly ridiculing Reagan). But the polls kept narrowing as time went by and by early Nov, Reagan was in control. It will be interesting to see if this same pattern holds all the way though.

Below is the Reagan-Cater polling I posted earlier

I was alive for this election
The media kept telling us Carter was going to win all the way into November
Even though it's been ~100 years, I can still remember being angry over that misinformation. Reagan was a big joke at the time, the frequent subject of comedians and SNL, etc


You and Clean are missing the point.

What you are missing is we are trying to say this is not a big deal. You are fatally flawed in this thread b/c you cannot let *anything* be said that is not damning of Trump. Anything less will be challenged. I don't know how you have the time.

How many words have you expended deriding Trump for the things he has said, versus how many words you have used up running down HRC for the things she has DONE?
What you are missing is we are trying to say this is not a big deal.

I know you don't think it's a big deal, and in isolation, it's not. The problem is that it shows a lack of maturity and judgment, and that is a big deal. Furthermore, he lies about it today. That's also a big deal.

You are fatally flawed in this thread b/c you cannot let *anything* be said that is not damning of Trump. Anything less will be challenged. I don't know how you have the time.

That's not true. There are angles on the Trump phenomenon that I'm sympathetic to. However, overall the guy is an embarrassment, and he's a massive danger to the long term conservative movement.

How many words have you expended deriding Trump for the things he has said, versus how many words you have used up running down HRC for the things she has DONE?

I've said far more negative things about HRC. I've been ripping her for 25 years. I've ripped her on Benghazi. I've ripped her on the e-mail scandal. I've ripped her as corporate hack who's been selling her public office for personal gain for years. I've ripped her character - for being a habitual liar and cheat.
If you are like me and Camille Paglia is your favorite lesbian then you will enjoy this takedown of the NYT takedown of Trump's dating life.

"..... The drums had been beating for weeks about a major New York Times expose in the works that would demolish Trump once and for all by revealing his sordid lifetime of misogyny. When it finally appeared as a splashy front-page story this past Sunday (originally titled “Crossing the Line: Trump’s Private Conduct with Women”), I was off in the woods pursuing my Native American research. On Monday, after seeing countless exultant references to this virtuoso takedown, I finally read the article—and laughed out loud throughout. Can there be any finer demonstration of the insularity and mediocrity of today’s Manhattan prestige media? Wow, millionaire workaholic Donald Trump chased young, beautiful, willing women and liked to boast about it. Jail him now! Meanwhile, the New York Times remains mute about Bill Clinton’s long record of crude groping and grosser assaults—not one example of which could be found to taint Trump.

Blame for this fiasco falls squarely upon the New York Times editors who delegated to two far too young journalists, Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey, the complex task of probing the glitzy, exhibitionistic world of late-twentieth-century beauty pageants, gambling casinos, strip clubs, and luxury resorts. Neither Barbaro, a 2002 graduate of Yale, nor Twohey, a 1998 graduate of Georgetown University, had any frame of reference for sexual analysis aside from the rote political correctness that has saturated elite American campuses for nearly 40 years. Their prim, priggish formulations in this awkwardly disconnected article demonstrate the embarrassing lack of sophistication that passes for theoretical expertise among their over-paid and under-educated professors.

When I saw the reporters’ defensive interview on Monday with CNN anchors Kate Bolduan and John Berman, I felt sorry for the earnest, owlish Barbaro, who seems like a nice fellow who has simply wandered out of his depth. But Twohey, with her snippy, bright and shiny careerism, took a page from the slippery Hillary playbook in the way she blatheringly evaded any direct answer to a pointed question about how Rowanne Brewer Lane’s pleasantly flirtatious first meeting with Trump at a crowded 1990 pool party at Mar-a-Lago ended up being called “a debasing face-to-face encounter” in the Times. The hidden agenda of advocacy journalism has rarely been caught so red-handed....."

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