
That's a great reflection of the huge advantage the Republicans had coming into this election cycle,,,,,,

Disagree. It's mostly due to Trump, not due to something that existed prior to Trump announcing. If he hadnt entered the race, I dont think Bush, Graham, Carson, Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina et al would have generated near this much enthusiasm. There are plenty examples out there of voters crossing over this cycle, as well as voters who had either never voted or not voted in decades. This is all due to Trump (IMO).
That's a great reflection of the huge advantage the Republicans had coming into this election cycle. Does that D apathy and R energy advantage still persist?

I think it's also a reflection of Trump's celebrity. I don't doubt that some are voting who otherwise wouldn't care about this race. Unfortunately when we have a lot of voters like that, they often make stupid decisions.
That's a great reflection of the huge advantage the Republicans had coming into this election cycle.

What advantage did they have that I presume from your message theme, they have now lost? Just wondering, I'm still convinced that this is the Hillary coronation. Nothing sticks to her, nothing.

I'm sure that was the inspiration. I know not everybody loves Monty Python. I've had two wives, objectively smart women, who didn't believe anyone could think that stuff funny. Appreciation for that humor must be genetic. I've two kids, both way smarter than me, who love them some Monty Python.
It's 40y old, and still makes me LOL
I turned my niece onto it, she was amazed and then Netlixed her way through all of it
Great kid that she is
I'm sure most of you have seen this by now, but anyway....This Presidential campaign race is surreal. I'm not sure if this will have more negative impact on Trump or on Cruz. It probably won't hurt Hillary.

I'm sure most of you have seen this by now, but anyway....This Presidential campaign race is surreal. I'm not sure if this will have more negative impact on Trump or on Cruz. It probably won't hurt Hillary.

That's awesome!!! Cruz nailed the narcissist charge. It's all true but won't impact Trump at all because he "says what needs to be said".
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“. . . and will to the best of my ability, which is terrific ability, by the way. Everyone agrees, I have fantastic ability. So there’s no problem with my ability, believe me. . . .”

“. . . and will to the best of my ability, which is terrific ability, by the way. Everyone agrees, I have fantastic ability. So there’s no problem with my ability, believe me. . . .”

"And by the way, look at the size of this hand I'm raising. It's YUUUUGE!!! This is no ordinary oath, Folks."
That's awesome!!! Cruz nailed the narcissist charge. It's all true but won't impact Trump at all because he "says what needs to be said".

I've always thought Cruz articulated pretty well what was wrong with Trump. The problem is that he isn't the solution. Furthermore, he's also a weak candidate but for different reasons.
Something else to remember about Cruz. He had a bit of an informal alliance with Trump early on that hurt his rivals but empowered Trump. Link.
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One of the most puzzling things about Trump, in my opinion, is how his kids have all turned out fine.
None of them have been in trouble with drugs, the police, and all have graduated from top universities and hold down jobs. It is a bit of a rarity for the children of not only a millionaire, but one who is a narcissistic blowhard. The kids are alright, as they say, and they seem to truly love and admire him.
I just don't get it. Is it possible that deep within his innermost circle, he is a totally different man?
One of the most puzzling things about Trump, in my opinion, is how his kids have all turned out fine.
None of them have been in trouble with drugs, the police, and all have graduated from top universities and hold down jobs. It is a bit of a rarity for the children of not only a millionaire, but one who is a narcissistic blowhard. The kids are alright, as they say, and they seem to truly love and admire him.
I just don't get it. Is it possible that deep within his innermost circle, he is a totally different man?

My guess is that Trump had little to do with raising his kids. I'm sure he wrote out plenty of big checks for their benefit and took good financial care of them. However, I'm willing to bet that they were raised by nannies, butlers, etc. Also, did they live with Trump after he dumped Ivana, or did they live with their mother?

I also think it's interesting that we rarely hear about the daughter he had with Marla Maples.
The kids, based on what I have read and seen on TV interviews, were raised by Donald, and the daughter he had with Marla Maples is on the scene in the interviews. I think she was raised by MM, but she is studying at UVA, makes top grades, and seems to be well adjusted as well.

They may be great actors, but they all seem to sincerely love and admire him. Grandkids, too.
Clearly, I watch way too much TV!
Raising a good kid who loves and respects you is one of the hardest things to do in life.
I'm amazed that not one has significant baggage.
The kids, based on what I have read and seen on TV interviews, were raised by Donald, and the daughter he had with Marla Maples is on the scene in the interviews. I think she was raised by MM, but she is studying at UVA, makes top grades, and seems to be well adjusted as well.

They may be great actors, but they all seem to sincerely love and admire him. Grandkids, too.
Clearly, I watch way too much TV!
Raising a good kid who loves and respects you is one of the hardest things to do in life.
I'm amazed that not one has significant baggage.

If that's the case then he's clearly a different guy at home. It's a shame Donald the Dad isn't running for President.
Cruz would have been the "anti-establishment" candidate if Trump had not totally taken over that space.

This makes me wonder about Bernie's supporters. They like him because a) he gives away free stuff or b) he is the anti-establishment Democrat. Will the voters that are with Bernie because of b) cross over to vote Trump, because they want anti-establishment over everything else? I really cannot see them voting for Hillary. Probably they will just stay home.
Cruz would have been the "anti-establishment" candidate if Trump had not totally taken over that space.


This makes me wonder about Bernie's supporters. They like him because a) he gives away free stuff or b) he is the anti-establishment Democrat. Will the voters that are with Bernie because of b) cross over to vote Trump, because they want anti-establishment over everything else? I really cannot see them voting for Hillary. Probably they will just stay home.

If Trump didn't have the ******* factor, they might vote for him. I think most Bernie supporters know that Hillary isn't going to carry much if any of his agenda into office. She'll basically be a third term of Bill Clinton - socially liberal but sleazy and very corporate. There are similarities between Bernie and Trump on trade and foreign policy that might theoretically entice them. However, Bernie supporters are also politically correct liberals. Nothing would make them feel more guilty than backing someone they deem a racist or a sexist, and Trump for the most part does everything he can to reinforce those labels. That will trump (no pun intended) the areas of similarity between Trump and Bernie.
Probably not. People wanted the *******, and he's delivering.


This. I believe much of what we saw was bluster and bravado DESIGNED to get people talking about him and to get the tons of free media coverage. And the more the press tried to make him out to be a bad guy, the MORE they got the masses talking about him. He became the name prospective voters paid attention to, no matter WHAT the polls were saying.

Quite honestly, the fact that the early GOP polls were SO wrong is why I cannot believe anyone puts stock in these early polls on a HRC v Trump general election match-up. Especially since Hillary still has to quit sustaining embarrassing losses after having been anointed by the media as the 'presumptive D nominee.' If she continues to lose to Sanders in the few remaining primaries, it is NOT going to help her curry the cross over vote.
If Trump didn't have the ******* factor, they might vote for him. I think most Bernie supporters know that Hillary isn't going to carry much if any of his agenda into office. She'll basically be a third term of Bill Clinton - socially liberal but sleazy and very corporate. There are similarities between Bernie and Trump on trade and foreign policy that might theoretically entice them. However, Bernie supporters are also politically correct liberals. Nothing would make them feel more guilty than backing someone they deem a racist or a sexist, and Trump for the most part does everything he can to reinforce those labels. That will trump (no pun intended) the areas of similarity between Trump and Bernie.

Remember, it was the Bernie Supporters or at least his base that was leading the charge to protest Trump rallies. When HRC further highlights "Trump the sexist" and "Trump the racist" there isn't a chance they support him. I think a large part of that group sits out this election. Of course, Donald Trump could easily drive them to the polls to vote against him. That's what HRC will be hoping.

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