
I can't figure out the affinity for Trump.

Even though I am not a Trump supporter, I can understand the affinity. People are tired of political correctness and a system that works against their interests. Trump speaks his mind and is not apologetic. Even if you disagree with him, it is very refreshing to see someone say something unpopular without immediately retreating and apologizing because some fringe group was offended.
Even though I am not a Trump supporter, I can understand the affinity. People are tired of political correctness and a system that works against their interests. Trump speaks his mind and is not apologetic. Even if you disagree with him, it is very refreshing to see someone say something unpopular without immediately retreating and apologizing because some fringe group was offended.

When he speaks it's ignorant though. Who realistically thinks that Mexico is going to pay to "build a wall" on the US - Mexico border? That statement routinely brings an applause line but it's pure fantasy to believe it. Other stuff he says is equally ludicrous. He's Teflon don though because he's built a myth that any criticism levied his way is from the big bad media his base loves to hate. In turn, even when Megyn Kelly brings up his own sexist statements he's made in the past rather than have a dialogue about whether he really is sexist he says "she's bleeding out of her you know where" and the media is out to get him. This is inexplicably lapped up by his supporters.
When he speaks it's ignorant though. Who realistically thinks that Mexico is going to pay to "build a wall" on the US - Mexico border? That statement routinely brings an applause line but it's pure fantasy to believe it. Other stuff he says is equally ludicrous. He's Teflon don though because he's built a myth that any criticism levied his way is from the big bad media his base loves to hate. In turn, even when Megyn Kelly brings up his own sexist statements he's made in the past rather than have a dialogue about whether he really is sexist he says "she's bleeding out of her you know where" and the media is out to get him. This is inexplicably lapped up by his supporters.
Feb 22, 2016. The day I agreed with Husker. I am now officially confused.
When he speaks it's ignorant though. Who realistically thinks that Mexico is going to pay to "build a wall" on the US - Mexico border?

Totally agree on Trump. But the argument can be extended to most politicians. Bernie wants free tuition when we are already 19 trillion in debt. It would be way cheaper to build a wall on the border than indefinitely paying for college tuition.
Bernie's plan to pay for the tuition (FTT's) would be in perpetuity. While it's obviously more expensive long term than the one-time wall building, Bernie has done a much better job actually laying out proposals and hoping they stick. Would Congress ever pass laws to support these proposals? Hell no.

Trump's boldface lying is different.
Trump's boldface lying is different.

That's the bizarre thing. He isn't really lying because he never says anything of substance. When asked how are you going to get Mexico to pay for the wall, he gives generic non-answers that can mean anything like "trust me they are going to pay for it. They are ripping us off and they will pay for it." That can mean anything. It could mean a tariff on imports from Mexico or a future "fee" on anyone visiting the wall or anything else that Trump thinks it means.

I think it's obvious that Trump supporters are not following him because of his detailed policy plans.
LOL. I knew somebody out there had to love Lindsey Graham but, until know, couldn't figure out who that one person was.

Not sure who that person is. Certainly not me. There's a pretty wide spectrum between "loving" somebody and deeming him a "nutjob" and a "disgrace," and I fall within that spectrum. If he was still running for President, he'd be very low on my list - higher than Trump (who really is a nutjob and a disgrace, as well as an enemy to conservatism) but that's not saying much.

Member of the Gang of Eight (he was also a leader of the Gang of 14 - which had a sadly tortured effect on the Fed Judiciary)
Regularly seeks to raise taxes to solve issues. ("We need to raise taxes to get our nation out of debt.”)
Voted for the "Fiscal Cliff Deal" (which was a fake crisis, and which raised taxes).
Proposed bumping the fed gasoline tax 15 cents (to fight global warming). A position that Obama easily outmaneuvered by opposing it!
Wants an internet sales tax
Has been arguing the US should invade Iran for 7 or 8 years. Indeed, he is sort of Is a sort of crazy chicken hawk who loves having the US military all over the world engaged in as many new conflicts as can be found. His catchphrase is - “We live in the most dangerous times imaginable." (errrr, no we dont)
Voted to increase the min wage
Co-sponsored Cap N' Trade
Voted for TARP (voted for all the bailouts)
Is for amnesty & open borders (regularly teaming up with Chuck Schumer on these things). He has even called Americans who oppose amnesty - "bigots" who need "to shut up." (he actually said this at a La Raza rally).
Voted for NCLB -- the federal government takeover of education
Voted to confirm Kagan and Sotomayor
Voted to raise the debt ceiling 6 times
Supports the idea of the federal govt taking over banks
Co-sponsored PIPA (the regulation of free speech on the internet -- remember this is the guy who said, "“Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war”)
Goes along with Obama on alot of things including one I really hate -- referring to ISIS as ISIL
Agrees with John McCain on almost everything
Defended Bill Clinton against impeachment
Called Joe Biden “as good a man as God has ever created”
Called Ted Kennedy "one of the most principled men I've ever met" (cant make this stuff up)
Wrote in Time Mag praising Hillary Clinton as a "smart, prepared, serious senator .... sought out by her colleagues to form legislative partnerships ..... she builds unusual political alliances with ... conservatives."

I definitely don't agree with everything Lindsey Graham does on the Senate floor or in the bedroom. However, the biggest thing you're proving with these is that Graham knows how to do math and has read the Constitution's provisions dealing with the separation of powers. None of these establish him as a nutjob or a disgrace. Wrong on some of them? Sure.

Also, if he defended Bill Clinton against impeachment, he had an interesting way of showing it by voting for 3 out of the 4 impeachment articles and serving as a impeachment manager/prosecutor during the Senate trial.

Here is one of my fav Lindsey quotes -- ""Everything that starts with 'Al' in the Middle East is bad news." ["al" is Arabic for "the"].

I'm going to guess that he was making a joke.
When he speaks it's ignorant though. Who realistically thinks that Mexico is going to pay to "build a wall" on the US - Mexico border? That statement routinely brings an applause line but it's pure fantasy to believe it. Other stuff he says is equally ludicrous. He's Teflon don though because he's built a myth that any criticism levied his way is from the big bad media his base loves to hate. In turn, even when Megyn Kelly brings up his own sexist statements he's made in the past rather than have a dialogue about whether he really is sexist he says "she's bleeding out of her you know where" and the media is out to get him. This is inexplicably lapped up by his supporters.

Well said. I don't have strong disagreement with the problems Trump identifies. Do middle class working people get screwed by trade deals negotiated by slimy politicians who ***** for megabusiness interests? Probably so. Is it absurd that our government refuses to secure our national borders? Yes, very absurd, not to mention economically damaging to many people and dangerous. Is our political culture and society politically correct to the point of stupidity and anti-intellectualism? Absolutely.

However, instead of countering these these problems with intelligence and real solutions, he proposes "solutions" more moronic than the problems themselves and spouts Archie Bunker-style trash talk that ultimately undermines any serious efforts to fix the problems he claims to care about. The guy is just a damn fool.
Even if you disagree with him, it is very refreshing to see someone say something unpopular without immediately retreating and apologizing because some fringe group was offended.

fringe group? Hell, he won't apologize if he offends some mainstream majority...but again, while I may not agree with what he says all of the time, I like seeing someone willing to stand by their words regardless of who got pissed off.
Trump is not a conservative but he is better than Hillary and has a chance to build an interesting coalition that can beat her.(unless he is a mole created by Hillary to tank like Perot)
This just shows how screwed WE are. Trump is likely better for the country from several standpoints than Hillary or Bernie
But that is a sad commentary indeed.
Rubio seemed an ok choice until his duplicity was exposed.
All the candidates have masters except Trump who could use someone wise advising him.
We are Doomed.
He did have an undergrad degree from Wharton. That aint nuthin.

It will be interesting to see if they start vetting now. Why not vet every election?
better than Hillary? He is a pathology and the fact that anybody takes him seriously as a president is indicative of the low state of our political situation. Only in Peron's Argentina would someone like this be taken seriously. I can't decide whether he is more like Peron or Mussolini but in either case it is pretty sickening that somebody like him has any following. There were half a dozen Republicans who were preferable to him in any sane situation.

Why is it that sane republican pols like Cornyn are not considered or will not run? We have a reality show geek leading the GOP field, for God's sake.

As for Hillary, Martin O'malley was better than her but he is not the first woman to have a chance at the brass ring and he is not a BS artist socialist like the free-zhit-for-everybody goofball so he gets 1% of the vote. I never thought I would live to see this zoo situation.

When I was a teenager I got excited about guys like Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Humphrey, et al. They had a rough idea of what the world was like and took themselves seriously. Trump marries Slovenian beauty queens. Are you people serious?

And the governor of Texas, an office once held by John Connally and Mark White, is now occupied by a guy who proposed re instating the Confederate Constitution. Doubt me? Read his proposed constitutional amendments and compare them to the aforesaid or the Articles of Confederation.
David Goldman recently said that he tries to explain Trump to foreigners by asking them to imagine if Hitler had liked Jews
Hillary reportedly misused hundreds of classified documents. (upwards of 2300 now if the latest reports are true) Other people spent and are spending years in jail for much less than that. The law is clear. There should not be another standard for people running for president.

Trump will be restrained by what he is able to deal with the congress. He will stay close to the limits of the law but I believe he will follow the law. He will be quite creative in dealing with the immigration disaster. It is a disaster by the way. Illegal immigrants are taken advantage of by unscrupulous people. Trump will force them to follow the law. Just because people have ignored the current law doesn't make it right to continue to ignore it.
Hillary reportedly misused hundreds of classified documents. (upwards of 2300 now if the latest reports are true) Other people spent and are spending years in jail for much less than that. The law is clear. There should not be another standard for people running for president.
Take a moment and think about in our own lives and in our own jobs what we would have to do to go to jail for a federal felony. Whatever you come up with, it's pretty serious $%^t.

I can tell you without any hesitation or qualification that in my previous career as an intelligence officer in the Navy and the IC, if I had on a personal private non-secure, non-certified, non-audited server confidential/secret/top secret/SCI/and worst of all Special Access Program material in the order of 2,000+, I would be in federal jail. There are innocent and negligent mistakes in handling classified material which could be excused, mitigated, and punished outside the legal system. But this...this is not it. This is black and white.
Why is it that sane republican pols like Cornyn are not considered or will not run?

To a massive sector of the GOP electorate, there's no trust for anyone who's not a perceived outsider. They think guys like John Cornyn have sold them out to please the Obama Adminstration. It's a false narrative, but some benefit from it. Furthermore, most of these people are ignorant and gullible.

Trump marries Slovenian beauty queens. Are you people serious?

If that's all he did, I could let it slide. Slovenian chicks are hot, and Eastern European women in general are very friendly and less pretentious than Western European women. If he looked for a wife there, I could hardly blame him.

However, he's much worse than that. He marries Slovenian beauty queens (whom he publicly calls "pieces of ***"), divorces them when they show any signs of age, goes out and bangs married women, and then brags about it. He's a total pig of a human being.

And the governor of Texas, an office once held by John Connally and Mark White, is now occupied by a guy who proposed re instating the Confederate Constitution.

I didn't vote for The Wheelchair, but I did expect him to be better than Rick Perry. I guess I expected too much.

David Goldman recently said that he tries to explain Trump to foreigners by asking them to imagine if Hitler had liked Jews

I'm already learning how to say in German, "Don't blame me. I didn't vote for Trump."

Here in Europe, people are horrified that Trump is a serious candidate. Part of it is his nutty policies, but he also epitomizes every negative stereotype they have about Americans. He's arrogant, simple-minded, loud, and obnoxious. They absolutely detest the guy.
Gullible is throwing your vote away on a third party. Gullible is not supporting the best candidate, one with a chance to win, vs the Democrats. The ******** who voted third party or stayed home because Romney wasn't good enough for them were gullible as hell. Hillary is inevitable, even as a criminal as hard as it is to believe, unless the rest of us rally around a candidate who can have a chance to beat her.
trump v hillary is like hitler v. von Papen; I wonder if the anarchists ran anybody in 1932. I will vote libertarian again. I wonder who they are running this time.
During a Fox News interview the day of the Iowa caucuses, anchor Neil Cavuto pressed Cuban on Trump's lack of specifics.

Cuban argued that none of the candidates in the race had realistic campaign promises.

"Let's put it in context, right? Is there anything that any candidate has said on either side that's realistic? Tax-cut plans — all nonsense. Bernie's going to pay for everybody's college — can't happen," he said, referring to US Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont).

The billionaire investor added:

Then the person who is most forceful — and really the person who can come across the best way and simplify things — has the best chance. It's the old KISS concept: Keep it simple, stupid. And I think Donald has really dialed in on that and understands it. And he'll admit it.

Cuban, a frequent political pundit, said he hadn't decided which candidate he would ultimately back.

But he is clearly not a fan of fellow Texan and Trump's top primary rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Over the weekend, Cuban even described himself on Twitter as "an ABC voter. Anyone But Cruz."

Cuban, whose basketball arena hosted a Trump rally in September, said he thought the billionaire developer was playing a bit of a "game" with his television persona.

He told Cavuto:

I've talked to him on the phone a couple times. And like everybody you've had on, when you know Donald, he's kind of got a different personality than what he plays on TV. It's kind of a "don't hate the player, hate the game"-type situation. I haven't made a decision yet, but I'll consider anybody but Ted Cruz.

Cuban additionally said that he thought some of Trump's popularity was because of a proven record of success in business and real estate. Cuban said he appreciated that record, even if he didn't support some of Trump's hard-line policy proposals.

He recalled:

I've said this directly to him. I said, "Donald, I don't agree with a lot of what you're saying. But at least you're the one person that's been able to go out there and get something done and show some accomplishment in their life — other than this bill or that bill passed or stopped."

"So I think people recognize that he's accomplished things, and they're rallying behind that," he added.

TLDR: Cuban implies Trump will be fine.
One of the more amazing aspects of this election (the most interesting of my lifetime) is how many folks gets super excited over Trump's use of colorful language yet the same people yawn at the implications for the US of an open borders policy and $19T federal debt (and growing). Some puzzling priorities.
trump has been a bs artist on television and in the NY press for thirty years and he is a bs artist now. He has no program and anybody who thinks he will close the border is an idiot. I handle immigration offenses all the time and the wall is not the problem. Americans hiring people here illegally is the problem and it can only be solved by jailing the employers and Trump and his ilk are no more likely to do that than Hillary.

His solutions are laughable in their stupidity. It is like sending Wiley Coyote to stop the Roadrunner menace.

He preys on those who hate Obamacare (properly speaking, it should be Pelosicare, since Obama had nothing to do with writing it or steering it through congress) by saying what? He will repeal it and replace it with something really great!!! Well, I feel better already----hand me another GD placebo, Doc.
He is a salesman and he is selling what? Who knows, whatever it is you want to buy, he suggests he has it and it is really good and he can get it for you cheap. Anybody remember Kurt Russell in Used Cars?
One other thing, have you noticed how many people say they will vote for him because Hillary has to be stopped? And Hillary supporters say she has to be nominated because the Republicans are going to destroy the country and have to be stopped.

I don't think either of the nominees can be stopped and they both stink. So voting for a Libertarian or anti-vivisectionist or Vegetarian Candidate is not throwing away anything of value

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