
Trump now will not participate in the FoxNews debate on Thursday. Will this be viewed as a positive by anyone but his own supporters who seem to enjoy Trump telling anyone to "f" off?

I'm no Trump fan. It does show that Trump is extremely thin skinned.
maybe he is in the top debate by himself and the rest are in the jr debate? Cruz is the only one over 10% I believe.
I'm no fan of Trump, but I see this as huge gamble that could pay off.
He is clearly (by the polls) leading in the third quarter, so he sits out the fourth quarter, where he doesn't risk losing the lead, BUT, uses his enormous Twitter base to hold his own "debate". He can answer when he wants, attack the other candidates when he wants. In effect, he is in charge of the debate.
UNLESS, for the first time in his campaign, people see this as the nasty, bullying, entitled move that it is, and put their support elsewhere.
It will be interesting to find out. If it works, it could change the way elections are run forever.
These are scary times.
Clearly, Trumps current base will love this move. How will the supporters of the other candidates view it? Of course, in a general election they'll nearly all fall to the Republican candidate anyways.
If anything, perhaps it gives others the chance to distinguish themselves as potential VP candidates...unless Trump has already fashioned an idea to put Palin on the ticket in an attempt to court the women who would vote for HRC for the sole reason that she was female (and there are, sadly, a ton of those voters).
Trashing the media is a crowd pleaser in GOP circles. Even though FOX is pretty right wing in most of its opinion pieces and slants the news coverage to the right. ( I just channel surf by there every once in a while and I've heard the phrase "Obama is the worst president in history" a couple dozen times.
Still has enough "balanced" content to worry the latter day John Birchers and a few of my most right wing friends on Facebook consider them suspect and part of the leftist media establishment.
Nice before and after there Joe.
During the last debate I commented to myself that she looked much better before and she must be trying for a more masculine or aggressive, sorry assertive, look.
I think Super Tuesday (and then the April primaries in northeastern states) will tell a lot more about Cruz's following and whether Trump will hack it. Lest we forget Santorum and Huckabee had the majority of delegates from the last two Iowa caucuses.
This was a big blow to Trump and his arrogant "I am a winner" persona. He was not as organized as Cruz and will likely suffer a similar fate in Super Tuesday.
I'm still flabbergasted with the "I'm a winner" campaign. It gives me hope for our Republic that the voters may be beginning to see through that charade.
Coulter into for Trump in NH
She has some good lines

I never had much use for Coulter, but what little I ever had is gone with her Trump support. She's nothing more than a peddler of political pornography - shrill rhetoric and smack talk designed to get people to get excited and shut off their brains.
An interesting piece on Trump's "self funding" plan.

Donald Trump won big time in New Hampshire last night, and something the presidential candidate touted in his victory speech was that his campaign was self-funded.

But according to New York Times reporter Nicholas Confessore, this claim isn't entirely true.

"The average self-funder will donate to their own campaign as much money as they need to run for president," Confessore said. "Donald Trump is doing something a bit different. Almost all of the money of his that's in the campaign is money he loaned the campaign."

Trump also gets about half his money for the campaign from grassroots donors who send in personal checks or buy hats and t-shirts with his face on them. Essentially, Trump is moving money from one pocket to another.

So how does he do it?

"When a person is borrowed from the Trump organization to go work on the [presidential] campaign, the campaign pays the Trump organization for that person's time," Confessore said. "But where does that money come from? It comes from Donald Trump in large part."

Yet, Confessore said what Trump is doing is not against the law. As long as Trump's companies do not make illegal corporate contributions directly to his presidential campaign, Trump's financial strategy is entirely legal.
SH, does he get that employees salary reimbursed by the campaign? If not I do not see how this is not using his own money, since he is paying the worker.

Please explain, linking an article with a headline is not proof, the article is worse than your post.....Sometimes your avatar is smack dab accurate!!!

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