

You mad, peepaw? Settle down. Seattle Husker had one sentence in his post stating here's an interesting piece; nothing else, especially no opinion that the link supported or didn't support.

This has been a good thread with various side agreeing on much in it. Then you come roaring in like a bull in a china shop. Upset that folks are calling out trump? If he's your guy, get ready for more of the same over the next few months.
Seems like Trump is going after Dems in SC. This primary is open (allowing Dems to cross over to vote in the primary) -- neither NH nor Iowa were open.

His position at the debate on 9-11 and Iraq was not just left but extreme left, and was later endorsed by the likes of Code Pink.

My guess is that he thinks he has it, he thinks he has won. And so he is going after the Dems now. His must have had polling prior to the debate to support this shift. He also knew W would be making appearances in SC in support of Jeb, so he make this preemptive strike to cut W off at the knees.

It is an interesting strategy. There was a lot of talk going in about Cruz' long-standing advantage on the ground there and throughout the South in general. But apparently Trump has disciples of Lee Atwater directing his ground game there. And they set him out on a new course.

I dont know if he is correct - but it is very interesting to observe. Did he jump the gun? We will see.
Seems like Trump is going after Dems in SC. This primary is open (allowing Dems to cross over to vote in the primary) -- neither NH nor Iowa were open.

Not entirely unheard of, especially given that many will vote in a primary other than that of their typical vote where the primary is in an open state (Texas is ALSO open). I never vote a straight party line in a general election but will frequently vote in the primary of whichever party has the most candidates at the local level that I give a damn about...

(For example, in this election cycle, I will be in the Republican primary because of the contested races at the Court of Criminal Appeals more than any other race...the chance to vote AGAINST Cruz is just an added bonus- the thought of him as POTUS scares me)
(For example, in this election cycle, I will be in the Republican primary because of the contested races at the Court of Criminal Appeals more than any other race...the chance to vote AGAINST Cruz is just an added bonus- the

For whom should we vote in the CCA races?
Trump seeks to own the POTUS, not BE the POTUS.

I haven't determined if he'll run 3rd party to install HisSilentinBengHazi or FeeltheBerningtuititionbill ... OR if he'll simply laydown, or maybe even actively tank his bid after getting the GOP nomination.

He has no intention of being inaugurated in January.
yup ... demagoguery at its finest.

One in the article said he's not a polished politician. oh yes he is.

He's so refined you cannot detect you're being manipulated.

Prepare for an increase in the "progressivism" courtesy of Donald Trump as he becomes the puppet master of POTUS.

IDK ... maybe indirectly he DOES help the country ... revolt.

For the last 16 years, the question has been: Vote for the Republican and delay the revolution, or vote for the Democrat and let's just get it on.
Lack of comity, lack of respect - OK, no argument
But is anyone willing to state on the record that they disagree with Trump on Graham?

Lack of comity, lack of respect - OK, no argument
But is anyone willing to state on the record that they disagree with Trump on Graham?

I disagree with Graham on some things, but I don't think he's a nutjob or a disgrace. I consider Trump a far bigger nutjob and a far bigger disgrace.
Despite the occasional moment of lucidity, the great bulk of Graham's actual behavior as a Republican in the Senate has been disgraceful
I've always kept an open mind for Cruz. Trump is coalition building which might be the winning formula for a win instead of a Romney/McCain milquetoast showing.
Despite the occasional moment of lucidity, the great bulk of Graham's actual behavior as a Republican in the Senate has been disgraceful

There is definitely room for criticism as there is for McCain. However, I'd take the critique more seriously if it came from someone with more credibility than Trump. Trump calling Graham a nutjob would be a bit like Michael Moore making fun of Chris Christie for being fat.
.... Trump calling Graham a nutjob would be a bit like Michael Moore making fun of Chris Christie for being fat.

Moore would still be correct.
(and makes that a 'progressive' way of arguing - i.e., focusing on who said it rather than what was said).
Moore would still be correct.
(and makes that a 'progressive' way of arguing - i.e., focusing on who said it rather than what was said).

It's a goofy comment on both fronts. Graham's not a nutjob, and the person saying it is the ultimate nutjob.
So I guess by now everyone has seen that the Pope weighed into US politics
His statement was pretty ironic -- “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian...” clearly directed at Trump.

His Holiness flies back tonight to his home behind this wall

In addition, I dont know if you have ever been to Jerusalem, but the walls around the Old City are even more impressive. And indeed the are even described in the new Testament (Revelations 21:10-27).
It's a goofy comment on both fronts. Graham's not a nutjob, and the person saying it is the ultimate nutjob.

People like Graham are how you get $19T in debt.
Which, by the way, is protected to grow to $21-22T by the 2017 fiscal close.
Graham is the worst kind of Republican.
People like Graham are how you get $19T in debt.
Which, by the way, is protected to grow to $21-22T by the 2017 fiscal close.
Graham is the worst kind of Republican.

That's absurd. That kind of charge could be thrown at anybody in WAshington.
That's absurd. That kind of charge could be thrown at anybody in Washington.

LOL. I knew somebody out there had to love Lindsey Graham but, until know, couldn't figure out who that one person was.
Graham has a horrible record (which is why he polls nationally closer to 0% than 1%). He is generally closer to a progressive than a conservative. Let us review a few of his highlights --

Member of the Gang of Eight (he was also a leader of the Gang of 14 - which had a sadly tortured effect on the Fed Judiciary)
Regularly seeks to raise taxes to solve issues. ("We need to raise taxes to get our nation out of debt.”)
Voted for the "Fiscal Cliff Deal" (which was a fake crisis, and which raised taxes).
Proposed bumping the fed gasoline tax 15 cents (to fight global warming). A position that Obama easily outmaneuvered by opposing it!
Wants an internet sales tax
Has been arguing the US should invade Iran for 7 or 8 years. Indeed, he is sort of Is a sort of crazy chicken hawk who loves having the US military all over the world engaged in as many new conflicts as can be found. His catchphrase is - “We live in the most dangerous times imaginable." (errrr, no we dont)
Voted to increase the min wage
Co-sponsored Cap N' Trade
Voted for TARP (voted for all the bailouts)
Is for amnesty & open borders (regularly teaming up with Chuck Schumer on these things). He has even called Americans who oppose amnesty - "bigots" who need "to shut up." (he actually said this at a La Raza rally).
Voted for NCLB -- the federal government takeover of education
Voted to confirm Kagan and Sotomayor
Voted to raise the debt ceiling 6 times
Supports the idea of the federal govt taking over banks
Co-sponsored PIPA (the regulation of free speech on the internet -- remember this is the guy who said, "“Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war”)
Goes along with Obama on alot of things including one I really hate -- referring to ISIS as ISIL
Agrees with John McCain on almost everything
Defended Bill Clinton against impeachment
Called Joe Biden “as good a man as God has ever created”
Called Ted Kennedy "one of the most principled men I've ever met" (cant make this stuff up)
Wrote in Time Mag praising Hillary Clinton as a "smart, prepared, serious senator .... sought out by her colleagues to form legislative partnerships ..... she builds unusual political alliances with ... conservatives."

Here is one of my fav Lindsey quotes -- ""Everything that starts with 'Al' in the Middle East is bad news." ["al" is Arabic for "the"].

Anyway, so yeah, having Senators like Lindsey Graham is how you get you to $19T in debt (soon to be $21-22T).
Tired of politics I listened to the Ticket in DFW this morning, only to find Gordon Keith and the Gentle Musers talking politics. One of them, I think it was Keith, said Trump has changed the political dynamic. "When he steps on a landmine, it doesn't kill him. He absorbs its power."

After watching politicians apologize for weeks over a gaffe, maybe America is ready for a politician brave enough to say "so what."
Tired of politics I listened to the Ticket in DFW this morning, only to find Gordon Keith and the Gentle Musers talking politics. One of them, I think it was Keith, said Trump has changed the political dynamic. "When he steps on a landmine, it doesn't kill him. He absorbs its power."

After watching politicians apologize for weeks over a gaffe, maybe America is ready for a politician brave enough to say "so what."

I can't figure out the affinity for Trump. Yes, all the exit polls point to Trump dominating the blue collar base but it seems that base doesn't listen to what he's saying. Maybe they don't care but simply want a candidate to that embodies what they want and that is to give the proverbial middle finger to the bureaucrats in DC.

The question is, will the blue collar be enough to push him into the WhiteHouse?

Mr. Deez used to have this image in his signature and it's very appropriate with Trump:

My order of fear is Sanders - Hillary - Cruz - Trump, and yes I would vote for Trump vs either of those two Democrats, although I never ever thought I'd say that with it possibly coming to pass.
I think we all are going to make a decision between HRC and Trump. Talk about a decision of character, what an election. I just can't see Rubio making up enough ground and Cruz is too sleazy to last. Only thing that could stop Hillary is if Obama got mad at her because she told him she wasn't going to put him on the Supremes. Only he could stop the Democratic machine.

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