Trouble in Paradise?


Quickly checked aggy record
Aggy poster must have an aggy definition of consistent.
If I read it right aggy only had 2 or more 10 win seasons back to back 2 times in their entire history
Quickly checked aggy record
Aggy poster must have an aggy definition of consistent.
If I read it right aggy only had 2 or more 10 win seasons back to back 2 times in their entire history
Well Horn, you were obviously not counting correctly. I don't think you countered the maroon & white spring game which gave them 1 (or more) win per season.. {<;
Abilene ISD director of bands & orchestra arrested. Not sure if he's aggy, but he's repping the brand regardless. And he got an unusually high bond of 1 million, obviously an allsome dude.

Unfortunately there is a trend. I'm glad I had two sons. This moron isn't from Texas. But I know him well as he was the Band Director at the school my sons attended. There were rumors there. He was "let go". When he left, he married a former student of his. And that wasn't the girl from this story...

(Still trying to figure out how to make this a clickable link...
Unfortunately there is a trend. I'm glad I had two sons. This moron isn't from Texas. But I know him well as he was the Band Director at the school my sons attended. There were rumors there. He was "let go". When he left, he married a former student of his. And that wasn't the girl from this story...

(Still trying to figure out how to make this a clickable link...
Maybe he should have been working for the Humble ISD
Unfortunately there is a trend. I'm glad I had two sons. This moron isn't from Texas. But I know him well as he was the Band Director at the school my sons attended. There were rumors there. He was "let go". When he left, he married a former student of his. And that wasn't the girl from this story...

(Still trying to figure out how to make this a clickable link...
Whoever is in this story you linked, it isn't the sad sack aggy above.
Unfortunately there is a trend. I'm glad I had two sons. This moron isn't from Texas. But I know him well as he was the Band Director at the school my sons attended. There were rumors there. He was "let go". When he left, he married a former student of his. And that wasn't the girl from this story...

(Still trying to figure out how to make this a clickable link...
Here you go!
Unfortunately there is a trend. I'm glad I had two sons. This moron isn't from Texas. But I know him well as he was the Band Director at the school my sons attended. There were rumors there. He was "let go". When he left, he married a former student of his. And that wasn't the girl from this story...

(Still trying to figure out how to make this a clickable link...
My HS Choir Director was previously the Director 1 town over. He married 1 of his students over there, resigned (under pressure?), moved to my home town, divorced his wife & began an affair with a Soprano in our choir. He then went to TCU & rcvd his MFA. From there he moved to Midland & produced 1 of the best choirs in Texas.

Strangely enough, simultaneously our Band Director (married) was carrying on an affair with 1st chair clarinet. He left town after she graduated. NEITHER went to prison. It was a different day & a different world.
If the day wasn't good enough already, go to forums. OMG it's hysterical. Best site to bring you out of a funk. It should probably be bookmarked on the Cactus Cafe board under things that make you LOL.
I am on Discord and this group I am with has a couple members on there who are A&M grads or fans. This was our conversation tonight...well more like their conversation.


Thanks for sharing.

After the ND debacle, I suspect more gold from that site over the next few daze!


Fire the new OC!!@$&*

Elko sucks or is a pig-in-a-poke!

Wiegman is fools gold!

Please continue to share from Texags.

The last guy to post of that thread is one of the few Aggies that actually knows where to go to place blame, although Rick Perry is way too dumb to have input - good guy but dumber than a bag of hair. Jon Sharp ain't smart but doesn't understand that.
Oh man how I love waking up on Sundays to drink in the aggy tears. Week 1 and the roller coaster is already off the tracks….gotta be a record.
Forget the bus, texags is throwing Weigman under the train that runs thru campus. I kinda/almost feel sorry for the kid.