Trouble in Paradise?

Aggy logic claims our rivalry didn't really start until 1975, so they should remove their 1 and only 1939 natty.

The 1975 game was a win for agricultural & mechanical college of Texas after long eras of mostly losses. 1975 was when lowly aggy started to gain more frequent wins vs. DADDY.

I suspect aggy wants the perception of the series to start about 1975 due to winning more. Before 1975, the Tea Sips won approx. 3 out of 4 games going back to 1894.

The series is still 76-37-5 and will move to 77-37-5 this fall.
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Agree with SN on mid Atlantic and Pacific Coast, but they have a lot in common with both Children of the Corn (Nebraska and Iowa).

They really need to go back to the Big 12 (or whatever they are going to call it). That would gain them an additional win or two a season plus play entertaining games with sand aggy (in Lubbock anyway) and the Third Ward.

They should move back to the Southwest where they belong. Plus they would regain that VIP status to the prestigious Poulan Weedeater Bowl in lovely Shreveport in late December!!
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Hey now, Shreveport can be a great place during the week, when rooms at Sam's and Binions are $75 rather than $400 on weekends. Problem is only if you are allergic to polyester, because those buses from the assisted living centers flood the place with the elderly in their polyester finest, and they tie up all the penny slots.

Besides, you gotta love a place where Bubba & Boudreaux's advertises "Home of Redneck & Coonass Cuisine".
That clown's post exemplifies what has been the overwhelming problem on the Brazos for decades. Aggies are obsessed with Texas and think every decision in Austin is to spite them, when indeed no thought was ever given to or about the Aggies on any decision. If Aggies had focused on A&M since WWII, they would indeed have been a force to reckon with, but they are incapable of rational thought as displayed by their miserable leadership and decision making.

Really sad that they have wasted so many generations by their own delusion.

“From the outside…from the inside…”

Whichever POV, this sh*t is just effin’ weird. At games? OK. But weddings? Business meetings? C’mon. Any functional adult has gotta know that this stuff is just weirdo-ville. And to be led by a YMCA-like cheerleader…just makes you “Wanna Getaway?”

Creepy AF.
That clown's post exemplifies what has been the overwhelming problem on the Brazos for decades. Aggies are obsessed with Texas and think every decision in Austin is to spite them, when indeed no thought was ever given to or about the Aggies on any decision. If Aggies had focused on A&M since WWII, they would indeed have been a force to reckon with, but they are incapable of rational thought as displayed by their miserable leadership and decision making.

Really sad that they have wasted so many generations by their own delusion.
As I’ve said here before, aggy would chop off both arms and legs, and consider the head, too, if it could somehow get an upper hand to their nemesis in Austin. Their strategy is to do anything and everything to spite the hated Horns. Fight songs. Manipulation of historical data (our record since August of 1975 is…), $100M coaches, $500M stadiums,….the list goes on and on.

CDC: “Hey Schloss, nice season out there. Wanna come coach with the big boys?”
Schloss: “Sure thing, Chris. Thought you’d never ask. . Let me finish this game first. How do we announce this thing?”
aggy is so many adjectives or phrases. Some are contradictory:

False hubris
Penis Envy
Chip-on- Shoulder
UT Boogeyman
All hat, no cattle

Probably several I have not thought of.
Aggie will go to Big 10, and then after the 100-year decision, go to Big 12, where they will be rivals with anyone but Baylor, TTU, IAH, and Rice. Everyone except BYU will be excluded. The new rivalry will be the "Cult Classic." and will involve cutting things off like coffee, alcohol, sugar, and common sense. The "Cult of Personality Conference"?
If Elko came out today and told the idoit fanbase that A&M is historically one of the most successful college football programs in the country (nay, the world!) without even an iota of evidence to support the claim, the doofus brigade would immediately establish a new bizarre tradition involving a bodily fluid and some special hand jesters and build their entire 2024 season around it.

whooop fellas yay team!

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Aggies have different levels/ages when they realize the delusion. This guy obviously hasn't hit it yet, but outside of a few good ol' boys, they tend to figure out "oh... our lives don't revolve around what Texas does and there's no conspiracy to keep me in a cursed fandom."

Red Sox fans (until 2004)
Cubs fans (until 2016)
Jets fans
Lions fans

They all eventually figure it out. Minus a few stragglers who are beyond hope.