Trouble in Paradise?

Young lady here in Houston was offered:

1) Free ride to Michigan

2) Free ride to Dartmouth

3) Almost free ride to Vandy

4) Wait listed in Austin. Suggested she go to ACC and TRY to transfer in.

Major part of our problem is the fight over fiefdoms:

Sure it says "English Building", but it should be used for whatever class needs it. Faculty would rather see empty classrooms in "their building".

FTS! It belongs to The University of Texas. Open admissions and open space for them to be taught.
BBQ in Bryan
On the Texas Standard this morning John Sharp was interviewed about his retirement. In his roughly 5-minute interview, he said 'clearly we're not seen as anyone's little brother anymore'. If you have to say one of your talking points more than once in 5 minutes, I'm thinking that not even you truly believe it.
On the Texas Standard this morning John Sharp was interviewed about his retirement. In his roughly 5-minute interview, he said 'clearly we're not seen as anyone's little brother anymore'. If you have to say one of your talking points more than once in 5 minutes, I'm thinking that not even you truly believe it.
Evidently John is not so sharp.
Please, for everything that is wrong in the world, let this be true. This would be even better than us taking Schloss. I couldn't imagine the grief they would get over running from Texas twice.

Please, for everything that is wrong in the world, let this be true. This would be even better than us taking Schloss. I couldn't imagine the grief they would get over running from Texas twice.


Big 10 wants furter recruiting inroads in Texas. A Texas college in the conference will help.

aggy wants out of our shadow so bad they cannot wait to bolt from a conference a second time.

Also, aggy probably hoping for bigger payday with jump to Big 10 - so they can further whittle down that JUMBO buyout!!!

Pooor aggy! :smokin:
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Big 10 wants recruiting inroads with a Texas college in the conference.

aggy wants out of our shadow so bad they cannot wait to bolt from a conference a second time.

Also, aggy probably hoping for bigger payday to Big 10 so they can further whittle down that JUMBO buyout!!!

Pooor aggy! :smokin:

Meanwhile the SEC is happy to rid themselves of aggy on the cheap which would open up another spot for maybe FSU or Clemson without even having to change anything. Dump aggy an add a better's a win/win!
aggy can't be so clueless as to 1. not understand the B1G wants them to exploit the state and 2. aggy can't any Real expectations they can win in that conference.
The envy is never ending.
I wonder how the milk men will go over in the Midwest and mid Atlantic?
Agree with SN on mid Atlantic and Pacific Coast, but they have a lot in common with both Children of the Corn (Nebraska and Iowa).

They really need to go back to the Big 12 (or whatever they are going to call it). That would gain them an additional win or two a season plus play entertaining games with sand aggy (in Lubbock anyway) and the Third Ward.