Trouble in Paradise?

More and more are coming to the realization that Jimbo saw in aggy an easy mark. They were desperate for legitimacy and Jimbo had that (at least on the surface). When he got to aggy land, he targeted money for hire players and leveraged his used car salesman skills to attract good talent. He did pretty well but it came apart the last 2 years. And then aggy was stuck with that guaranteed contract. Now they are paying the piper. Half the aggies on TexAgs recognized what happen but the other half is ignorant as ever. Some realize the entire Jimbo org is being torn down and rebuilt with something less showy and lower key. Probably a better approach for them that will get them back to 8-4 and 9-3 in 2-3 years.
Hired a DC who was fired at North Carolina in 2022. Well done Otis Elko!

What %, not 2%er, of coaches would you say have not been fired then hired somewhere else? This in no way is defending aggroids, but I'm just saying.
More and more are coming to the realization that Jimbo saw in aggy an easy mark. They were desperate for legitimacy and Jimbo had that (at least on the surface). When he got to aggy land, he targeted money for hire players and leveraged his used car salesman skills to attract good talent. He did pretty well but it came apart the last 2 years. And then aggy was stuck with that guaranteed contract. Now they are paying the piper. Half the aggies on TexAgs recognized what happen but the other half is ignorant as ever. Some realize the entire Jimbo org is being torn down and rebuilt with something less showy and lower key. Probably a better approach for them that will get them back to 8-4 and 9-3 in 2-3 years.
If they had taken a look at his tenure at fsu it would have obvious, but as usual, aggy delusion won the day.
It is intellectually challenging if not impossible to understand the desperation for relevance that exists in the DNA of most Aggies. That desperation translates into non-sensical actions and decisions, like the hire and termination of Jimbo.

From the outside looking in, the entertainment value is priceless.
More and more are coming to the realization that Jimbo saw in aggy an easy mark. They were desperate for legitimacy and Jimbo had that (at least on the surface). When he got to aggy land, he targeted money for hire players and leveraged his used car salesman skills to attract good talent. He did pretty well but it came apart the last 2 years. And then aggy was stuck with that guaranteed contract. Now they are paying the piper. Half the aggies on TexAgs recognized what happen but the other half is ignorant as ever. Some realize the entire Jimbo org is being torn down and rebuilt with something less showy and lower key. Probably a better approach for them that will get them back to 8-4 and 9-3 in 2-3 years.
I don't think Elko and staff get them there. He's their Charlie Strong. Assistants they've hired are meh. Recruiting has sucked. If they don't sign the top 3 in their class they have no top 100 players. I'm thinking more 6-6, 7-5. 9-3 is a pipe dream. They have numbers in the portal but mostly 3*'s there too.
More and more are coming to the realization that Jimbo saw in aggy an easy mark. They were desperate for legitimacy and Jimbo had that (at least on the surface). When he got to aggy land, he targeted money for hire players and leveraged his used car salesman skills to attract good talent. He did pretty well but it came apart the last 2 years. And then aggy was stuck with that guaranteed contract. Now they are paying the piper. Half the aggies on TexAgs recognized what happen but the other half is ignorant as ever. Some realize the entire Jimbo org is being torn down and rebuilt with something less showy and lower key. Probably a better approach for them that will get them back to 8-4 and 9-3 in 2-3 years.
Nobody in any field of endeavor ever enters into a fully guaranteed contract without a major portion of compensation tied to some sort of performance milestones. Any kind of endeavor imaginable. I can imagine an unscrupulous person sitting down on the job from the very jump. To have done originally was ill-advised. To repeat it and extend it for the most pedestrian achievement (covid success with half the players sitting out) was just laughably sophomoric. God in heaven, if he had ever even approached the success that Sark has had in year three, they’d have given him Kyle field! It’s sorta like going into a second grade classroom and saying “everybody get out your lunch money we are going to play blackjack”. It truly borders on mentally challenged abuse by Jambo. It would qualify if it hadn't been the second graders’ idea in the first place.
The eerie silence from our backwoods cousins down in College Station is frankly a little disconcerting. Normally, even when they are rearranging deck chairs on the titanic they’re puffing their chests about it but this year the complete lack of anything from them is just really disturbing. The Jimbo fiasco truly struck them to their quick and their normal knee jerk fall back into cult belief has honestly been affected. It’s enough to almost feel sorry for them… Almost.
There might be a change in their school song if this keeps up.
I believe I hear old Hank Williams warming up as we speak.
I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry
Has it now become a verb in CS? If so, would this be the correct conjugation? I believe it to be an irregular verb so I'm not sure where it goes from here.
Present tense:
I Jimbo
You Jambo
He/she/it Jumbos
We Jimbin
They Jambon
Used in a sentence: Watch me Jimbo that pack of morons out of $95,000,000.
Think you could Jambo that dumbass to give you his life savings?
He Jumbos people like they are a bunch of aggys.
We Jimbin dipschlits; that's how we make a living.
They Jambon aggys hard!
Since it's irregular I'm lost at future, past, past preterate, subjunctive, etc.
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Has it now become a verb in CS? If so, would this be the correct conjugation? I believe it to be an irregular verb so I'm not sure where it goes from here.
Present tense:
I Jimbo
You Jambo
He/she/it Jumbos
We Jimbin
They Jambon
Used in a sentence: Watch me Jimbo that pack of morons out of $95,000,000.
Think you could Jambo that dumbass to give you his life savings?
He Jumbos people like they are a bunch of aggys.
We Jimbin dipschlits; that's how we make a living.
They Jambon aggys hard!
Since it's irregular I'm lost at future, past, past preterate, subjunctive, etc.
Holy cow that’s funny!!! :lmao:
Has it now become a verb in CS? If so, would this be the correct conjugation? I believe it to be an irregular verb so I'm not sure where it goes from here.
Present tense:
I Jimbo
You Jambo
He/she/it Jumbos
We Jimbin
They Jambon
Used in a sentence: Watch me Jimbo that pack of morons out of $95,000,000.
Think you could Jambo that dumbass to give you his life savings?
He Jumbos people like they are a bunch of aggys.
We Jimbin dipschlits; that's how we make a living.
They Jambon aggys hard!
Since it's irregular I'm lost at future, past, past preterate, subjunctive, etc.
However, I believe “a Jimbo” should become a standard form of financial nomenclature. For example:

“congress just approved 27 Jimbo’s in aid the the Ukraine. Victory over Russia is now inevitable.”


“The U.S. fiscal deficit is now at 107 Jimbo’s. All hope is lost. The White House urges everyone to buy a copy of Chinese for Dummies.”
However, I believe “a Jimbo” should become a standard form of financial nomenclature. For example:

“congress just approved 27 Jimbo’s in aid the the Ukraine. Victory over Russia is now inevitable.”


“The U.S. fiscal deficit is now at 107 Jimbo’s. All hope is lost. The White House urges everyone to buy a copy of Chinese for Dummies.”
So it is also a noun. It appears to be a very versotile word.
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And then there is this fan favorite.

I really don't like and don't normally engage in commenting on someone's appearance, but Johnny Football's exterior seems to accurately reflect his inner life, and he really has always looked like a Douche Goblin. If an ******* could have its own *******, it would look and act just like Johnny.

Its what a lifetime of entitlement and a self image projected from deep insecurity produces. Is he still an Aggie hero?
Getting “jumbo’d” has now entered the Lexicon as short hand for conned. There is a certain irony in that Aggy constantly referred to Mack as a con man but they would give the right arm, their left arm and their mom‘s right arm to have the kind of success Mack had at Texas, and more than that they got to find out what a true con man really looks like first hand.
I love how defensive some of them get. And how the one poster thinks they will soon be the next Clemson so watch out! Although a good number of the responses think it was a funny tweet and they just need to suck it up until they prove otherwise on the field.

the Big Lebowski reference was great.

This agression will not stand man! :smokin:
True story. Me and several Ft.Worth buddies knew a "dude" growing up that early on and thru young adulthood was very much like Jeff Lebowski !!

Got undergrad at Austin College (Sherman - $$). UH law school. Never practiced law in Dallas in a serious way....

Today he lives in Argentina to avoid the IRS! He loves it there. Never married.

Last saw him in November when he was in DFW for a couple of weeks.

A friend. I love him and his family since 1961 when we became friends.
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