Trouble in Paradise?

I do not understand why someone who wasn't indoctrinated in that cult at an early age would attend there, much less play there. No coach will win there as long as they keep those strange things in as their culture. Nut squeezing, milkmen, etc.
I’m expecting strength and conditioning isn’t high onElko’s list.

I do not understand why someone who wasn't indoctrinated in that cult at an early age would attend there, much less play there. No coach will win there as long as they keep those strange things in as their culture. Nut squeezing, milkmen, etc.

This is why you go to Texas A&M. Oops, I mean at least pretend to

I do not understand why someone who wasn't indoctrinated in that cult at an early age would attend there, much less play there. No coach will win there as long as they keep those strange things in as their culture. Nut squeezing, milkmen, etc.
One of my sons went there. Others went to UT. But they bought him with full tuition paid for national merit. UT didn't offer a dime. Easy decision. He's still a Horn fan more than an aggy fan though. He never went for the cult. Just the free ride.
Good news for current & former ags just keeps on a'comin'...

The Ticket in Dallas just reported that Von Miller is being charged with domestic assault on his pregnant girlfriend.

The problem with the Jimbo contract was there was no incentive for him to excel since his whole contract was guaranteed even if fired.

Seriously, why would you push yourself to be the best when you know that if they fire you that you are guaranteed everything that they owe you?

True. As Leon The Barber (klif radio 1990s sidekick of norm Hitzges) said of the late 90s dallas cowboys, "How much can you eat when you're full". No motivation to succeed anymore whatsoever.

A couple of decades back, a lady friend and I were going for a late lunch to the Bombay Bicycle Club on Southwest Freeway. There was a brand new red TransAm from Ramsey Gillman parked at the front door. Only one table was occupied in the restaurant, and I insisted on having the table next to it. Tom Osborne left that table to go to the restroom. We ordered got our food, and I finally told the assistant coach he might as well go get Osborne because I was having too much fun watching him squirm. Osborne finally returned. As we were leaving, I stopped, put my hand on the young man's shoulder and said, "Charles, son, it's a beautiful car, but I have to ask you if that 4,000 pounds of steel is worth sacrificing your college education, BUT more importantly can YOU be bought that cheap?"

Kid didn't choose either Texas or Nebraska, but started three years and is now a broadcaster for a major network. Quality young man, but I haven't talked to him since he graduated from high school.
Let's see...Texas gets a shiny new trophy for our trophy case. What does aggy have for theirs???? Let's see...oh yaaa, they won 1 set against Texas in round 1 of volleyball post-season. Do they get a trophy for that????