Trouble in Paradise?

They currently sit at #5 in 2024 recruiting on 247. Their commitments include 18 highly ranked 4* and one 5*. I just can't understand how those kids can look at aggy's performance and then how Jumbo acts after it.
Signing Day is still a ways off. Betcha some of those players are smart enough to switch their verbals between now and then.
Also Jimbo:

Dadgummit Miami defense they clapped like our snap count and made our guys jump see they clapped and you can't - it was definitely clapping before the snap and we snapped it at the clap sound and got the penalty, now that's not right

Impose your will on the canes!! Offense is one side of the game. Tell your OL and others to mix it up: go silent snap; quick snap; watch the Center and when he snaps the ball, you go., etc., etc.

Tune out the D clapping.

On the other side of the ball, clapping did not harm your D. Did they bear down and keep the canes from scoring 48 points!?

Evidently NOT!
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Also Jimbo:

Dadgummit Miami defense they clapped like our snap count and made our guys jump see they clapped and you can't - it was definitely clapping before the snap and we snapped it at the clap sound and got the penalty, now that's not right
And Miami watered the field and had "magic shoes" like Forest, Forest Gump.

Once the state trooper realized the reason Turner was going 85 MPH was to get out of College Station, he dropped the ticket stating, "I can understand why anyone would do that."

Like we said earlier - not ACC half filled stadium ready. LOL. Reasons they lost per Jimbo

1) clapping? Yes
2) odd logos? Yes
3) slippy ground? Yes
4) poor coaching? No
I love watching Jimbo press conferences.
You'd think they won from the way he describes the performance, and the happy casual air he puts on. He has zero respect for his fanbase, LOL
I know we have had some bad ones but at least when they blew it, Strong and Herman knew better than to look and act anything but miserable afterwards.
aggy just needs more cowbell y'all

I love watching Jimbo press conferences.
You'd think they won from the way he describes the performance, and the happy casual air he puts on. He has zero respect for his fanbase, LOL
I know we have had some bad ones but at least when they blew it, Strong and Herman knew better than to look and act anything but miserable afterwards.
Exactly. I was at the Appalachin State game last year only because my best friend is an alum from 40 yrs ago when they still had white guys. He and I were 2 of the few but happy fans in the stadium that day. Driving back to DFW afterwards, they had jumbo on the radio and you thought we was playing Georgia or Bama and they just didnt quite get it done. They got rode like a rented mule from App State who almost did the same thing to Mack Brown last week. These teams that dont come at every game ready to stomp a mud hole in the opponent just baffle me. Greatly out recruited yet get soundly whipped.