Trouble in Paradise?

College Gameday just brought the yell leaders out. The cast looked really weirded out, Herbstreit looked embarrassed for them IMO.
One of then said” you can’t show that on television”
They may not know aggy as well as we do, but they still know there is an undercurrent of something grossly inappropriate going on in aggyland
I always wonder how these yell leaders and milkmen live the rest of their lives, after doing these ridiculous things in the sheep farm.

Is there anything that makes you cringe more than aggy?
Just got home from T-Day fam activities & turned on Game Day. 1st thing I saw was aggy throwing Horns down, even though the have their own sign...reinforcing what we already know...aggy hates the Longhorns more than they love themselves.
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Just got home from T-Day fam activities & turned on Game Day. 1st thing I saw was aggy throwing Horns diwn, even though the have their own sign...reinforcing what we already know...aggy hates the Longhorns more than they love themselves.
Could be there’s not enough storage capacity in their craniums to retain both the “horns down” AND “gig ‘em” gestures.
This post from the ag thread absolutely defines their mind set'

"After 49 years an Aggie, I'll be satisfied any season when we play the last game for place in the SEC championship game. Can't wait to see what Bowl game we get!"

After 13 years in SEC ag is satisfied with a loss:lol:
This post from the ag thread absolutely defines their mind set'

"After 49 years an Aggie, I'll be satisfied any season when we play the last game for place in the SEC championship game. Can't wait to see what Bowl game we get!"

After 13 years in SEC ag is satisfied with a loss:lol:
Hello Music City Bowl.
Holy **** the goob is strong over there
Is there a shred of self-respect remaining with any aggy fan on earth?

Unreal--- look at the back of his overalls. It has the flag, a cross and the horns upside-down. How many schools wear another teams logo???
Talking about living rent free in someone's head........

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