Trouble in Paradise?

aggy eating it’s young over on Texags. Gotta love the gift that keeps on giving. How awesome is it to spank their *** in their holy land, on Game Day, with everything on the line (SEC CCG, CFP spot, recruiting, bragging rights for another year,….). They got pants’d in a national spotlight game (again), to their hated rival, and let us saunter into the SEC CCG in our 1st year while they’ve toiled for 13 years for Na-Da.

This one’s gonna leave a mark. For a looooong time.

Pooooor aggy.

Hook Em!! :hookem::bevo:
McKinneyGomer has a lot to say, and I have a lot of responses. So his drivel from Texags is in maroon font, while my responses are in orange.

I don't care if people say we are taking our ball and leaving (we are) *******!, we have to do what is best for our university and program. We are right back where we started 12 years ago. You started in a place called mediocrity, and never left. Our arrival had nothing to do with it.

Nothing has changed whatsoever. We have to have something different to offer recruits than tu.
You already have sissy little milkmen prancing around yell practice. You have scoreboards for dead collies. You have jack-booted thug pretend toy soldiers running all over campus. How many more differences do you want to offer? It's your differences that repel normal people, not attract them.

Why would an elite five star athlete go to A&M when they can probably make more money, have a better coach, live in a better city, and play for a bigger brand in the SEC at tu?
Good question. Take heart though. Some people are born stupid enough and gullible enough to fall for your shtick.

If we were in the big 10, we'd have a different offering and play Ohio state, Michigan, Oregon, Penn state, usc, ucla etc. those are compelling games. Yes we will have games like Purdue, northwestern and Rutgers, but are those really much less exciting than miss state, Vanderbilt, or mizzou?
They won't be compelling when your raggedy 6-4 asses are in them.

The Big 10 would love to get a Texas footprint. It's the second biggest state in the country. We also align academically.
LMAO We can still play tu, like other rivals that have made it work like Florida/ Florida state, and Clemson/South Carolina. No, we still don't want you freaks polluting our schedules. Leave and we happily suspend the "games" again.

The SEC provided an advantage and separation when we joined initially, but now that is all gone. What do we have that OU and tu do not?
See above.

These guys don't care about tradition and yells.
Damned right we don't care about your turditions and squeals. And neither do the players. Most players are embarrassed by them, as are all normal folks. Everywhere has good to great facilities in the conference. They care about exposure and getting paid. Playing Ohio state, Oregon, and Michigan in kyle is must see tv. Not when you're involved, it isn't.
We get beat because we put so much emphasis on beating tu that we neglect the rest of the season (see Auburn last week)
Very true. Surprisingly insightful for aggy to see this. and we fill the stadium no matter the quality of the product. Does no one remember the mediocre seasons under Fran and Sherman where all everyone cared about was ruining tu's season after getting embarrassed by schools like tech and ok state? Lot's of people remember, and all of them know you're still in that same space.

It was clear yesterday that tu thought of this as just another day at the office on the way to bigger and better things.
You're a speedbump. They had a different level of confidence and professionalism than we did and they don't think of us on the same level as OU. It hurts, but it's true. Hell, we don't think of you on the same level as Arkansas, Bama, Georgia, Tennessee, OleMiss, or Florida.
It's an interesting agroid thread. I do wonder if anyone has asked the B1G or any other conference if they're interested in the cult joining their conference. I'm guessing not. I don't think anm would get a positive response even if they begged.
I am glad this one is in the books and over with. It was so overhyped by the media who has begged for this one for 13 years but your average UT fan did not really care if we ever played them again or not, me included.
I love having A&M back on the schedule. Recovering fom knee replacement, the emotion and and excitement I felt watching UT put on a good show was the best distraction since surgery a couple of weeks ago.
Long term, I expect Aggies to be better than mediocre. It's fine for us to make fun of all that "Farmers Fight" dog and pony show, but the paasion and emotion Aggies show has a monetary and competitive value.
Elko is in his first year and will be fine eventually. Look at what Sark and Saban did the first year at their most recent gigs.
I’m with Phil, I don’t care if we ever play aggy. Aggy’s whole existence is defined on trying to beat Texas. We on the other hand only want to beat them a little more than we want to beat every other team not named land thieves on our schedule only so we don’t have to listen to their delusions of grandeur for a year.
Or aggy other favorite bowl: Poulan Weedeater Independence Bowl in beautiful Shreveport LA!
Actually they hate the Houston bowl the most because they play a B12 school and it does nothing for recruiting and/or the fans.
SIAP, also apologize that I can't repost article (wouldn't if I could. Google if curious). On Game Day, but some sick aggy POS held a sign taunting Horns over Jake Elinger's death & Sark's past.
I am extremely proud of Michael Taaffe's response. He expressed empathy for a person that is so sick that they think such behavior is OK under any circumstance. He is wise & mature beyond his years.
The sign holder represents aggy @ their worst. Michael represents UT (& humanity) at our/its best.
Not sure about that. In fact, I'd say their worst can get a lot more disgusting than that.
What is a little weird about college sports is how its passions can motivate rudeness and even cruelty among people I typically see as good folks. I had an Aggie friend ask me about the reason behind the "Poor Aggies' Chant. "Don't you know we're already feeling low?"

Yep..we know. I offered no excuse. I'll never chant that chant..
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What is a little weird about college sports is how its passions can motivate rudeness and even cruelty among people I typically see as good folks. I had an Aggie friend ask me about the reason behind the "Poor Aggies' Chant. "Don't you know we're already feeling low?"

Yep..we know. I offered no excuse. I'll never chant that chant..
If they didn't do stupid and repugnant crap like Cart McCry, Jake, jizzjar, etc ad nausium yr after yr after yr after yr...we (I) might stop singing poooooor aaaaaggyyyyyyy. But until they stop, that remains my favorite song...especially around the last weekend in November.
That Ehlinger sign was outrageous, spawned by an unredeemed cretin. Worse than these two examples.
Agree. And Michael Taaffe's response was amazing; especially considering that he & Jake were good friends from HS. I know I brought the whole thing up, but honestly my intent was less about trashing aggy than to highlight Taaffe's response. Sorry if I missed that mark.
1sa. Don’t worry about trashing aggy they do that all by themselves just being themselves and the contrast with Taaffe’s response just illustrates the difference and the ocean between us and them. Taaffe is an outstanding representative of The University. 🤘
OMG - it just occurred to me. Aggy after all these years embodied “Coach Slocum on a mobile” skit with his ineffective Gulf Coast offense and his desire for his defense to score more points. It’s a like a meme coming true. RC was at the game reveling in its return at College Station but yet the ags paid the greatest compliment to their greatest coach. Blows my mind.
aggy eating it’s young over on Texags. Gotta love the gift that keeps on giving. How awesome is it to spank their *** in their holy land, on Game Day, with everything on the line (SEC CCG, CFP spot, recruiting, bragging rights for another year,….). They got pants’d in a national spotlight game (again), to their hated rival, and let us saunter into the SEC CCG in our 1st year while they’ve toiled for 13 years for Na-Da.

This one’s gonna leave a mark. For a looooong time.

Pooooor aggy.

Hook Em!! :hookem::bevo:
Agroid logic is to only count the series records from the 70's, which would negate their 1 and only 1939 championship. They also forgot about their probations that contributed to their 10 or so year run.
From Texags

In reply to EngrAg218:51p


EngrAg21 said:
For background, I'm a 3rd gen Aggie, was in the Corps, involved in a lot of stuff on campus at A&M, and am far from a 2 percenter. And I'm so tired of midnight yell.

This recent social media blitz to me was the final straw. I feel bad for that 20 year old kid who is getting mocked and will have that online for life. Although it obviously comes with the territory, but unlike our football players he isn't getting paid thousands of dollars a year to do this. And to everyone who says "who cares what other people think" when we're the laughingstock of the internet, what other people think of you is called your reputation. Having a good reputation is important. People choose to come to A&M because it has a reputation as a good academic school with good values and good sports (sometimes). But recruits want to come to a school that has a reputation that makes them look good. Like it or not, your average recruit cares about their image a lot. School values and traditions aren't on the forefront of their minds. We need things that attract both a regular student body, and recruits.

For people who say that Yell Leaders need to go, you're missing the mark too. The Yell Leaders are a unique tradition that when done right actually adds to our environment. Sitting on the alumni side at the tu game and hearing the students do BTHO was awesome. What other school has that? And when the Yell Leaders aren't telling World War Two era jokes they actually shine at their job title, leading yells.

Midnight yell was cool when it was invented, but the term people keep saying about it, anachronistic, is accurate. The jokes are from the 1950s, and shockingly, people aren't entertained by that anymore. It comes out as hokey, lame, and easily mockable especially out of context. The name of the game today is hype. That's what the Power entrance before the football game is. That's what all those videos and photos that recruits love being made about them are. They're meant to build hype about a team and players.

Midnight Yell needs a revamp. I'm not sure what it would look like, but somehow keep this tradition, modernize it, and show that we can change with the times. Make it something that can get people excited for the game, and not result in viral moments of us looking like idiots.

I'm an Aggie and this post is spot on correct. That was the dumbest, lamest midnight yell ever and makes us look like stupid ghey idiots.
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I literally must know every 2 percenter because they agree. this midnight yell went viral and made aggie look really bad.

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