This Is Sooner Football


You need to go back and retake trolling 101. Because you are very bad at it.
He caught you though!

Besides, we beat Skippy when he was in Apple Land.

They are not confident about this game as fans either, just remember that.

Also remember that TP tries to run over squirrels if they even have a tinge of orange in their fur.
University of Texas Longhorns football player arrested on felony charges

by KVUE News

Posted on January 3, 2010 at 2:06 PM

Updated Sunday, Jan 3 at 6:10 PM

Pflugerville Police arrested University of Texas Longhorns wide receiver Brandon Collins Saturday. Collins now faces two 1st Degree felony charges.
The junior from Brenham, Texas, is not with the team in Pasadena. He was suspended for the season earlier this year for academic issues. He was still allowed to practice with the team, but not to play in any games.
Collins was arrested after an alleged aggravated assault at a Pflugerville McDonald's’s. Dispatchers got a call at 2:36 p.m. Saturday from a man who said he had been robbed at gunpoint in the McDonald’s parking lot. He said he had been waiting there to meet an old friend, Marcus Caruth, 19. The victim told police a black male ran up to him with a gun and demanded money from him. He identified the man as Caruth.
The victim says Caruth ran back to a silver Chrysler Sebring convertible with a black top and Texas license plates and it drove off.
Officers later spotted a vehicle matching the victim’s description, stopped the car in the 1800 block of W. Pecan St. and detained the occupants.
The back right passenger was identified as Caruth, the front passenger as Ashton Collins, 25, and the driver as Brandon Collins, 20. Officers found a loaded pistol under the front right seat and a small amount of marijuana and a substance believed to be hashish in the car.
Caruth and Brandon Collins told police they had arranged the meeting with the victim to buy marijuana. Although the victim stated that Caruth was the man who had attacked him and with a gun, both Caruth and Brandon Collins said it was Collins who approached the victim and he, at no time, had a gun. They both said Ashton Collins was the only person who had a gun.
Brandon Collins is now charged with Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity and Aggravated Robbery, both 1st Degree felonies. He has bonded out for $35,000.
Caruth and Ashton Collins both face the same charges, Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity and Aggravated Robbery.
It is unclear at this time if Brandon Collins and Ashton Collins are related.The Link
Brown, university examine ways to keep athletes on right side of the law after summer of arrests

12:09 PM CDT on Friday, October 5, 2007

By BRAD TOWNSEND / The Dallas Morning News
[email protected]

AUSTIN – Grim-faced, University of Texas football coach Mack Brown used words like "painful" and "devastating" while emphasizing the need to "take a crisis and turn it into a positive."

He wasn't referring to last week's loss to Kansas State or vowing a turnaround against Oklahoma on Saturday at the Cotton Bowl . He was addressing the summer arrests of six Longhorns players during a four-month span. Publicly, Mr. Brown has focused his energy on this season and "probably the best group of kids we've ever had." Privately, Texas officials are assessing how to bolster recruit evaluations and summer monitoring of players.

"I move forward, but I don't move on," Mr. Brown said. "I think about those kids every day that are in trouble.

"Now, it should not take away from all those kids who are doing everything right."

Legal woes wear on Longhorns

Sobering lesson at UT

Texas is 4-1, but its uneven play has raised questions about whether the incidents that resulted in one player dismissal and five suspensions have had a carry-over effect. Closer-than-expected wins over Arkansas State and Central Florida preceded the 41-21 Kansas State loss, the worst home defeat in Mr. Brown's 10 seasons at Texas.

It was two days before the Kansas State game when Mr. Brown, athletic director DeLoss Dodds and other UT officials sat down with The Dallas Morning News to discuss the university's athlete-support system and recruiting guidelines and what changes, if any, they might be considering.

At the time, Mr. Brown said he did not believe the off-the-field issues were affecting the team's play. But he said it is hurtful to everyone in the Longhorns family that the entire team has been stigmatized by the alleged actions of a few.

"I do think, as painful as the incidents are that have happened to us, it will help us get stronger," he said.

Mr. Dodds and university President William Powers have voiced support for Mr. Brown, who has enforced a zero-tolerance policy and levied stiff suspensions. Two players were suspended three games each for DWIs; three others are suspended indefinitely.

"We've worked hard at this, so this is a shock to us," said Mr. Dodds, who was joined in his office by Randa Ryan, senior associate athletic director, and Brian Davis, assistant athletic director for academic services

"And we're going to fix it, not that we've got that far to go to fix it, in my mind. But we're very aware of what happened, and we're really going to get on it and fix it."
The Link
I wonder if Stoops would have kicked him off the team? When he was being charged and considered a felon I wonder if Stoops offered him a scholly? He's into that sort of thing, you know.
Please find me known drug dealers kicked out of another school or a person copping a plea on felonies that Mack Brown or the Longhorns recruited AND allowed them to transfer and enroll not to mention play.

Hmmm, that would be none. We had one guy not even commit but get accused of rape and he got his offer pulled. He ended up playing at Okie State while charges were pending. Not until he was found guilty was he kicked off of the 40 year old man's team.

That's a nice state you have up there. Keep it real, holmes.
But there was a period from January until May that he was thought to be guilty and all the distraction that it caused UT.

Sorry, I did search for dropped charges and that didn't show up/
Perhaps you should have continued reading your own link. That is unless your brain was fatigued from those torturous paragraphs or your child had to go to bed and could not read the rest out loud to you.

Here is where they talk about your "program":

A Morning News search of court records and media accounts found that between 2003 and 2005, Texas A&M had 13 football players and a recruit arrested.

Oklahoma has had 13 players and two recruits arrested since Bob Stoops' 1999 hiring, seven in the last two years. Of the 17 Texas player arrests since Mr. Brown's 1998 arrival, eight have occurred since the January 2006 national title-game victory.

Yep, you are fail at this.
You do not want to get into a blow by blow or item for item competition against Texas. The way we dominate you in wins is the way you would dominate Texas in arrests, corruption, probation and scandals. In fact, that margin would be closer to what our domination looks like against Texas A&M.

How about you give me a buck for every time you guys have had **** go on that is documented and I give you one for ours?! We can wash, rinse and repeat the process.
Sure there was a distraction. The fallout from Robert Joseph was big too. I guess things like this are not a distraction up there? Probably not given that it's in the culture up there and is nothing new. Why would something like this slow the Sooners down? It's a given.

It's like the understood you in something like, "suck it". Or the implied OU with just "sucks". People just know.
Tonights trolling moments brought to you by:

Uzi - choice of more athletic dorm members & cokeheads than any other weapon.
No, I am not good at this. I have a secretary who does this for me
I didn't come here to talk trash about UT and compare program problems. What I was trying to do was talk about how bad things are getting in NCAA football. It is an epidemic, from coast to coast, and it saddens me to see that college football has come to this.
I'm so GLAD that MR. NICE GUY, Sam Bradford is out of there...

NOW, I go back to HATING the SOONERS!!!! Thanks, for printing all that!
I offer this addendum:

From Mike Celizic’s book, The Biggest Game of Them All: Notre Dame, Michigan State and the Fall of ’66:

Page 172:

…it seemed that everywhere they looked they were surrounded by red-clothed Oklahoma fans who made no effort to hide their contempt for the Catholic interlopers. Some of them even brought signs to wave at the bus. Two stuck in Gmitter’s mind: KILL THE CATHOLICS and PISS ON THE POPE.

Page 175:

After the catch, as Seymour was lying on the ground and the play had been whistled dead, a Sooner leaped in and speared him. The foul was so flagrant, even the Big Eight officials had to throw a flag …

While Hanratty was being mugged in the backfield Eddy was run out of bounds by the Oklahoma pursuit. They didn’t stop there, though. They didn’t stop, in fact, until they ran him over the team bench and into the brick wall that surrounded the playing field. As Eddy remembers it, they were also gouging at his eyes …

Page 179:

The statistics show that the Sooners had good reason to stop talking, but that didn’t stop their fans. Notre Dame went into the locker room under a shower of debris, both verbal and physical … (they) carried the memory of … Oklahoma’s spearing, gouging and bold talk into the locker room with them.

Page 180:

… as they were pulling out they were surrounded by angry Oklahoma fans who took out their frustrations by rocking the buses and pelting them with rocks.

OU sucks more than you will ever know.
Cynic, things are out of control and it is not just in our conference. Take a look at Oregon for a quick example. We hear about them pretty often too. But for some reason you just don't hear about Florida in the media. It's as if Urban "I'm so sick" Meyer is untouchable. Yet his program is having problems in his limited time there like none other.
As much as I don't want to give any okie football coach credit, I do have to recognize Tatum for being the first head coach up there to open up the cash register. He was smart enough to realize that the ONLY way to attract enough athletes to central Oklahoma to win is to pay 'em. It's been a way of life up there ever since. Money can't buy you love, but it can buy football championships...when you play by "okie" rules.
That is a laundry list. Let's not assume Texas has been squeaky clean the whole time. We all bleed orange but this is still the highest level of college football and **** happens.
Great post. . Read every word of it in past year threads... lived some of it. "We want a university the football team can be proud of"

Sorry ******** indeed.
I was shocked when I read that Oklahoma discarded players after their eligibility was over. I wonder if that was true. I was thought that unlike A&M and SMU that Oklahoma took care of their exes.
1. OJ was innocent of murder (thanks Mark Fuhrman)
2. OUs past has nothing to do with Saturday.
3. OU 49 texas 13

That is all.

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