The Protesters: Useful Idiots

I don't use Twitter so pardon me for asking Twidiotic questions.
  1. It is my understanding that Twitter doesn't ever ban hashtags. Is this true? I just spent some time searching various hashtags on Twitter (#killjews, #killniggers, #killobama, #assassinateobama, #killhillary, #assassinatehillary). Every one of them worked, as did #killtrump and #assassinatetrump. If those aren't banned, what could possibly be?
  2. It is my understanding that Twitter does ban users for tweets that violate rules. Is this correct? Do they publicize a list of who has been banned? I can't find one.
  3. In any event, when I go to Twitter and search "#AssassinateTrump", it pulls up many thousands of Tweets, and more are coming in every minute. I've flipped through the first hundred or so, and every single one is from a conservative complaining about all of the liberal users making this treat. I didn't see a single use of the hashtag in a threatening manner. I'm sure such tweets have been made. But either (a) they are rare, and drowned out by the chorus of condemnation, or (b) Twitter is deleting these posts as fast as they come in. Does anyone know of a reliable way to know which it is?
Please check out the hashtag i gave above on twitter right now (#AssassinateTrump)
Then come back and tell us its only a "fraction"
If you take a few minutes of time to look and take it all in, you will see that it goes on, and on, and on, and on ........

I was already doing this when you posted your suggestion, and I did find thousands and thousands of tweets under that hashtag. I'm sure there are some out there -- probably lots of them -- that are actually making a threat. But I didn't find any. What I did find are tweets complaining about the fact that Twitter is allowing those tweets.

Has Twitter released a statement saying they are, or aren't, banning users for making threats against Trump? If they do release such a statement, where would it be?
As we learned through Project Veritas, the violence at the early Trump rallies was fake. Those incidents were arranged and paid for by shady Dem operatives. You will notice that, once this political darkness was exposed to the light of day, the violence stopped immediately. But for James O'Keefe and company, we would not have been able to prove it allowing people like you to deny it. Yet, here, you seem to be charging forth on this false narrative despite the full and complete admissions captured on film. Shameful.

But that's OK -- because love trumps hate.

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about threats (some made good) against abortion doctors and clinics. I'm talking about threats (again, some made good) against minorities such as blacks, jews, muslims, and gays. The vast majority of these are heinours acts are committed by die-hard Republicans, often as a form of warped political statement. But I don't think it is fair to attribute this conduct, perpetrated by a small fraction of Republicans, to all Republicans.

Similarly, many very bad things are done by Democrats, often as a warped political statement. I don't thikn it is fair to attribute this conduct, perpetrated by a small fraction of Democrats, to all Democrats.
I don't use Twitter so pardon me for asking Twidiotic questions.
  1. It is my understanding that Twitter doesn't ever ban hashtags. Is this true?

I just spent some time searching various hashtags on Twitter (#killjews, #killniggers, #killobama, #assassinateobama, #killhillary, #assassinatehillary). Every one of them worked, as did #killtrump and #assassinatetrump. If those aren't banned, what could possibly be?

Twitter bans are usually either (1) jihadis (they started doing this only after alot of presure) and (2) US conservatives hashtags - like #HillarysHealth

It is my understanding that Twitter does ban users for tweets that violate rules. Is this correct?


Do they publicize a list of who has been banned? I can't find one.

I dont think so

In any event, when I go to Twitter and search "#AssassinateTrump", it pulls up many thousands of Tweets, and more are coming in every minute. I've flipped through the first hundred or so, and every single one is from a conservative complaining about all of the liberal users making this treat. I didn't see a single use of the hashtag in a threatening manner. I'm sure such tweets have been made. But either (a) they are rare, and drowned out by the chorus of condemnation, or (b) Twitter is deleting these posts as fast as they come in. Does anyone know of a reliable way to know which it is?

The conservatives replies are late to the game.
They are reacting.
If you go back further, you will hit the motherlode of hate from the Democrats
Being unhappy with election results is as American as apple pie.
Deaths threats are not
The calexit would cause Cal to file bankruptcy within a year with their socialism policies.

California is in the bottom 10 of net tax receivers from the federal government vs. what they pay. The last figure I saw was that they receive $.78 back of every dollar they send to D.C.
This has nothing to do with Trump
I didn't say anything about Trump. I am talking about your eagerness to paint Democrats, but not Republicans, with a broad brush. Most Democrats are good people, and most Republicans are good people. A small minority of both are total douches. Anyone who can't see this (and there are plenty on both sides) is blinded by partisanship.
California is in the bottom 10 of net tax receivers from the federal government vs. what they pay. The last figure I saw was that they receive $.78 from what they pay in.
You beat me to it -- I was about to make the same point. California undoubtedly gets financial benefits by being part of the USA, but sucking on the tax teat is not one of them.
California is in the bottom 10 of net tax receivers from the federal government vs. what they pay. The last figure I saw was that they receive $.78 from what they pay in.

They are already insolvent (states technically cannot be bankrupt)
And have one of the largest unfunded pension problems in the entire world -- which is what you always get in states with only Dem politiicans where labor unions are allowed to run hog wild
Can you name some of these"die hard Republicans" and what heinous acts they committed? What qualifies them as Republicans in your mind?
Of course there are whacks in each Party
But I do not think you could call what is going on now by Dems small acts.
#HillarysHealth has not been banned. ...

It was, when its popularity peaked (as measuring by "trending")
Clever techniques could avoid the ban -- like a period or an upper case letter, but it was tough to get any of that to work the same again en masse on twitter.
And, yes, once the peak tweeting or critical mass of this hashtag passed (via corporate censorship), it came back pretty fast.
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Can you explain what this means, in language that will make sense to a Twidiot?

Twitter is using algorithms to suppress tweets from certain users and/or about certain topics that twitter does not like or otherwise approve
And they do in a devious way to disguise this activity from both the twitter universe and the individual account holder
Twitter is using algorithms to suppress tweets from certain users and/or about certain topics that twitter does not like or otherwise approve
And they do in a devious way to disguise this activity from both the twitter universe and the individual account holder

Devious ways like in their stated user agreement. Here's an article on why a user might get shadowbanned. Now look at Brittany's twitter feed to see if she may be a culprit of violating any of the rules geared to stop spammers.

Shadowbanning is first and foremost Twitter’s attempt to fight back against spam. “You may not use the Twitter service for the purpose of spamming anyone,” Twitter rules state flatly. Signifiers of spam include automated behavior, follower churn, duplicate content in multiple tweets, excessive use of links, numerous complaints and blocks against you, and hashtag abuse. Such pollution is not the sole province of corporate accounts, but is routinely spewed by individuals. How often have you or I fired off identically worded missives to various recipients, often in a short timespan? Or posts crammed with links and hashtags? “Don’t #spam #with #hashtags,” Twitter warns. “Don’t over-tag a single Tweet. (Best practices recommend using no more than 2 hashtags per Tweet.)” I’ve done all those things and lived to regret it. Now I take a deep breath before tweeting and stay within the rules.

Funny story from the article, Brietbart tried to claim that Donald Trump had been "shadowbanned" during this election at one point. It seems that the tweet was a paid advertised tweet rather than his typical account which is why it appeared for a few days then was gone. That apparently didn't stop Brietbart from crying foul. The Trump campaign said nothing.
Aside from the incidents in Oakland and Portland these protests have been very peaceful. In Portland there are local stories of the protesters trying to stop the anarchists from causing trouble which is why the police directed the "good" protesters to another area while they dealt with the trouble makers.

In a bit of irony, here was Donald Trump's reaction to Obama's 2012 victory over Romney.

The protests are too little too late. They need to put that passion to use in changing the situation next election. These protests are now nothing more than an outlet for whining.
Twitter is using algorithms to suppress tweets from certain users and/or about certain topics that twitter does not like or otherwise approve
And they do in a devious way to disguise this activity from both the twitter universe and the individual account holder

I see a jumble of boxes and text that I don't understand. I don't know who said what in response to whom, much less what was or wasn't suppressed. That's what I mean by Twidiot. To conclude that you are right about this, I'd have to take your word for it, and that check doesn't cash in my bank.
Why would any child have to be separated from a parent?
Wouldn't any caring parent want to keep their child with them?

Yes, but that doesn't mean they can. The parents gets deported. The child doesn't get deported for the same reason you and I don't. He or she is a US citizen. So Mom and Dad are gone, and the child is likely in foster care.

Can the child join his parents in their native country? Maybe. That depends on the rules of that country and whether or not the family can afford to move the child there. Most likely they'll wind up in their native country broke and unemployed, and even when they find jobs, at $2 or $3 per hour, it's going to take quite a while to pull together the cash to make it happen.

Also what happens if Mom and Dad get deported different countries? Suppose Mom is a Mexican national and Dad is a Venezuelan national? Where does the kid go?

I'm not suggesting that we should never deport parents whose kids are US citizens. I'm suggesting that there is a moral and ethical balance that should be applied when prioritizing deportations. If the parent or parents are violent criminals, then that balance obviously tips on favor of deportation. However, if the parents are basically decent people who go to work every day and are otherwise law abiding, I wouldn't put a very high priority on deporting them and forcing a major disruption and trauma on children who are totally innocent.

Furthermore, in any discussion of granting a path to legalization (not citizenship), I'd put them near top. (I'd probably put illegal immigrants who served honorably in the military at the top.) It's not that hard to strike a balance. Keep in mind that legalization doesn't have to mean citizenship and doesn't have to be permanent. Personally I don't think citizenship should even be on the table unless they return to their home country and get to the back of the line. Furthermore, legalization can expire when the children reach adulthood.
Some college students cope with Trump victory with Play-doh and coloring books. It's a conservative site but links to a real story. Link.

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