The Media Industry

That is what I 'd say too.
Seems very likely it was accidentally sent
There is no info so what is the big deal? The denial/cover strange
That presents a big dilemma for CNN and other Demx media. Criticism of Kammie could be seen by voters as tacit endorsement of Trump
Surprised CNN actually posted reality
Deez will obviously have a better perspective of this, but as I am traveling through Italy the only news sources I see in English are BBC, Al Jazerra and CNN international. The scary thing is Al Jazerra seems to be more honest about American news than CNN.
Deez will obviously have a better perspective of this, but as I am traveling through Italy the only news sources I see in English are BBC, Al Jazerra and CNN international. The scary thing is Al Jazerra seems to be more honest about American news than CNN.
The CNN you see on international trips is more honest than the CNN you see in the US.
CNN is presuming Que Mala will win so they are attempting to appear unbiased before the election…just a little..but not enough to cost her.

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