The Media Industry

hundreds marching in Charlottesville chanting the Nazi slogans, actions of organizations like the Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys or Oath Keepers are somehow less adjacent to "nazi-ism" than the political correct crowd is hyperbole I can't support or agree with.
Their data is accurate - ish. The problem is they are trying to interpret it only in ways that will work towards their pre-determined conclusion.

The narrative must be supported.
Nate Silver from the high rope!

It's amazing how far he has fallen in media circles. When he predicted a sure Obama win in '12, they hailed him as a young genius. Then he started thinking for himself instead of echoing all of the Left's self-serving narratives, and now they're either suspicious or dismissive of him.
Mr D
So this isn't new? Afghan females were forced to leave school after 6th grade during Trump years as well?
It was so under the Taliban prior to us invading. It is so under the Taliban after SlowJoe tucked tail and ran away in the most humiliating fashion ever.

It would have been so even if Trump pulled out in the most perfect withdrawal of forces ever.
It was so under the Taliban prior to us invading. It is so under the Taliban after SlowJoe tucked tail and ran away in the most humiliating fashion ever.

It would have been so even if Trump pulled out in the most perfect withdrawal of forces ever.

True. But at least the rate of boy rape that was happening in the interim has plummeted to nothing. Afghanistan isn't going to be a good place no matter who is in power.
She stays on as faculty for a $900,000 salary. The Ivy League will be permanently damaged by the left wing loonies.
True, but this isn't some new phenomenon. It started as a slow cancer over 50 years ago and has become a large snowball due to a lot of the things in the Bill Ackman article.

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