Your post made me look at my site stats. Those stats say that I have been here since 1999 (although not continuously). In that time, I have made 56,224 total posts
And I have received received 34,031 "likes."
61% of all my posts, on average, have received a "like"
Stated another way, I receive a "like" for every 1.6 post I make
This is quite possibly the record number of likes for HF but I am not certain of that. But I do feel like I have a good shot at highest rate of likes per post. 61% seems like it would be a record for anyone with a reasonable minimum amount of posts (say 4,000 or more?)
And get this, it is possible my stats are even better than they appear above. How? What if the counted "likes" are actually limited to the "like" response-emoji? In other words, what if this stat does not include the full range of response-emojis? For example -- "funny" (I get a lot of those) or "winner" or "agree" or "hot?" I even get a lot of "wtfs" and "poops" that are often intended as positive responses. If we include all of those, it is possible I have a one-to-one like-to-post relationship -- one "like" on average for every single post. Seems like a lot. And hardly trollish, as you allege above.
Your site stats, on the other hand, are pretty meager, to be generous. It says you have been here, living vicariously through us, since 2001. Yet you have managed just 16% "likes." My land-thieving dude, that is some pretty pathetic trolling.