The Media Industry

Muppets are racist....Libs are so dumb.

Did anybody else see that 177,000 names were removed from the voter registration list in Michigan. I haven't seen that news on the main stream media but I have cut ties with the main stream media.
I really think many of the websites out are just bots set up to repost Liberal leaning articles with new authors. If someone were to run plagiarism software against these articles, they would find like a 90% word match on some of these things.

The Dem party and MSM have mastered the "Repeat it, until the believe it" approach.

Is there a word for how a Defense Attorney cherry picks the facts to paint their client in the best light? That's what "journalist" now do and I just want to be able to accurately describe it when I'm screaming at the TV these days.
Another great piece by Matt Taibbi about the sycophancy and now open partisanship of our political media. Link. Of course, as usual he's just stating the obvious.
Yes. Comparing what the Soviet media did and what American media is doing is very very similar. People don't get thrown in jail for making a non-conforming reports yet, but I can imagine it happening here at some point.
Again, another fake story released by the MSM. They wait now to correct it long after the damage is done. It's day after day of this ******** and I'm sick of it.

Again, another fake story released by the MSM. They wait now to correct it long after the damage is done. It's day after day of this ******** and I'm sick of it.

One guy on Twitter called this sedition. That might be a little too harsh but between this and the Hunter Biden laptop crap we are running into a dangerous situation in this country. We have a national media that is actively affecting national elections. The media is supposed to be a watchdog, not a ******* arm of the democrat party.
has the Hunter Biden investigation kicked off yet? I can hardly wait for them to get to the bottom of this.

scenario: a bunch of crooked Ukrainian oil guys are sitting around musing on how they might get some special care from the US and one of them asks who they might bribe that has some connections in dc. One of them suggests that Veep Biden has a kid with some of the same tastes W had at one time and is also a pusshound.

They approach Hunter and ask him if he would like to join their BofD. He says he doesn't know squat about their business and only knows oil from putting it on some professional ladies he rents. They tell him it pays $75k a month and he says he is a fast learner, what do they want.

Cut to a few months later and he calls his dad, they shoot the bull about family stuff, share their thoughts on the brackets for the tourney, discuss the Mud Hens overall lack of success, and he says to pop: Hey, can you help some friends of mine......Joe interrupts and says they have parents of their own and need to either lay off the blow or get their own families to help. Hunter does another line and says, thanks dad, and hangs up.

He calls his buds in the Ukraine and tells them he is still working on it and feels there is a possibility. They keep the checks coming.

Or something.
Again, another fake story released by the MSM. They wait now to correct it long after the damage is done. It's day after day of this ******** and I'm sick of it.

It gets even better. The SOS of Georgia lied. This piece of garbage in the past has smeared the good name of the data analysts who said the Georgia election was a fraud. I hope we can nail this guy to the wall.

Bubba is right but the psyop started in 2015 by the US Intelligence Community.

You might want to give everyone more context on what Intelligence report was declassified. The attempt to trivialize it reinforces @Mr. Deez characterization of your international relations philosophy.

In this case, the intelligence reinforced facts that we already knew. Derkech (sp?), the Ukraine politician with ties to the KGB, who was sanctioned by the Treasury Dept in September, was feeding Guiliani and his cabal information on Hunter Biden. Remember Guiliani's trip to Ukraine with OANN in toe to dig up dirt on Joe/Hunter? Per the intelligence assessment, Russia was using Guiliani (not named but obvious) as the unwitting (or witting?) fool to influence the election.
You might want to give everyone more context on what Intelligence report was declassified. The attempt to trivialize it reinforces @Mr. Deez characterization of your international relations philosophy.

In this case, the intelligence reinforced facts that we already knew. Derkech (sp?), the Ukraine politician with ties to the KGB, who was sanctioned by the Treasury Dept in September, was feeding Guiliani and his cabal information on Hunter Biden. Remember Guiliani's trip to Ukraine with OANN in toe to dig up dirt on Joe/Hunter? Per the intelligence assessment, Russia was using Guiliani (not named but obvious) as the unwitting (or witting?) fool to influence the election.
Just like "hunter biden's laptop".
Was or was Hunter Biden not involved in corrupt activity in Ukraine. If so, where else can the information come from?

The headlines all said Russia was meddling our election again, like it was some new revelation. This is old news.

And what does "ties to KGB" actually mean? I don't trust anything at face value coming out of the Progressive News Media. I presume based on prior history that the tie is either spacious or fictitious. Kind of like all the smears used against the guys mentioned in the Trump/Russia cluster.
Was or was Hunter Biden not involved in corrupt activity in Ukraine. If so, where else can the information come from?

The headlines all said Russia was meddling our election again, like it was some new revelation. This is old news.

And what does "ties to KGB" actually mean? I don't trust anything at face value coming out of the Progressive News Media. I presume based on prior history that the tie is either spacious or fictitious. Kind of like all the smears used against the guys mentioned in the Trump/Russia cluster.

Andrii Derkach was declared a Russian agent by the Treasury when it looked like he was giving true info to Giuliani.

Kilimnik, Manafort's friend, was considered a "soft contact" by the US under Obama but was declared a Russian agent when the FBI came after Trump.

Normally I would say this was all a coincidence but with what we saw from the FBI in 2015-2016 I don't believe it was. This **** looks to be politics driven from corrupt government agencies than anything else.
Andrii Derkach was declared a Russian agent by the Treasury [<---FACT] when it looked like he was giving true info to Giuliani [<--Conjecture to fit a desired narrative that is directly contradicted by the declassified report].

Kilimnik, Manafort's friend, was considered a "soft contact" by the US under Obama but was declared a Russian agent when the FBI came after Trump.

Sadam Hussein was a "friend" at one time too and Osama Bin Laden wasn't always viewed as a terrorist leader. Heck, Donald Trump was a "liberal" at one point before he saw an easier path to the WH. Context changes, especially in international relations matters. Time doesn't stand still.
Sadam Hussein was a "friend" at one time too and Osama Bin Laden wasn't always viewed as a terrorist leader. Heck, Donald Trump was a "liberal" at one point before he saw an easier path to the WH. Context changes, especially in international relations matters. Time doesn't stand still.

You mean contradicted by reports that were done by intel agencies that went after Trump by way of dubious means? Those? It's funny how Derkach became a Russian agent right during that time when info was coming to Giuliani. From what we've seen from Hunter's laptop the info looks to be correct.
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during that time when info was coming to Giuliani. From what we've seen from Hunter's laptop the info looks to be correct.

Didn't Progressive News Media admit to that a month or so after the election? Even SH and Bubba should be aware that these aren't disputed anymore. They are facts unequivocally.

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