The Media Industry

Didn't Progressive News Media admit to that a month or so after the election? Even SH and Bubba should be aware that these aren't disputed anymore. They are facts unequivocally.

I think so but I'm not sure. It's pretty much known now that the Mueller investigation was a scam but libs still believe in it.
In all seriousness I get tired of the Russia, Russia, Russia ****. Yes, they interfere in our elections but they are nothing compared to how the media interferes. It's not even close.
If you had Muslim terrorist as the next mass shooting perp you hit it like Loyola making it to the Sweet 16. The chalk brackets had a sexually disturbed guy or a frustrated white supremacist.
I read one article on this that went out of its way to draw on the recent GA shooting, not as gun violence...but as anti-Asian violence. The article actually put in "and six of the victims were Asian".

The media is a propaganda tool and they work via what the Army referred to as Themes and Messages....pick your 3 or 4 most important themes and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Right now one of the media's favorite themes is providing any and all messaging that ties any event to any shred of race bias. They know they need hispanics and other minorities to be just as reliable and dedicated a voting block as blacks have been. They don't ever want them to vote on any issue beyond race and the perception that the GOP is biased if not outright racist. hispanics and asians have historically not been single issue voters and were at least open to GOP candidates. the Dems want to change this.
So a Black woman correctly pointing out that black on black crime is the real issue can be accused of promoting white supremacy and Twitter is ok with it? Errrrmmm ok?

Democrat Sends Image Of KKK Hood To Candace Owens; Twitter Defends Post, So Owens Takes Action On Her Own

Damn, if a Republican candidate sent a picture of a KKK hood to somebody that would be the end of that Republican. The social media freakout would be deafening, and it would end that guy's career. Furthermore, it would be the biggest story in the country for a week.
The judge chews out the NY Times for their "journalism". Wins early round in defamation suit but not quite over yet.

Project Veritas Wins In Defamation Lawsuit Against New York Times

Speaking of defamation, DC Circuit Judge Laurence Silberman has called for a reversal of New York Times v. Sullivan. Link. He focuses on the partisanship of the media (calls the Times and the Post "Democratic Party broadsheets"), but there's a lot more to it than that. Getting rid of that decision wouldn't make the media less partisan. It would just make it less unprofessional. They'd have to think twice before saying something inaccurate. Standards would matter again, and that would be a good thing.
Speaking of defamation, DC Circuit Judge Laurence Silberman has called for a reversal of New York Times v. Sullivan. Link. He focuses on the partisanship of the media (calls the Times and the Post "Democratic Party broadsheets"), but there's a lot more to it than that. Getting rid of that decision wouldn't make the media less partisan. It would just make it less unprofessional. They'd have to think twice before saying something inaccurate. Standards would matter again, and that would be a good thing.

In the Veritas article it appears one of the NY Times reporters is an Astor. Talk about white privilege. She's clearly a Liberal and out of control.
In the Veritas article it appears one of the NY Times reporters is an Astor. Talk about white privilege. She's clearly a Liberal and out of control.

Of course, other than Ross Douthat, sometimes Brett Stephens, and occasionally David Brooks, that pretty much describes everybody at the Times.
The media industry is propaganda. Not because there is conspiracy or collusion. But because those who run CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc all have the same world view. Therefore they make news which conforms with how they see the world. If you don't know it's propaganda then you are being manipulated by it. Fair warning.
The media industry is propaganda. Not because there is conspiracy or collusion. But because those who run CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc all have the same world view. Therefore they make news which conforms with how they see the world. If you don't know it's propaganda then you are being manipulated by it. Fair warning.
It’s all propaganda.
There are actual serious problems with so-called real news and you concern yourself with some guy who's basically a shock jock with an OPINION show.

Sorry, I thought this thread was to comment on the Media industry. Did the "real news" that we need to be concerned about just start today?

Let me check to see if this is your first comment in the 184 page thread, sir. Hmmm...the last 3 pages of The Media Industry alone. It's almost as if you are intending to be a walking demonstration of hypocrisy. Intentional? That would be giving too much credit where unearned.

Again, another fake story released by the MSM. They wait now to correct it long after the damage is done. It's day after day of this ******** and I'm sick of it.

One guy on Twitter called this sedition. That might be a little too harsh but between this and the Hunter Biden laptop crap we are running into a dangerous situation in this country. We have a national media that is actively affecting national elections. The media is supposed to be a watchdog, not a ******* arm of the democrat party.

It gets even better. The SOS of Georgia lied. This piece of garbage in the past has smeared the good name of the data analysts who said the Georgia election was a fraud. I hope we can nail this guy to the wall.

Andrii Derkach was declared a Russian agent by the Treasury when it looked like he was giving true info to Giuliani.

Kilimnik, Manafort's friend, was considered a "soft contact" by the US under Obama but was declared a Russian agent when the FBI came after Trump.

Normally I would say this was all a coincidence but with what we saw from the FBI in 2015-2016 I don't believe it was. This **** looks to be politics driven from corrupt government agencies than anything else.

You mean contradicted by reports that were done by intel agencies that went after Trump by way of dubious means? Those? It's funny how Derkach became a Russian agent right during that time when info was coming to Giuliani. From what we've seen from Hunter's laptop the info looks to be correct.

I think so but I'm not sure. It's pretty much known now that the Mueller investigation was a scam but libs still believe in it.

In all seriousness I get tired of the Russia, Russia, Russia ****. Yes, they interfere in our elections but they are nothing compared to how the media interferes. It's not even close.

The judge chews out the NY Times for their "journalism". Wins early round in defamation suit but not quite over yet.

Project Veritas Wins In Defamation Lawsuit Against New York Times

There are actual serious problems with so-called real news and you concern yourself with some guy who's basically a shock jock with an OPINION show.
Sorry, I thought this thread was to comment on the Media industry. Did the "real news" that we need to be concerned about just start today?

Let me check to see if this is your first comment in the 184 page thread, sir. Hmmm...the last 3 pages of The Media Industry alone. It's almost as if you are intending to be a walking demonstration of hypocrisy. Intentional? That would be giving too much credit where unearned.

I don't think you understand the meaning of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy would be me going after Maddow during her high school years for some cheap "gotcha" moment. Once again your reading comprehension comes up short. Look how I used the words "real news' and your ridiculous comeback. Geez.

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