The Media Industry

What is the real, credible threat of white nationalist organizations in 2021? I confess I am ignorant of any.

I'm not the FBI but pointing to the most obvious cases of the top of my head.
1. Boogaloo Bois killed 2 LEO's on Oakland, CA in 2020.
2. El Paso Walmart shooter killed 22
3. Kenosha shooter
4. Thwarted kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer

The ties go beyond actions but threats, in particular documented White Nationalists in our military and LEOs.

1. Oklahoma Police Chief was a website administrator for 2 White Supremacist sites.
2. Military leaders have called out concerns of White Supremacism in their ranks, banning involvement, tattoos and other paraphernalia most commonly associated with these groups.

Bubba claimed the FBI says that white nationalists are the #1 threat to the US government. So why are they considered more of a threat than Antifa and BLM who are committing violence daily?

I'm not saying these ANTIFA folks aren't bad or wrong. If you damage property then you should be punished accordingly. We even have 1 documented case of an Antifa member killing a Proud Boy member in Portland.

You're quite confused if you think rock/canned vegetable throwing punks are the same risk as Assault Rifle carrying (and typically military trained) individuals. I'd wager my house that the FBI has made the same risk assessment when making their proclamations.
I'm not the FBI but pointing to the most obvious cases of the top of my head.
1. Boogaloo Bois killed 2 LEO's on Oakland, CA in 2020.
2. El Paso Walmart shooter killed 22
3. Kenosha shooter
4. Thwarted kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer

These are tragic events. Never heard of Boogaloo Bois, but they should be executed for murder. #2 was a frustrated Trump supporter I think, but his kind of threat is to human life not the government. Lone mass murderers should be held accountable for their crimes. #3 was a kid protecting himself from other armed men in a street. He wasn't a threat to the government. He foolishly thought he was helping the police. Only 4 was a threat to government right? And that militia I thought I had read was left-leaning. Even if not, sure any actual group threatening to take over the government or officials is liable to be followed by the FBI and rightly so.

1. Oklahoma Police Chief was a website administrator for 2 White Supremacist sites.
2. Military leaders have called out concerns of White Supremacism in their ranks, banning involvement, tattoos and other paraphernalia most commonly associated with these groups.

The Okie Police Chief should be investigated if he is threatening people or conspiring to take over stuff. The article doesn't mention that and the person in question claims they got the wrong guy due to identity theft. Doesn't sound like a threat to anyone.

Military leaders are concerned but what white supremacist groups are actually discussing and planning to overthrow the government or harm people? You haven't provided evidence to that question other than the group who tried to kidnap Whitmer. I also think I remember that the person who suggested kidnapping her was a government informer. That whole situation is a maelstrom of complication.

I'm not saying these ANTIFA folks aren't bad or wrong. If you damage property then you should be punished accordingly. We even have 1 documented case of an Antifa member killing a Proud Boy member in Portland.

There are multiple cases of Antifa murdering Trump supporters. They also beat people in some cases as innocent people walk by them. You minimize their threat by a large amount. They throw rocks and cans but also carry other weapons. They have yet to start shooting people in the streets but they are guilty of much more violence than all the groups you listed put together.
These are tragic events. Never heard of Boogaloo Bois, but they should be executed for murder. #2 was a frustrated Trump supporter I think, but his kind of threat is to human life not the government. Lone mass murderers should be held accountable for their crimes. #3 was a kid protecting himself from other armed men in a street. He wasn't a threat to the government. He foolishly thought he was helping the police. Only 4 was a threat to government right? And that militia I thought I had read was left-leaning. Even if not, sure any actual group threatening to take over the government or officials is liable to be followed by the FBI and rightly so.

The FBI labeling White Nationalist organizations as a threat for Domestic terrorism wasn't just a threat to the government but US citizens.

The Okie Police Chief should be investigated if he is threatening people or conspiring to take over stuff. The article doesn't mention that and the person in question claims they got the wrong guy due to identity theft. Doesn't sound like a threat to anyone.

Military leaders are concerned but what white supremacist groups are actually discussing and planning to overthrow the government or harm people? You haven't provided evidence to that question other than the group who tried to kidnap Whitmer. I also think I remember that the person who suggested kidnapping her was a government informer. That whole situation is a maelstrom of complication.

As I read it the Oklahoma Police Chief claimed identity theft yet still resigned over the issue.

The point is that Law Enforcement entities and our military has stated that white nationalism amongst their members is a problem that needs to be rooted out. When's the last time any organization stated we need to root out these Antifa members? Specifically, entities with any position of power, like LEO/Military. In most cases people scream "get a job" at Antifa, right?

There are multiple cases of Antifa murdering Trump supporters. They also beat people in some cases as innocent people walk by them. You minimize their threat by a large amount. They throw rocks and cans but also carry other weapons. They have yet to start shooting people in the streets but they are guilty of much more violence than all the groups you listed put together.

I'll need to be educated on the murders. I admitted to the one in Portland but not any others. I fully recognize that people that fall under the "antifa" banner have done more property damage than any other ideology. It seems that protesters/counterprotesters like Antifa/Proud Boys seek each other out. Still, life/liberty crimes are a whole 'nother level of even than property damage which is a position supported by our legal system.
Umbrella man in Minneapolis was hells angel, a noted antifa organization.

The guy who lit the court house in Nashville thought he was a white nationalist 3 percenter, another noted antifa organization.
Was that the dude smashing what looked like Autozone windows only to be confronted by the black dude holding a pizza? He ever get charged?
all they say is that he was a member of hell’s angles and some aryan cowboy group. I’m guessing they only have circumstantial evidence.
Woke Leftists on Twitter are saying that conservatives are hyocrites because Carano's firing is simply capitalism in action.

Of course they have no clue. Carano was fired due to a small, vicious band of people making a scene on Twitter. This same small, vicious band of people may or may not have been customers.

If customers simply quit watching or canceled their Disney+ subscription because of Carano's beliefs, that would be capitalism. What we have instead is domestic, cyber-terrorism.

Gina Carano reveals Disney tried to force her to use a scripted apology after "pronoun" backlash

" .... Carano revealed that Lucasfilm and Disney tried to make her apologize over one of the earlier controversies on social media – when she was attacked online for refusing to add her pronouns to her bio.
* * *
She told Weiss that she refused and instead came up with her own statement, that explained her intention was not to mock transgender people, but to speak against “the abuse of the mob in forcing people to put pronouns in their bio.”

What followed was Lucasfilm blacklisting her from all press and promo events for The Mandalorian. “That was heart-breaking,” Carano said, “but I didn’t want to take away from the hard work of everyone who worked on the project, so I said ok.” ...."
NYT -- "All Human Life extinguished; Minorities and Women Hardest Hit"

I'm not saying these ANTIFA folks aren't bad or wrong. If you damage property then you should be punished accordingly. We even have 1 documented case of an Antifa member killing a Proud Boy member in Portland.
Wow. Was that the only documented killing by Antifa in the riots? "If you damage property"? What would you call a group that caused over $2billion in property damage? Peaceful protestors?
The march to install the VEEP has begun.

There is probably some truth to that. I am willing to bet you a million dollars right now that whoever wrote and published that article ran it up the flagpole first. In other words, they got permission. No employee there at any level would negatively fact check a Dem President without the OK from a boss. They all know it's a potential job ending move. And that boss probably asked the next boss up.

And whoever it was that has the ultimate say, whoever gave that permission is a connected elite Dem.
The media has gone through an amazingly quick change in a short period of time -- from “POTUS is responsible for every COVID death”
“really now ... Presidents can only do so much to stop a pandemic.”

The media has gone through an amazingly quick change in a short period of time -- from “POTUS is responsible for every COVID death”
“really now ... Presidents can only do so much to stop a pandemic.”

I read Biden has killed 84,000 people.
Gina Carano reveals Disney tried to force her to use a scripted apology after "pronoun" backlash
" .... Carano revealed that Lucasfilm and Disney tried to make her apologize over one of the earlier controversies on social media – when she was attacked online for refusing to add her pronouns to her bio.
* * *
She told Weiss that she refused and instead came up with her own statement, that explained her intention was not to mock transgender people, but to speak against “the abuse of the mob in forcing people to put pronouns in their bio.”

What followed was Lucasfilm blacklisting her from all press and promo events for The Mandalorian. “That was heart-breaking,” Carano said, “but I didn’t want to take away from the hard work of everyone who worked on the project, so I said ok.” ...."

Carano did an hour long interview with Ben Shapiro. The key points were --

She was not interested in politics until she saw what was happened in 2020, in particular with media dishonesty and the lockdowns. Her biggest awakening came after she was pressured to use pronouns in her Twitter bio.

In response, she put down “boop/bop/beep” as her pronouns and woke-twitter exploded suggesting she was attacking the transgender community. She immediately clarified she wasn't making a statement against the trans community but against woke-twitter

Left-wing activists weren't interested in her explanation and demanded that Disney cancel the Mandolorian or at the very least fire Gina Carano. She was forced to have a Zoom discussion with a group of transgender people who recommended that Disney not fire her.

During this time Disney employees were routinely attacking her on internal message boards, their websites, social media accounts, and even GoFundMe accounts. Disney then demanded she face them.

Kathleen Kennedy demanded that Gina Carano get on a Zoom call with 40 LGBTQ Disney employees who were angry with her so they could slam her on video and film her reaction to their hate. She countered offering to take 4-5 of them out to dinner at a time instead.

Kennedy ultimately decided to exclude Gina Carano from all Mandalorian publicity as punishment for adding 'boop/bop/beep' to her Twitter profile. Gina says things had calmed down until Nov when she shared two tweets about voter fraud and face masks. Kathleen Kennedy sent a media trainer to Gina's house to explain that offering a logical answer to an emotional question is dangerous in today's woke-world. She says she knew that Kathleen Kennedy was working on finding enough reasons to fire her for her political beliefs. She was literally being erased from the Mandalorian by the Disney artists who got on Twitter to gloat about it. Gina says she is not the lone conservative at Disney, but the toxic environment Kathleen Kennedy has created has everyone living in fear

Kennedy did not tell her she had decided to fire Gina, just let her learn through woke-twitter. Jon Favreau fought Kennedy but in the end, he lost.

What was her crime that got her fired? After the election, she suggested voter ID was the only way to ensure secure and fair elections - something most Americans agree with

And 2020 was the first time she had ever voted. She never thought her vote would count. But then she started paying attention when her friends in Calif got multiple ballots in the mail. Gina was shocked that she could vote as many times as she wanted and it concerned her that there might be a lot of voter fraud as a result. That's when she got on Twitter to share her concern.

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