The Media Industry

It is totally unsurprising that the military is now ratcheting up involvement in Syria. If you didn't see that coming you have been ignoring what I write on this board. Biden and most of his cabinet are highly aligned with the CIA/NSA. The military actually doesn't want to be in this war if what I am reading is correct. And their preference is to fight against the side which the CIA/NSA backs. It's a total mess.

But I did see that Biden had somehow communicated his desire for the US to step back from involvement in the Yemeni war. That is a very good thing.
Who are the Fascists?

How ironic

Holy cow, have a look at Gunn's tweets
Disney fired Carano for a few words, but re-hired this NAMBLA guy to make kids movies

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Woke Leftists on Twitter are saying that conservatives are hyocrites because Carano's firing is simply capitalism in action.

Of course they have no clue. Carano was fired due to a small, vicious band of people making a scene on Twitter. This same small, vicious band of people may or may not have been customers.

If customers simply quit watching or canceled their Disney+ subscription because of Carano's beliefs, that would be capitalism. What we have instead is domestic, cyber-terrorism.
The real boss at the New York Times. Link.

I'm surprised nobody has brought up the Don McNeil story - the reporter who got shitcanned because he dropped the n-bomb. He didn't direct it at anyone but said it while asking about an incident in which someone said it. Shouldn't be a big deal, but it pissed off their woke staffers and of course, the real NYT boss. Of course, after he got canned, he issued a woke apology that was so over-the-top that you'd think he had been an executioner for the Khmer Rouge.

He's right. And if McNeil had any balls, he'd sue the Times for racial discrimination. Keep in mind that he wasn't fired for dropping the n-bomb. If he was, then Nikole Hannah-Jones and Jamelle Bouie (who have also used the word publicly) would also have gotten fired. He got fired, because he was white.

After his ridiculous, ******** "apology," I'm sure he won't sue, but he should.

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