The Media Industry

A politician lied? O god, where are the smelling salts?

it is what you do to get elected. Mexican wall, etc.
The greatest of all time was Woodrow “he kept us out of war” Wilson. See also LBJ and the Tonkin Gulf incident. Or JFK and the missile gap.

or a million other examples.
Fascism was a mid twentieth century Italian political movement cranked up by a charismatic demagogue. And fascists were not the only ones trying to shut people up. The US Justice department under Woodrow Wilson did as did the sainted Abraham Lincoln. Old Abe jailed journalists and shut down newspapers that opposed his cs war.
Stalin and Mao weren’t Fascists either.
We need to come up with a more apt phrase to describe a holes like Politico pack

calling somebody a Fascist is merely to say you don’t like them
Fascism was a mid twentieth century Italian political movement cranked up by a charismatic demagogue. And fascists were not the only ones trying to shut people up. The US Justice department under Woodrow Wilson did as did the sainted Abraham Lincoln. Old Abe jailed journalists and shut down newspapers that opposed his cs war.
Stalin and Mao weren’t Fascists either.
We need to come up with a more apt phrase to describe a holes like Politico pack

calling somebody a Fascist is merely to say you don’t like them

Fascism is localized socialism, inside your own borders
Communism is international socialism
The are both just different versions of socialism
huisache and JoeFan are both correct.

But let us not be shy to use the label fascism for what it really is. It is collectivized thinking focused on national identity. It was anti-individual and anti-capitalist. It was anti-free speech because they taught that there could be no dissenters to the national mission. Most of what they talked about was economic in nature. Hitler started WW2 for economic reasons. He wanted all "Germans" under one state so that they could protect all "Germans" from the depredations of trade with poor foreigners. This is one area where Trump's rhetoric was a bit fascistic. I am all for America but the trade protectionism was fascistic. We need free trade with the world to be prosperous. You can still go after bad actors in trade. That isn't fascistic but putting up trade barriers like tariffs to protect Americans is. The American economy needs to innovate and to be free. It doesn't need protection in general.
That poster is a troll
He spends his days trying to bait you guys into arguments about something he probably doesnt even care about
This is how folks with inferior educations get their jollies
Stop falling for it

I think he actually believes what he says most of the time. He does sometimes troll.
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.

“Organizations or individuals who traffic in conspiracy theories, propaganda and lies to spread disinformation will not be tolerated,” TJ Ducklo, Biden’s deputy press secretary, said in a statement to Politico, “and we’ll work with the WHCA to decide how to handle those instances moving forward.”

Think this applies to Acosta?
If Trump had kicked out all the media fools who peddled the lie that “Russia stole the election”, there would have been 4 reporters left in the room.

So Slow Joe’s media mouthpiece is going to muzzle news outfits who say things they don’t like. Remember though “Democracy Dies in Darknesses!!!”
If Trump had kicked out all the media fools who peddled the lie that “Russia stole the election”, there would have been 4 reporters left in the room.

So Slow Joe’s media mouthpiece is going to muzzle news outfits who say things they don’t like. Remember though “Democracy Dies in Darknesses!!!”

To a leftist a conspiracy theory is anything that doesn't follow the liberal narrative. FBI malfeasance in the Russian collusion case, Hunter Biden's laptop, and now election fraud are/were conspiracy theories to the left.
They're more than welcome to their beliefs but they also try to shut up anybody who doesn't follow their beliefs. This I have a problem with.
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Check this...

A black man was brutalized by 12 black people. The article chose to focus heavily on the apparent fact that the victim was a member of a gang and had a checkered past.

But when the cops shoot a black man with a checkered past we are screeched at if we mention that checkered past.

Why don't the Liberals see this? Emotional impairment and political hypocrisy.

The example of this are out there all day, every day. I want our Liberal friends to admit it and understand that while their values may be laudably idealistic, the fact remains that they believe in liars.
Check this...

A black man was brutalized by 12 black people. The article chose to focus heavily on the apparent fact that the victim was a member of a gang and had a checkered past.

But when the cops shoot a black man with a checkered past we are screeched at if we mention that checkered past.

Why don't the Liberals see this? Emotional impairment and political hypocrisy.

The example of this are out there all day, every day. I want our Liberal friends to admit it and understand that while their values may be laudably idealistic, the fact remains that they believe in liars.
They live in fantasy world where certain facts don’t matter, like men can’t have periods (though Seattle Husker may be an exception).
To a leftist a conspiracy theory is anything that doesn't follow the liberal narrative. FBI malfeasance in the Russian collusion case, Hunter Biden's laptop, and now election fraud are/were conspiracy theories to the left.
They're more than welcome to their beliefs but they also try to shut up anybody who doesn't follow their beliefs. This I have a problem with.
Whenever differences among people exist, they must be reconciled by those people and someone's (maybe everyone's) freedom is going to suffer. This is evident everywhere. The individuals can, informally, trade off lesser freedoms for freedoms they value more during the reconciliation, or the decision on how to reconcile can be assigned to a monopoly, such as the government. Sometimes the reconciliation is performed by a social media platform such as Facebook or Hornfans by cancelling or suspending a discordant view. When the difference among various values is least, such as the vast majority of people agreeing that murder is wrong, assigning the power to punish the wrongdoers to the government has a minimal effect on freedom. If the same government monopoly were to determine the best size shoe to wear, there would be mass discomfort. When the government begins to force a value(s) on people that a vast majority of the people have differences over, serious problems will develop.

When the government, or a party in control of the government, adopts a "transcendant" value (ex: social justice, climate change, illegal voting methods, etc.) they will impose that value on the people even if a large portion, or even the majority, of the people do not prefer that value. That seriously curtails freedom. If those who had their freedom curtailed fight against the government, force, ever increasing if need be (maybe 26,000 troops in Washington D.C.), will be used to protect the "government's value".

Democrats want to repeal the American Revolution, which was based on the experience of man and the shortcomings and dangers of government as actually observed (i.e. empirical evidence). The founding fathers understood the ridiculousness of "Utopian speculations" such as "social justice" or "equity" expressed by today's Democrats, as well as the fallibility of government. It is too bad that Democrats don't understand this concept.

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