The Media Industry

It's never happened in the history of the country
Not like this
They were lynching large numbers of people suspected of abolitionism in north Texas in 1860

Lincoln jailed journalists and shut down newspapers

john Adams had the Alien and Sedition Acts

you did not want to be ethnically German in Texas in WWI

They were lynching large numbers of people suspected of abolitionism in north Texas in 1860
Lincoln jailed journalists and shut down newspapers
you did not want to be ethnically German in Texas in WWI

Gonna have to disagree. The behavior of Twitter under Lincoln was not worse than it is today. Nor Amazon or Google. But I concede you have a better grasp of the liberal mind. So you guys see this current period as wartime? People gonna die. Good to know

Note to self: go back for more ammo
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Gonna have to disagree. The behavior of Twitter under Lincoln was not worse than it is today. Nor Amazon or Google. But I concede you have a better grasp of the liberal mind. So you guys see this current period as wartime? People gonna die. Good to know

Note to self: go back for more ammo
No, I see it as a time of intolerance, groupthink, thoughtcrime and tyranny of a sort. My disagreement with you was in your short sighted assertion that there is something unique or new in the present hysteria.
No, I see it as a time of intolerance, groupthink, thoughtcrime and tyranny of a sort. My disagreement with you was in your short sighted assertion that there is something unique or new in the present hysteria.

You are wrong, of course. There is something very new and unique.
Big Tech is so large they have become extraterritorial. They are larger than many nations, larger than half the countries in the world. They answer to no one. They are monopolies which have become so gigantic that they no longer solely compete with other multinationals to survive. Now they compete with nations directly.
They control movement, speech, elections and even human life itself. We have never seen anything like this and it has to be dealt right away. Your short sightedness in this regard is a danger to us all.
Of course I am wrong. I disagreed with you:yippee:

But you have to admit being told you are wrong for disagreeing is somewhat less confrontational than being called a Fascist/NAZI/KKK/White Supremacist just for disagreeing

Or ...... I guess you could just call me a Fascist/Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist for correcting you
It was a tweet from the owner of a literary agency, I think. She said she was shocked to discover someone at her firm using Parler and Gab. She strongly apologized to everyone who may have been offended

The person was fired. For simply having downloaded the Parler/Gab apps

Newsmax cancels MyPillow guy Mike Lindell. The anchor literally gets up and walks off the set because the crazy dude won't shut up. They brought him on to talk about his recently suspended Twitter account and he wanted to rant about claims of election fraud that he has "100% of the evidence" for.

When asked if there was a chance this was a temporary suspension he claimed he wanted it to be a permanent ban. I guess he latter plays better to his ego and desired narrative.

They ask him two questions about his Twitter account and why it was suspended. He states that it was suspended because he is going to post election fraud material. He is interrupted twice by the talking head so the talking head can give newsmax’ version of an answer. Then talking head walks off the set like a child because pillow boy won’t agree with the standard Lib talking points.
You have to wonder if NewsMax really wants to be in business. That would be like Don Lemon charging out when AOC says every white person is racist. Who is left to watch?

Trying to figure out the Newsmax angle. Are they worried about litigation? It would seem so given that anchor had a prepared statement to recite. That's indicative of a Newsmax lawyer telling the news organization what they can allow and not allow to go unchallenged.
The same thing happened on Fox a few months ago when Newt Gingrich brought up Soros funded DA's. I do not trust any of the media outlets - right or left.
Trying to figure out the Newsmax angle. Are they worried about litigation? It would seem so given that anchor had a prepared statement to recite. That's indicative of a Newsmax lawyer telling the news organization what they can allow and not allow to go unchallenged.
They have been put on notice that knowingly allowing false and damaging information on their network will come with a price tag. They are market correcting. That means that the "election fraud" claims are knowingly wrong.
The list of NFL media who thought the season should be canceled and the NFL was fascist/nazis for playing included Peter King, Adam Schefter, Keith Olbermann and Stephanie Apstein
$ talks. Fake news walks. There's a reason that they're running from the stolen election narrative. They don't want to be bankrupted.

Not everybody. Dominion shouldn't scare anyone because their shortcomings have been proven by the media both left and right before the election. Now, the exception would be those like Powell who said the machines were tied to Chavez, which may not be verifiable. Also, saying that Dominion was deliberately in on the cheating will get you sued. However, I don't believe that happened. Dominion machines were hacked and Dominion had nothing to do with it.

Dominion has lied to the public consistently. Their biggest fib was that the machines can't be hooked up to the net. Their machines are also easy to hack. Anybody who brings legitimate issues up can't be sued.
CNN got so angry at the Tampa fans celebrating with no masks, they called the police on them


The Tampa Mayor \/ said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.
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