The Media Industry

I keep forgetting who I'm talking to. Despite all of the evidence you still think the Mueller Report isn't political. A "smidgen" of Alabama doesn't count as Alabama in Huskerland. Btw, you're wrong. It's all the way until September 2nd that Alabama is out of the fire. Watch it again, please. Trump and the NOAA are correct. Statement from NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration completely bypassed that the smidgen of Alabama DISAPPEARED in the forcast by 2pm on Saturday, 8/31. Logic can be your friend if you embrace it.

Time will tell where the source of the NOAA statement emanated from. It wasn't signed so at this point it's not public who wrote it...a political appointee being threatened with their job maybe?
Time will tell where the source of the NOAA statement emanated from. It wasn't signed so at this point it's not public who wrote it...a political appointee being threatened with their job maybe?

LOL! Talk about conspiracy theories. You're wrong again. September 2nd was the last day. Run it again. This place won't let me show an image of the map. Trump/NOAA are correct.
LOL! Talk about conspiracy theories. You're wrong again. September 2nd was the last day. Run it again. This place won't let me show an image of the map. Trump/NOAA are correct.

You claim I'm wrong and put up no evidence? Is this that situation where you claim you're right and it's MY JOB to put up the evidence to prove you wrong?

OK. I'll play. You're wrong and this is the second time I've shown it. Not sure what map you are looking at but here is the official map. this link. It won't much. It has archives of every advisory issued. The last time Alabama, even a smidgen, was captured in any of the forecast was Advisory #027A. Who knows what the **** Trump and his cohorts are claiming to see but the actual map that NOAA was showing the rest of the world has no Alabama after 2am 8/31.
You claim I'm wrong and put up no evidence? Is this that situation where you claim you're right and it's MY JOB to put up the evidence to prove you wrong?

OK. I'll play. You're wrong and this is the second time I've shown it. Not sure what map you are looking at but here is the official map. this link. It won't much. It has archives of every advisory issued. The last time Alabama, even a smidgen, was captured in any of the forecast was Advisory #027A. Who knows what the **** Trump and his cohorts are claiming to see but the actual map that NOAA was showing the rest of the world has no Alabama after 2am 8/31.

:facepalm: Dude, I've listed it on posts 3495 and 3510. This one right here. This is the one the NOAA released in their statement showing Trump was right. DORIAN Graphics Archive: <br> 5-day Probability of Tropical-Storm-Force-Winds
:facepalm: Dude, I've listed it on posts 3495 and 3510. This one right here. This is the one the NOAA released in their statement showing Trump was right. DORIAN Graphics Archive: <br> 5-day Probability of Tropical-Storm-Force-Winds

That's the map...the one map that shows a <10% chance of Alabama receiving Tropical Storm winds 5 days out. You got A map. Just click around a bit. Tell me when every other map on that site drops Alabama from the forecast? So, he took a wind speed forecast and applied it to the cone forecast. He's even more incompetent than we both gave him credit for. At least that's what you're claiming, right?
Only one side here is trying to protect lives.

This is false.

Using that line of logic, we should NEVER have automotive recalls.

That was not his line of logic, it was totally different.

His line of logic would be that, if you find out that people who drive drunk are more likely to be in pickups than sedans, this would not be a reason for a recall of pickup truck models.

What's clear is that Trump was either ignorant or working off outdated information when he chose to make that video to show his knowledge/handling of this saga.

This is so obvious it's hard to understand the pushback. Like, admitting this is not saying "I now renounce Trump entirely, and promise to only vote Green or Democrat for the next 17 years".
That's the map...the one map that shows a <10% chance of Alabama receiving Tropical Storm winds 5 days out. You got A map. Just click around a bit. Tell me when every other map on that site drops Alabama from the forecast? So, he took a wind speed forecast and applied it to the cone forecast. He's even more incompetent than we both gave him credit for. At least that's what you're claiming, right?

No, the NOAA did that to prove Trump was right. You have no idea how weather forecasting works, do you? Have you received a tornado warning for your county? There is way less than a <1% chance of one hitting your house. Forecasting the weather is tricky. I had a friend that became a meteorologist and I almost became one myself. This is why I know McClean is a political hack. He knows damn well even while the odds might have been less than one percent there was a still a chance for a much worse situation in Alabama. Not just storm winds but much worse.
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Btw, Husker. This is why I don't provide articles for you. It's a waste of time. You'll just BS and move the goalposts no mater what I show you. You were looking at the wrong charts just as I thought and you tried to weasel your way out of it.
ABC framed this in typical fashion, which is to say, so that it is consistent with Democrats' narrative/rhetoric/messaging.

I would suggest a better framing of what is presented here would be that a significant amount of Americans view improving mental health treatment as being a more effective way to stop mass over more gun control legislation.

Btw, Husker. This is why I don't provide articles for you. It's a waste of time. You'll just BS and move the goalposts no mater what I show you. You were looking at the wrong charts just as I thought and you tried to weasel your way out of it.

Sure, THAT's why you choose not to provide evidence to backup your claims. :rolleyes1:
No, the NOAA did that to prove Trump was right. You have no idea how weather forecasting works, do you? Have you received a tornado warning for your county? There is way less than a <1% chance of one hitting your house. Forecasting the weather is tricky. I had a friend that became a meteorologist and I almost became one myself. This is why I know McClean is a political hack. He knows damn well even while the odds might have been less than one percent there was a still a chance for a much worse situation in Alabama. Not just storm winds but much worse.

You claim to have an Economics degree and now you almost became a weather forecaster?

NOAA did what to prove Trump was right? Initially it was the White House that scrounged through maps to find that one. Of course, to point that one out you have to ignore the actual cone maps that NOAA was putting out. You know the one...the one where Trump used his Sharpie to make it look like the Wind probability map. LOL! The Cone map was the one where the actual Hurricane was path was being projected.

BTW- I'm not saying predicting the weather is easy. Translating maps clearly isn't easy for the person in the White House who prefers Sharpie's.

BTW2- Alabama got a little rain but mostly Sunny days. Keep up thinking that there is no risk to the POTUS telling people their going to get hit harder than expected. In the end, the scientists in Birmingham that refuted DJT were RIGHT! That's what's lost in this mess. The wannabe expert was ended getting pantsed by the experts yet it attempting, along with his supporters to say it didn't happen.
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You claim to have an Economics degree and now you almost became a weather forecaster?

NOAA did what to prove Trump was right? Initially it was the White House that scrounged through maps to find that one. Of course, to point that one out you have to ignore the actual cone maps that NOAA was putting out. You know the one...the one where Trump used his Sharpie to make it look like the Wind probability map. LOL! The Cone map was the one where the actual Hurricane was path was being projected.

BTW- I'm not saying predicting the weather is easy. Translating maps clearly isn't easy for the person in the White House who prefers Sharpie's.

BTW2- Alabama got a little rain but mostly Sunny days. Keep up thinking that there is no risk to the POTUS telling people their going to get hit harder than expected.

Yep. I quit the dream of being a weatherman because the navy offered me to become a nuclear engineer. I signed up but that didn't last because of health issues. Never got back into the weather after that and became a business/economics major. Instead of going to grad school I decided to get a degree in network administration. Got Novell certified(CNA) but i didn't finish my degree. Decided to pursue business so here I am.

Both maps are correct but show different things. We've seen this movie before. You're going to be fed misinformation from the media and Mclean over the next few days and you'll buy into all of the nonsense just like the Russian Collusion crap. The truth will come out eventually and you'll be extremely disappointed. You'll then move on once the next anti-Trump crapola arrives. Rinse and repeat.. Over time you'd think that you liberals would catch on but you never do.
Both maps are correct but show different things.

Agreed. Some idiot decided to make one look like the other. Then clearly didn't pay attention to the changing forecast.

You're going to be fed misinformation from the media and Mclean over the next few days and you'll buy into all of the nonsense just like the Russian Collusion crap. The truth will come out eventually and you'll be extremely disappointed.

Fake new stereotype. Check. Liberal bias. Check. Rinse and repeat. Every time you go this route you've clearly lost the argument. I can only assume you are infatuate with strawmen because you spend so much time building them.

ou'll then move on once the next anti-Trump crapola arrives.

And you'll try and defend the POTUS's crappola. Unsuccessfully but I'd give you an "A" for effort.
Agreed. Some idiot decided to make one look like the other. Then clearly didn't pay attention to the changing forecast.

Fake new stereotype. Check. Liberal bias. Check. Rinse and repeat. Every time you go this route you've clearly lost the argument. I can only assume you are infatuate with strawmen because you spend so much time building them.

And you'll try and defend the POTUS's crappola. Unsuccessfully but I'd give you an "A" for effort.

NOAA made those and they are real. What the hell have you been reading? Are you trying to say that someone deliberately altered the maps? LOL! I never want to hear you yell about conspiracy theories after this. If you actually believe there was a conspiracy to fire NOAA people if they didn't show what Trump wanted I'll go buy you a tin-foil hat right now. If you think Wilbur would do something like this and risk exposure over something this minor then you're crazy. McLean showed you exactly what he was about when he uttered his first few words. The unprofessional nature of his statement tells you this is political in nature. This is the apex of fake news and most people with common sense can figure this out.

Edit-The media plays you like a fiddle and you still haven't figured it out. One of these days I'm going to make a list of all the fake news you have fallen for.
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That's a dumb argument. Using that line of logic, we should NEVER have automotive recalls.
It wasn't an argument. I was asking a question...duh...hence my opening statement, "Here's a dumb question?"

If you get your way, what do you ban when someone gets a hold of an AR15 illegally and commits a mass shooting?

Even though drugs don't kill in masses at one time, there are laws against using drugs but yet people still find ways to obtain and use, which might kill them. What more can we do to prevent the use of drugs? I will give you a can't.

Ban them or not, it doesn't matter to me. Either way you won't prevent the frequency or number of mass shootings.
You're debating an argument I never put forward. I've never said my proposed solutions would eliminate all mass shootings.
I understand you didn't argue for banning shotguns, revolvers, and handguns. That's why I do not understand your position. These types of guns have been used in multiple mass shootings. Why would you not want to ban them? Your position to ban only ARs is confusing and not internally consistent.

Furthermore, you acknowledge your proposals would not be effective at eliminating mass shootings (I would argue ineffective at even reducing them). Wasn't that the point of your proposal? Why should Americans agree to limit their Constitutionally protected rights for an ineffective half-measure that even proponents admit would not stop mass shootings?
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"Why should American's agree to limit their Constitutionally protected rights for an ineffective half-measure that even proponents admit would not ? "

So far I have not seen any measures being put forth that would have prevented any mass shootings any more effectively than enforcing current laws and regs.
Add to that the errors that allowed some to get weapons.
HOW do you write a law that will prevent human error?
More fake news. CIA is ripping a story that was going around the MSM that Trump's risky behavior with classified material caused the CIA to extract a spy.
CNN's last 30 days or so --
• Chris "Fredo" Cuomo's freakout
• Don Lemon accused of sexual assault
• April Ryan directs her bodyguard to assault a local reporter
• Andrew McCabe now facing indictment for criminal behavior
• Brian Stelter still has a job
Cant wait til next moth

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