That's possible. Of course, he could also be following the actual data. It's public afterall and making a determination off of that. In this case, he's worried actual NOAA policies are being trodden over for the sake of defending the indefensible.
Really? The last NOAA advisory that even included a smidgen of Alabama was 2am on 8/31. The map is there for everyone to see. Seriously...hit the link! It's Advisory #27A.
This is why Alabama wasn't even ON the 9/1 call in which Trump spoke as if someone was on the call telling them to be careful. 9/1 is when he posted the below tweet which Alabama...any part of Alabama had already called off any potential impacts on 8/31. This is why the Birmingham office of NWS called BS after Trump told Alabama to be prepared. He called fire and they correctly said..." fire".
Yeah...calling fire in a theater is never a problem, at least when Trump does it, right?
Uh...the science is on his side unless you now want to call that Fake News too because facts are inconvenient.
I've already given Trump and "out". It's possible that the people updating him were incompetent and still included Alabama on 9/1. Of course, they weren't the one that pulled out the sharpie. The attempt to try and blame the media...NOAA...anyone but the the man who made the statements is a laughable as it is sad.