I've never heard of this guy, but he's either incredibly stupid, or he has Adam Schiff's balls so firmly and deeply entrenched in his mouth that I fear for his malnutrition. Either way, his analysis is laughable.
First, he acts as though the DNI withheld the complaint arbitrarily. He didn't. He had a reason. He believes it violates executive confidentiality and privilege - something this doofus doesn't even address.
Second, he acts like refusing to turn it over to Congress is some outrageous move. It's not. When Bill Clinton signed the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998 (which this dumbass hasn't read), he stated that the law “does not constrain [his] constitutional authority to review and, if appropriate, control disclosure of certain classified information to Congress.” In other words, he anticipated disputes like this to arise. The Obama Administration followed the same policy.
Third, he suggests that this makes it impossible for the IG to do his job. It doesn't. The IG can still investigate and still issue a report. The agency head doesn't have to concur with the IG, but that's always true.
Finally, he suggests that this move kills congressional oversight. It doesn't. Schiff can issue a subpoena for the report. This dolt does at least mention the subpoena, but he glosses over the fact that the subpoena can be enforced through the judiciary. In other words, he is using the term "subpoena," because it's legalese and (he thinks) makes him sound smart, but he has no idea what a subpoena is.
For the record, I am not a fan of executive privilege, and if I was a judge, I'd construe it very narrowly and probably rule against the DNI here. However, this goober's analysis of the dispute is garbage.