The Media Industry

Do you know how to read these charts? Alabama was definitely in play in late August. The only thing Trump messed up on was when on September 1 he said Alabama was in still in play but the charts had recently changed. Big deal. You got another nothing burger. if you want real incompetence you can cheer on Obama when he called ISIS the JV team.

What was DJT doing on August 31st? (Hint: Golfing) Clearly not following the Dorian updates.

You are correct that this isn't a big deal on the larger scheme but rather more evidence that our great nation is being led by a dithering idiot. Furthermore, when his idiocy is pointed out he doubles down.
if you want real incompetence you can cheer on Obama when he called ISIS the JV team.

I sold you short when I previously proclaimed you the leader of West Mall's nascent "Fake News" movement. Clearly I should add "whataboutism" too because you aren't capable of defending Trump without deflecting the target to some Democrat.
What was DJT doing on August 31st? (Hint: Golfing) Clearly not following the Dorian updates.

You are correct that this isn't a big deal on the larger scheme but rather more evidence that our great nation is being led by a dithering idiot. Furthermore, when his idiocy is pointed our he doubles down.

Golfing didn't take the entire day so that wasn't it. He made a mistake. WTF cares? Trump is not an idiot. He's far smarter that you libs will ever be. That's a fact.
I sold you short when I previously proclaimed you the leader of West Mall's nascent "Fake News" movement. Clearly I should add "whataboutism" too because you aren't capable of defending Trump without deflecting the target to some Democrat.

No, I do it because most of the mistakes Trump does is minor compared to the stupidity of you libs.
Your verb doesn’t agree with your subject, boy.

Boy? That sounds awfully racist to me. When did this become a grammar class? I corrected it so you should feel better about it now. Why don't you produce some more fake news and some more nothingburgers. That's high quality entertainment.
I'm going to put aside the obvious elements of trigger, barrel, rail, grip and firing mechanism design having significant impacts on stability, reliability, bullet trajectory, accuracy, or behavior of said bullet when it enters the cavity.

So, the point you are making is that this....

hqdefault.jpg no different than this?

Rifle to rifle is a better example, which is why I specifically stated an AR is basically a hunting rifle with a pistol grip.

Pistol grips are not scary or assaulty.
Rails arent scary or assaulty.
Adjustable stocks arent scary or assaulty.

Everything you just pointed out have specific functionality which makes the gun work better. Its called technology. None of those things make an AR a "weapon of war."

Rifles by their very nature fire at a higher velocity and can cause more damage than a handgun.

The very fact that an AR can hold multiple rounds does not make it a gun that should be banned over say a traditional single shot rifle. There are very practical reasons to own an AR for both protection and hunting. Trying to shoehorn it into the scary assault weapon of war category simply because it is technologically superior to a musket is a lousy excuse.

You can get a Glock handgun, a shoulder bag with 20 loaded clips, walk into a Walmart and kill 20 or more people and probably do it more effectively because you can blend in and hide your weapon easier.

You know this. Banning ARs isnt gonna stop ****. And you know it. Crazies aren't gonna suddenly decide not to carry out their murder fantasy just because they can't use an AR anymore.

And you know handguns kill many more people than ARs do. Its a red herring.

An AR is a rifle that can hold a clip. Its still just a rifle. Its not a military weapon. Anyone who says it is is either ignorant or intentionally trying to mislead people.
Golfing didn't take the entire day so that wasn't it. He made a mistake.

He clearly didn't pay attention to revised forecasts. I'll put this up there with the 4 times DJT has claimed he's never heard of a Category 5 hurricane. He talks out of his *** and supporters like Garmel sniff the air and tell us it smells like roses.

"Little" details like the actual path of a Category 5 hurricane (at the time) are too trivial for our POTUS to know and understand.
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Everything you just pointed out have specific functionality which makes the gun work better. Its called technology. None of those things make an AR a "weapon of war."

And when all those things are combined together what is it's purpose? A "weapon of war" maybe, like base model the military put into service before it was sold to the public?

Trying to shoehorn it into the scary assault weapon of war category simply because it is technologically superior to a musket is a lousy excuse. it a pesky fact that the AR15 was designed specifically FOR war?

Hunting? I've heard it can be helpful to hunt feral hogs. Not sure what else this weapon is needed for. Protection? Who are you being threatened by that you need a weapon designed for military use?

You can get a Glock handgun, a shoulder bag with 20 loaded clips, walk into a Walmart and kill 20 or more people and probably do it more effectively because you can blend in and hide your weapon easier.

You know this. Banning ARs isnt gonna stop ****. And you know it. Crazies aren't gonna suddenly decide not to carry out their murder fantasy just because they can't use an AR anymore.

You're right. Where are the mass shooters walking into crowded area with their Glocks and 20 magazines? Surely they must be prominent since it's more effective at mass casualties. Maybe you should take your argument up with the military while you're at it because they can save millions of dollars by issuing pistols rather than rifles. They are more effective in a Walmart afterall.

I don't think we can stop this mass shooting phenomenon. Limiting the casualty count is my primary goal.

1. Limit magazines to 10 bullets.
2. Strengthen background checks (closing loopholes)
3. Ban AR15 and any other weapons and derivations developed for military use.
He clearly didn't pay attention to revised forecasts. I'll put this up their with the 4 times DJT has claimed he's never heard ofva Category 5 hurricane. He talks put of his *** and supporters like Garmel sniff the air and tell us it smells like roses.

"Little" details like the actual path of a Category 5 hurricane (at the time) are too trivial for our POTUS to know and understand.

And we have people like you who don't have a problem with a president who gives billions of dollars to a terrorist nation and thinks that ISIS is the JV team. You keep sweating the nothing burgers and I'll worry about the important things? Deal?

Btw, ISIS flourished under Obama and now most of it's gone under Trump. Who's economy is better? Who's finally tackling some of our unfair trade practices and who didn't? I guess my idea of competence is different than yours. Yes, he's not refined and doesn't always say the right things but he understands the big picture better than you libs do. The only thing you've been correct on Trump is that his spending is terrible. The last two presidents doubled the debt and I'm hoping he won't do the same thing.
I don't think we can stop this mass shooting phenomenon. Limiting the casualty count is my primary goal.

1. Limit magazines to 10 bullets.
2. Strengthen background checks (closing loopholes)
3. Ban AR15 and any other weapons and derivations developed for military use

So define where you are willing to stop banning things to limit casualties. Please name your specific stopping point. I'll go ahead and guess you won't do this and ignore it.

After those are banned and some guy walks into a mall with a pistol and 10 clips with 10 rounds each and kills 7 people what will you say? Ah, it's ok we banned all the AR's so that's just life? I'll bet anything you'll be on here demanding to ban those "assault pistols" and all like them. Am I wrong?

You and your kind think you can legislate our way to Utopia where nothing bad can happen and that place will never exist. Especially the more we let morals erode away into anyone can do anything.
Thanks. I think it was original with me. But I've used it before ... . Comedian Richard Pryor brought the term free basing into my vocabulary... Though it wasn't especially funny how he did it.

Pryor had a hysterical observation about that incident: "When you're running down the road and your face is on fire, people move out of your way."
What was DJT doing on August 31st? (Hint: Golfing) Clearly not following the Dorian updates.

The golfing complaints, for whatever president, have always been stupid. Anyone with cell reception can follow updates while playing golf. It's not mutually exclusive.

And we have people like you who don't have a problem with a president who gives billions of dollars to a terrorist nation and thinks that ISIS is the JV team.

This is like example #574 of redirecting and dodging.

I don't think we can stop this mass shooting phenomenon. Limiting the casualty count is my primary goal.

Reasonable so far, but worth pointing out that if anyone on the right says the same thing about "don't think we can stop", the reaction is way different. My main issue is that in most of these cases there were existing laws that were not followed that would/could have stopped it. Until we start doing those right, adding more laws is unlikely to change much.
Yeah: after some healing he had fun with it. Once he lit a match and bounced it along a table. "What's this? Richard Pryor jogging."
Pryor had a hysterical observation about that incident: "When you're running down the road and your face is on fire, people move out of your way."

I remember on Johnny Carson he said something like, "I was screaming for God and Jesus to save me. I didn't call for Bank of America once."
And when all those things are combined together what is it's purpose? A "weapon of war" maybe, like base model the military put into service before it was sold to the public? it a pesky fact that the AR15 was designed specifically FOR war?

Hunting? I've heard it can be helpful to hunt feral hogs. Not sure what else this weapon is needed for. Protection? Who are you being threatened by that you need a weapon designed for military use?

You're right. Where are the mass shooters walking into crowded area with their Glocks and 20 magazines? Surely they must be prominent since it's more effective at mass casualties. Maybe you should take your argument up with the military while you're at it because they can save millions of dollars by issuing pistols rather than rifles. They are more effective in a Walmart afterall.

I don't think we can stop this mass shooting phenomenon. Limiting the casualty count is my primary goal.

1. Limit magazines to 10 bullets.
2. Strengthen background checks (closing loopholes)
3. Ban AR15 and any other weapons and derivations developed for military use.

What US military outfit equips its soldiers with AR-15s as standard issue? Im genuinely curious since as you say it is a "weapon of war."

The only thing I agree with you on is limiting magazines and strengthening background checks and loopholes for selling guns.

Its the capacity to fire rounds without reloading that's the issue, not the gun itself.
So define where you are willing to stop banning things to limit casualties. Please name your specific stopping point. I'll go ahead and guess you won't do this and ignore it.

After those are banned and some guy walks into a mall with a pistol and 10 clips with 10 rounds each and kills 7 people what will you say? Ah, it's ok we banned all the AR's so that's just life? I'll bet anything you'll be on here demanding to ban those "assault pistols" and all like them. Am I wrong?

You and your kind think you can legislate our way to Utopia where nothing bad can happen and that place will never exist. Especially the more we let morals erode away into anyone can do anything.

This all day. As soon as anyone draws a line it opens the door for someone else to say its not enough, and on and on and on.

People like Husker arent actually concerned about loss of life. Its lip service. He will more than justify 10s of thousands of lost lives due to drinking/texting and driving because "alcohol, cell phones and cars arent designed to kill" even though in combination they kill as many people every year as guns do. He will just shrug his shoulders and say "thoughts and prayers" to those victims because "accidents happen" despite laws prohibiting drunk driving or texting and driving.

10s of thousands of people die from medical malpractice but who cares? Its the evil AR-15s that must be stopped!
I don't think we can stop this mass shooting phenomenon. Limiting the casualty count is my primary goal.

1. Limit magazines to 10 bullets.
2. Strengthen background checks (closing loopholes)
3. Ban AR15 and any other weapons and derivations developed for military use.
None of those measures would have prevented the Santa Fe school shooting where the killer used a shotgun and a revolver. If you really believe that guns are the root cause then why not support the banning of shotguns and revolvers? Not to mention far more gun crimes in the US are committed with handguns than ARs. I would think banning handguns would be a high priority for you as well. Why are you only focused on banning a subset of the problem?

It's obvious that the Left is taking an incremental approach towards banning most guns. Every now and then a liberal politician slips up and points to Australia as a model where they essentially did that. That's a legitimate point of view that we can debate but let's at least be honest about what the end goal is.
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Quite a few people here think Trump's gaffes makes him a moron but seem not to care about Obama's. Obama's gaffes are just as bad as Trump's. Perhaps I shouldn't be petty over trivial nonsense like our libs here but I just want to make a point. Here we have Obama saying 10,000 people died from a tornado when only 12 died. The 57 state debacle. Austrian being a language and getting his daughter's age wrong, etc..

Top 10 Obama Gaffes
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