The Media Industry

Nah, you simply need to watch/read Trump's actual words. He speaks publicly enough. The information to show he's lying is readily available if one cares enough to verify. For those that don't care thst the President lies the phrase "Fake News" is the fallback. It's a strategy to avoid the reality that the one you support is lying directly to you, like a battered wife that continues to defend her husband. I get it. It's a psychological defense mechanism we all have when presented with evidence that doesn't support our worldview.

Please tell me you don't think the media doesnt have a massive influence on what the general population thinks about and interpets the world around them.

Trump says stupid things but the media literally directs the masses how in how to think. Look at the Amazon right now. People literally think the world is coming to an end because of media influenced hysteria that then leads to a social media lead viral mob mentality.
You're full of ****. Do a search. I've admitted that Trump lies on here. Get your damn facts straight if you want a conversation with me. I'm tired of your nonsense.

There you go again...asking ME to research your claims. How often do we need to rehash who is responsible for supporting their own claims?
Please tell me you don't think the media doesnt have a massive influence on what the general population thinks about and interpets the world around them.

Does the media have influence? Absolutely. The person surrounding themselves with Breitbart, Daily Caller and FoxNews is getting a customized perspective no different than the consumer of Motherjones, Daily Kos and MSNBC. Those consumers get perspectives that reinforce their already established worldviews.

Trump says stupid things but the media literally directs the masses how in how to think. Look at the Amazon right now. People literally think the world is coming to an end because of media influenced hysteria that then leads to a social media lead viral mob mentality.

It's a chicken and egg scenario. Did a conservative/progressive media consumer already believe crap about the other side and self-selected themselves into their respective tribe or did media push them into that corner? I'm of the belief that the media is chasing the consumer, customizing the perspective based on the audiences tastes. CNN is the perfect example of a media entity that learned the hard way that there is no money to be made in the middle so they took a hard left turn. Any hyperbole by the media is purely for ratings. I've turned off all my media app notifications. CNN and FoxNews were pushing me several "BREAKING NEWS" notifications a day.
There you go again...asking ME to research your claims. How often do we need to rehash who is responsible for supporting their own claims?

You mischaracterize me and it's my job to prove you wrong? As I said you're full of ****. I have a feeling that you did search and you saw that you're wrong once again and you don't have the nuts to apologize.
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Imagine the carnage if that psychopath had an AR15 with 100 round magazine rather than a car and knife. It's an easy bet that more than 2 would have died. Limit the carnage.

Dude, if he wanted to use an AR-15 he would have gotten one and used it. If guns were banned and he wanted more death he would have detonated a bomb ot quite possibly had an AR-15 anyway. What dont you understand about crazies who want to kill? Why should I be penalized because of your misguided beliefs that banning things will prevent more death?
Why should I be penalized because of your misguided beliefs that banning things will prevent more death?

Someone's life is your penalty? Ok.

Unless the US is the only country to have violent video games and men with mental health problems we have to search for the difference between us and other countries when it come to mass killings. The Odessa dude had an AR sitting next to him as his incident was triggered. Had he had a pistol, hunting rifle or knife there is no debate that the carnage would have been less.
You mischaracterize me and it's my job to prove you wrong? As I said you're full of ****. I have a feeling that you did search and you saw that you're wrong once again and you don't have the nuts to apologize.

No, I simply want the same thung of you I've been asking since you first visited this board. Support your claims. I was able to find 3 instances in which you claimed Trump "sometimes exaggerrates with white lies". I'll repeat my initial question because in none of the 3 did you actually say WHICH statements were "white lies". What has Trump lied about?
Had he had a pistol, hunting rifle or knife there is no debate that the carnage would have been less.

Wrong. An AR shoots one bullet a time, same as a hand gun. An AR is basically a hunting rifle with a pistol grip. Both ARs and handguns have clips or magazines that allow for quicker reloading but they both only shoot one bullet at a time.

Im sick of this myth that ARs are assault weapons or machine guns. They aren't.
<gasp> Fauxcahontas lied????? And in lying she stole a spot that was supposed to be reserved for a real Native American? that's so racist. I can't believe it, coming from a member of the democrat party. I thought only conservative white males could be racist.
Someone's life is your penalty? Ok.

Unless the US is the only country to have violent video games and men with mental health problems we have to search for the difference between us and other countries when it come to mass killings. The Odessa dude had an AR sitting next to him as his incident was triggered. Had he had a pistol, hunting rifle or knife there is no debate that the carnage would have been less.

"Imagine the carnage if that psychopath had an AR15 with 100 round magazine rather than a car and knife"

Your comment. Why did you change the subject? You want to ban guns so my question stands as is.
Okay Crockett. She lied AND got a professor job. There was NO connection between the two, especially in academia where they fall over themselves for diversity.
She HAD the professor's job before she, regrettably, listed her ethnicity as Native American in legal directory. You got any problems with Donald Trump lying about everything from his height, weight, wealth, size of his inauguration crowds.. hat he would release his tax returns, that his campaign had zero interactions with the Russians..and on and in and on. I'll give him credit for telling so many lies that none are particularly memorable. He makes Richard Nixon look like he was freebasing truth serum.
She listed herself in the minority section of law teachers for hire when she was in her 30s ( she was born in 1949) > She was hired by Harvard in 1995.Do the math. Harvard touted her as "university's only tenured minority as a "Native American.".
She HAD the professor's job before she, regrettably, listed her ethnicity as Native American in legal directory.
You got any problems with Donald Trump lying about everything from his height, weight, wealth, size of his inauguration crowds.. hat he would release his tax returns, that his campaign had zero interactions with the Russians..and on and in and on. I'll give him credit for telling so many lies that none are particularly memorable. He makes Richard Nixon look like he was freebasing truth serum.

Yeah, sure. She was hired during a time when Harvard was the subject of a discrimination lawsuit. Harvard constantly bragged about her being their first woman of color. Yeah, Trump lies to feed his ego but he still has not made a whopper in comparison to "keep your doctor" or that Iran payment chicanery.
Wrong. An AR shoots one bullet a time, same as a hand gun. An AR is basically a hunting rifle with a pistol grip. Both ARs and handguns have clips or magazines that allow for quicker reloading but they both only shoot one bullet at a time.

Im sick of this myth that ARs are assault weapons or machine guns. They aren't.

All guns are the same? That's your argument? Are you sure you don't want to restate that opinion?
I'm thinking at least a couple of smart people serve on any faculty hiring committee. Surely someone would have noticed she is a pale-skinned blonde?
"Imagine the carnage if that psychopath had an AR15 with 100 round magazine rather than a car and knife"

Your comment. Why did you change the subject? You want to ban guns so my question stands as is.

How did I change the subject? The author of the post was trying to make light of soneone using a vehicle/knife in a crime, ostensibly to show that more than guns can be used to inflict harm. I merely pointed out how ineffective this was compared to a military designed weapon.

I want to ban guns designed for military use to civilians. My stance hasn't changed in 20+ years here and on Austin360. As a someone who grew up with guns/hunting I have no problem with hunting rifles or pistols.

Edit: I'd also add high capacity magazines to the ban list.
His point is those are NOT automatic weapons.
But you knew that didn't you?

I've never claimed AR weapons being sold for civilian use are automatic. That doesn't make a shell fired from an AR15 any less lethal nor effective especially when combined with a high capacity magazine like the 100rd drum used in Dayton. But you knew that didn't you?
Oh, I can. I don't see any point to doing so. I can't figure out why you are so concerned on what I think is a lie or not. However, you still haven't figured out how much the MSM lies.

So, you claim he lies but won't actually point to any example? That's par for the course, all hat and no cattle is the expression in Texas, right?

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