The Media Industry

No. This is your opening to provide a link and that supports your claim. Please. I’m genuinely interested.

The Democratic/Media Complex Bitterly Clings to the Charlottesville Lie

In most critiques, like this one from Caleb Ecarma of Mediaite, the primary refutation lies in dismissing the existence of non-racist, pro-statue protestors cited by President Trump. In my video I note that even the rabidly anti-Trump New York Times identified and interviewed precisely such a person, Michelle Piercy, who stated that “good people can go to Charlottesville.” She was described as conservative and pro-monument and explained that Trump had “channeled her and her friends… who had no interest in standing with Nazis or white supremacists.”
No. This is your opening to provide a link and that supports your claim. Please. I’m genuinely interested.

This article describes Scott Adams interactions with “fine people”.

The “Fine People” Hoax Funnel - Scott Adam's Blog

Last week I chatted at length with one of the Charlottesville protest attendees. He hates racism, loves free speech, and wasn’t “marching with” anyone. He reports that there was chaos from the start, with lots of people all over the venue doing lots of different things. And there was no way to know what all of the people in normal street clothes were thinking by attending. He was there because he figured it would be a diverse group, from Antifa to neo-Nazis, with plenty of normal non-racists in between. Bolstering his argument is his Jewish heritage. He didn’t think he was attending a neo-Nazi event. He learned that from the press.

How dumb is that guy, you might reasonably ask?

I asked him to explain how he could look at the flyer for the event and NOT know it was organized by racists. I pointed to the little Nazi-looking winged image on the flyer to make my point. He said it looked like an American eagle to him. And when I started to push back on that point, he sent me other images of American eagles that are evil and warlike. At that point, I remembered a central truth about the human experience: If a hundred people look at exactly the same thing at the same time, they will arrive at wildly different opinions of what they are seeing. If you show that racist flyer to a hundred Americans, most would not recognize the names of the speakers, and many would not realize the graphic design was suggestive of a racist association. The fact that you and I would definitely recognize it for what it was does not suggest others would do the same.
mchammer, with the win. I bet LH or SH comes back and posts something again that totally ignores your evisceration of his claim though.
Apparently you don’t read very well. THERE WERE PEOPLE ATTENDING THE RALLY ASSUMING IT WAS ABOUT THE STATUES, NOT WHITE SUPREMACY. You don’t get to wish it away because of your TDS and confirmation bias.

I'd accept that excuse before they arrived. What would prompt them to stay? Could it be also be there is some severe overlap in Confederate statue supporters and white nationalism ideologies? That seems to be the elephant in the corner you are pretending doesn't exist.

You could say the same about anti-WTO and BLM protesters. I'll accept the excuse from those that show up but the moment you witness the rioters you better be exiting. If you stick around then your intentions are no better than those hundreds of tiki marchers on Friday night chanting "blood and soil...jews will not replace us".
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Is accept thst excuse before they arrived. What would prompt them to stay? Could it be also be there is some severe overlap in Confederate statue supporters and white nationalism ideologies? That seems to be the elephant in the corner you are pretending doesn't exist.
No one took a census of the crowd - not even our infallible media. For you to harp on this is a telling dodge since you cannot admit Trump wasn’t referring to white supremacists in his fine people comment. What a come down! For once I thought you libs really got Trump. Also, you haven’t explained how he pushed for prison reform plus his support for Israel while being an outright white supremacist.
Is accept thst excuse before they arrived. What would prompt them to stay? Could it be also be there is some severe overlap in Confederate statue supporters and white nationalism ideologies? That seems to be the elephant in the corner you are pretending doesn't exist.
If something Trumps says has 10 possible meanings, let me guess which one you are going to hear - the one that sounds the most racist.This is the TDS and confirmation bias that I have repeatedly mentioned.
This is because no degree of distancing is going to be enough for the party's political adversaries, because they benefit from the narrative. If he condemns neo-Nazis, they'll say he's not condemning them fast enough, strongly enough, etc. They're in a lose-lose situation.

There it is. You've just given yourself permission to never hold certain elements of your own party accountable. You just tacitly admitted that it's more unforgivable to agree with a progressive than to stop the festering cancer within your own ranks. The fact that a formerly moderate Republican now takes this stance is unfortunate. It displays how deep the roots of progressive hate stem that you'd continue to ignore the plank in your own eye.
No one took a census of the crowd - not even our infallible media. For you to harp on this is a telling dodge since you cannot admit Trump wasn’t referring to white supremacists in his fine people comment. What a come down! For once I thought you libs really got Trump. Also, you haven’t explained how he pushed for prison reform plus his support for Israel while being an outright white supremacist.

I've never claimed Trump is a "white supremacist". He simply looks the other way to gain support of the white Nationalist movement because of the overlap between their political ideology and his base.

Yes, in prepared statements he has distanced himself from white supremacists (not Nationalists) yet in unprepared comment or ad libs, essentially anytime he's unscripted he undercuts the scripted message. You choose to follow the scripted message because it gives you cover. I'll believe his shared memes, unscripted tweets and comments to the media that are closer to his heart.

If something Trumps says has 10 possible meanings, let me guess which one you are going to hear - the one that sounds the least racist.This is the TDS and confirmation bias that I have repeatedly mentioned.

Guess what? Both of us are right about the other? You will never believe anything negative about Trump and always fight your compatriots to be first in line to be Trump's fluffer.

I'm honest about my disdain for this POTUS have more than conspiracy theories to back up my feelings. There are actual quotes and videos of the man talking. This narcissist has a trail of hypocrisy decades in the making.

Guess what? Both of us are right about the other? You will never believe anything negative about Trump and always fight your compatriots to be first in line to be Trump's fluffer.

I'm honest about my disdain for this POTUS have more than conspiracy theories to back up my feelings. There are actual quotes and videos of the man talking. This narcissist has a trail of hypocrisy decades in the making.
So if you have a better grasp of Trump and reality, who did you predict to win 2016? Who thought Trump collided with Russia? It’s one hallucination after another.

Guess what? Both of us are right about the other? You will never believe anything negative about Trump and always fight your compatriots to be first in line to be Trump's fluffer.

I'm honest about my disdain for this POTUS have more than conspiracy theories to back up my feelings. There are actual quotes and videos of the man talking. This narcissist has a trail of hypocrisy decades in the making.
This is so sad that you can’t see your own bias.
I've never claimed Trump is a "white supremacist". He simply looks the other way to gain support of the white Nationalist movement because of the overlap between their political ideology and his base.

Yes, in prepared statements he has distanced himself from white supremacists (not Nationalists) yet in unprepared comment or ad libs, essentially anytime he's unscripted he undercuts the scripted message. You choose to follow the scripted message because it gives you cover. I'll believe his shared memes, unscripted tweets and comments to the media that are closer to his heart.
There it is. You've just given yourself permission to never hold certain elements of your own party accountable. You just tacitly admitted that it's more unforgivable to agree with a progressive than to stop the festering cancer within your own ranks. The fact that a formerly moderate Republican now takes this stance is unfortunate. It displays how deep the roots of progressive hate stem that you'd continue to ignore the plank in your own eye.

Three things. First, I'm not and have never been a moderate Republican. I'm not a Slade Gorton or a Charlie Dent. There's nothing wrong with those guys. I didn't even mind liberal Republicans like Jim Jeffords and Lincoln Chafee. (I didn't like Lowell Weicker, but that's because he was an *******, not because he was a moderate.) However, idealogically I'm closer to Paul Ryan with a little more populism (in policy, not style) and respect for the rule of law.

Second, I'm not giving anybody a pass to do anything. I'd never give the alt-Right a seat at the table and would criticize anyone who tried to do so. However, I'm not going to ignore reality or accept false premises and narratives just to appease the opposition. Truth and logic will always be paramount. I'm not going to pretend that Trump didn't condemn the neo-Nazis when I read the transcript and can very clearly see that he did. I'm also not going to accept a false premise and say that if he does condemn them that it means he can't condemn anyone else at the same time. That's nonsense. It is possible to say that neo-Nazis are terrible and that Antifa is terrible, and doing so doesn't make the neo-Nazis any less terrible. Thugs who get violent to push their politics are terrible, regardless of their ideologies.

Finally, how the hell can you say that I think that it's unforgivable to agree with a progressive? I agreed with progressives on the underlying issue of taking down the Confederate statues. Did you miss that? Have you missed all the times that I've haggled with HTown77 over Confederate memorials and took issue with him when he basically deemed Nikki Haley a treasonous ***** who deserves to be horsewhipped just because she took down the Confederate flag in South Carolina? He also presented a false premise that if you agree with progressives on the Confederate memorials, you won't be able to oppose them when they go after American memorials. He was wrong, and I called him on that.

Two things make it hard for me to agree with progressives on a particular point. First, guys like mchammer and garmel call me a big ***** who's sucking up. Second, progressives argue that if I don't buy their entire line (even when it's objectively and verifiably false and illogical), I'm morally stained and inferior to them (and of course, they presume that they are the ultimate moral authority). That kind of crap is what's wrong with politics, and it's a big reason why I quit politics. It's why we can't get things done. It's why we're polarized to an absurd degree. It's why fair-minded people can't compromise. I reject it all.
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Michelle Piercy and some unnamed Jew that supposedly spoke to Scott Adams?

That’s the many fine people at the Unite The Right Rally POTUS was talking about? Both of them?

Racists and bigots organized the rally and Michelle Piercy, the lying gun nut that she is, knew damn well what was happening. What group did she say she was with? American Warrior Revolution? Fine people my ***. That Kansas chapter is run by “Ace” Baker, make road trips with their cosplay guns all the time to attend these nazi events, before and after Charlottesville in 2017 where Heather Heyer was murdered. That same group blamed Heather for her own death. Fine people my ***. The are a paramilitary organization with ties to the militia movement.

Trump insisted that the very fine people specifically were at the rally the night before Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi. He said it twice. Lies. The night before was the rally in which white nationalists by the hundreds marched in paramilitary order, bearing weapons, holding aloft tiki torches, yelling racist and anti-Semitic epithets.

But please, feel free to provide us with ANY additional people that didn’t know they had driven to a nazi racist bigot festival. At least ONE example. Any VFW chapters? A Boy Scout Troop perhaps? Does Doctors Without Borders have white militia arm?

I’m really interested. Because what you provided as evidence to support your claim is just more lies.
Trump insisted that the very fine people specifically were at the rally the night before Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi. He said it twice. Lies. The night before was the rally in which white nationalists by the hundreds marched in paramilitary order, bearing weapons, holding aloft tiki torches, yelling racist and anti-Semitic epithets.

How did you arrive at this conclusion that Trump was referring to people at the tiki torch parade? Trump was speaking to the melee that occurred during the day.
Michelle Piercy and some unnamed Jew that supposedly spoke to Scott Adams?

That’s the many fine people at the Unite The Right Rally POTUS was talking about? Both of them?

Racists and bigots organized the rally and Michelle Piercy, the lying gun nut that she is, knew damn well what was happening. What group did she say she was with? American Warrior Revolution? Fine people my ***. That Kansas chapter is run by “Ace” Baker, make road trips with their cosplay guns all the time to attend these nazi events, before and after Charlottesville in 2017 where Heather Heyer was murdered. That same group blamed Heather for her own death. Fine people my ***. The are a paramilitary organization with ties to the militia movement.

Trump insisted that the very fine people specifically were at the rally the night before Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi. He said it twice. Lies. The night before was the rally in which white nationalists by the hundreds marched in paramilitary order, bearing weapons, holding aloft tiki torches, yelling racist and anti-Semitic epithets.

But please, feel free to provide us with ANY additional people that didn’t know they had driven to a nazi racist bigot festival. At least ONE example. Any VFW chapters? A Boy Scout Troop perhaps? Does Doctors Without Borders have white militia arm?

I’m really interested. Because what you provided as evidence to support your claim is just more lies.
"I am not talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally..."

Which of those words do you not understand?
But please, feel free to provide us with ANY additional people that didn’t know they had driven to a nazi racist bigot festival. At least ONE example. Any VFW chapters? A Boy Scout Troop perhaps? Does Doctors Without Borders have white militia arm?

I’m really interested. Because what you provided as evidence to support your claim is just more lies.

Why is this relevant? Trump stated in his comments his assumption that fine people were there to dispute the statue removal. How is debating whether fine people were there (or not) is the same as Trump calling nazis fine people? Answer: It’s not. Instead, it’s a dodge to admitting Trump said no such thing.
Michelle Piercy and some unnamed Jew that supposedly spoke to Scott Adams?

That’s the many fine people at the Unite The Right Rally POTUS was talking about? Both of them?

Racists and bigots organized the rally and Michelle Piercy, the lying gun nut that she is, knew damn well what was happening. What group did she say she was with? American Warrior Revolution? Fine people my ***. That Kansas chapter is run by “Ace” Baker, make road trips with their cosplay guns all the time to attend these nazi events, before and after Charlottesville in 2017 where Heather Heyer was murdered. That same group blamed Heather for her own death. Fine people my ***. The are a paramilitary organization with ties to the militia movement.

Trump insisted that the very fine people specifically were at the rally the night before Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi. He said it twice. Lies. The night before was the rally in which white nationalists by the hundreds marched in paramilitary order, bearing weapons, holding aloft tiki torches, yelling racist and anti-Semitic epithets.

But please, feel free to provide us with ANY additional people that didn’t know they had driven to a nazi racist bigot festival. At least ONE example. Any VFW chapters? A Boy Scout Troop perhaps? Does Doctors Without Borders have white militia arm?

I’m really interested. Because what you provided as evidence to support your claim is just more lies.
You sure are going to look silly when Trump gets a record amount of black votes for the GOP in recent times in 2020. Are they racists too?
"I am not talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally..."

Which of those words do you not understand?

They will never admit it. Their platform is based upon fear and the labeling of the entire Republican Party as racist, white supremacists and Nazi's. There is no policy debate. It is total destruction and the die is cast. They have committed their platform to one thing: Character assassination.
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They will never admit it. Their platform is based upon fear and the labeling of the entire Republican Party as racist, white supremacists and Nazi's. There is no policy debate. It is total destruction and the die is cast. They have committed their platform to one thing: Character assassination.
In 2017, the left rotated between Russian agent, crazy guy, and racist in accusations against Trump. In 2019, the only thing they got left is racist since Russian collusion is dead and Trump hasn’t implemented anything close to crazy (note Trump’s stand against China has bipartisan support). The left has noted, if silently, the good economy, corporate tax reform, deregulation, conservative judges appointed, and lack of wars. So, I expect Dems and their media supporters to go with racist unless the economy falters between now and election. Personally, I am expecting >20% black voter support in 2020 to counteract some loss of support in suburbia. This will dent the racist attack for good (plus Trump becomes a lame duck).
They will never admit it. Their platform is based upon fear and the labeling of the entire Republican Party as racist, white supremacists and Nazi's. There is no policy debate. It is total destruction and the die is cast. They have committed their platform to one thing: Character assassination.
Agree. Just presenting facts to discredit false claims.
Agree. Just presenting facts to discredit false claims.

What I'm hearing from the mainstream candidates beyond the Nazi/white supremacist narrative is 1) reparations 2) amnesty, benefits and local voting rights for illegal aliens (with no apparent need to secure our borders) 3) forgiveness of student loan debt 4) socialism as a catch-all.

Vote buying schemes or at a minimum forcing a "NO" from the right to create a campaign soundbite. And as far as I'm concerned they will do this by raising taxes and ignoring the national debt or anything else of consequence.

Then you have the green deal.
HOAX List:
  1. Russian Collusion HOAX
  2. Fine People HOAX
  3. Kavanaugh HOAX
  4. Covington HOAX
  5. Orange Man causes racism, not the fake news

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