You won't give two squirts of piss for reasons I've already stated, but there are two problems with this that frankly, have nothing to do with politics but are simple matters of logic. First, to make the assertion you do, you would have to know the politics and activities of literally every man, woman, and child who was in attendance. You don't know and can't know. You simply presume them. I don't know either, but I don't assume them.
Second, let's assume for the sake of discussion that you do know them all and that they indeed were all racists with no exceptions. That wouldn't prove what you think it proves. It wouldn't prove Trump is a racist. It wouldn't prove that he was calling racists "fine people." It would only prove that he was incorrect about who was present. The bottom line is that he expressly excluded neo-Nazis from any and all positive comments and condemned them. You're coming up with every garbage diversion that you can to ignore or diminish that fact, but there's no escaping it. The self-serving and politically convenient narrative is ********* - plain and simple. It has no more support than birtherism - might have even less.